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How To Write Content

That Ranks #1

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Topic Covered In This Video.
How to write BETTER content for your
01 Writing Blog/Website.

02 Content Research Before writing content

In this section we will explore how

03 Keywords Ranking writing better content can improve
your keyword ranking.

Setup your site meta tags, about us,

04 High CPC / Adsense privacy and author accounts.

05 Tools For Writing We’ll explore some free tools

Research in content writing is vital for
ensuring accuracy, relevance, and
depth in written material. Effective
research enhances the quality and
credibility of the content, making it a
valuable resource for readers.
Things Included In Research

Keyword To Write On / Topic

Intent of Keyword

SERP Analysis

Structure Creation
How, “what,” “why,” “Youtube”, “Aadhar”, “sbi “Best phone under 10k”
login” “Online certification”
“Where to buy camera”

Informational Navigational Commercial

Types and Intent


“Buy phone”
“Spotify subscription”
“Nike shoes”
1. Informational Queries
Informational queries are when users are seeking information or answers to questions.
These are typically broad and can cover a wide range of topics.

● Example Query: "How to make homemade bread"

● Idea: Create a detailed blog post or video tutorial on baking homemade
bread, including various recipes.
● Example Query: "Symptoms of the common cold"
● Idea: Write an informative article on identifying and managing common cold
symptoms, possibly including home remedies.
● Example Query: "History of the Olympic Games"
● Idea: Develop an engaging infographic or blog series detailing the history
and evolution of the Olympic Games.
2. Navigational Queries
Navigational queries are used when a user is trying to reach a specific website or page.
People already know which company or product they're looking for, but they use Google
to get there.

● Example Query: "Facebook login"

● Idea: Create a guide on how to troubleshoot common login issues on popular
websites like Facebook.
● Example Query: "YouTube trending videos"
● Idea: Analyze and discuss current trending videos on YouTube, offering
insights or reviews.
● Example Query: "Gmail inbox access"
● Idea: Offer tips and tricks for organizing and optimizing the Gmail inbox for
better productivity.
3. Transactional Queries
Transactional queries are used when a user intends to complete a transaction, such as
making a purchase or signing up for a service.

● Example Query: "Best smartphones 2023"

● Idea: Compile a comprehensive comparison guide or review of the best
smartphones released in 2023.
● Example Query: "Book flights to New York"
● Idea: Provide a guide on finding the best deals for flights to New York, including
tips on when to book and how to find discounts.
● Example Query: "Yoga mats online sale"
● Idea: Create a blog post reviewing the top yoga mats available online, focusing on
features, price points, and user reviews.

Each of these ideas targets the specific intent behind the user's search, which is key to
creating content that's valuable and relevant to your audience.
Things To Consider Before Writing
● Answer the public for question and answers.
● Google autocomplete
● People also ask.

Identify Gaps and Opportunities

● Look for areas that haven't been thoroughly covered or have outdated
● Identify unique angles or perspectives you can take.

Define Your Topic and Objectives

● Clearly define the topic you want to write about.

● Determine what you want to achieve with your content (inform, persuade,
Topic 1

● Health & Fitness - Best Food For Weight Loss

Topic 2

● Gaming - Cost Of Making An FPV Drone In India

Implementing Research in Blog Posts
Citing Sources:
● Always give credit to original sources of statistics, quotes, or specific information.
● Use a consistent format for citations to enhance professionalism.
Balancing SEO and Readability:
● Integrate keywords naturally without compromising the flow and readability of the
● Avoid keyword stuffing; focus on creating value for the reader.
Using Research to Create Engaging Content:
● Use stories, case studies, or examples to illustrate points.
● Include infographics or charts to represent data visually.
Updating Content Regularly:
● Keep your content fresh and up-to-date by revisiting and updating it with the latest
research and data.
● Double-check facts, especially when discussing statistics, scientific data, or historical
● Correct any inaccuracies promptly to maintain credibility.
Tools You Would Require
1. SEO Meta in 1 click. [ Chrome ]
- For headings
2. Rankknar Word Counter [ Website ]
- For checking word length.
3. Seo Quake Desnity [ Chrome ]
4. Answer the public.
5. Yoast or Rankmath
6. Grammarly
1. Introduction to Blogging:
- Define what blogging is and its significance in the digital world.
- Discuss different types of blogs (personal, corporate, niche-specific).
- Importance of blogging for personal branding, business growth, and SEO.

2. Understanding Your Audience:

- Techniques for identifying and understanding your target audience.
- How to research topics that resonate with your audience.

3. Content Planning:
- Creating a content calendar.
- Brainstorming and organizing ideas.
- Keyword research for SEO.

4. Writing Compelling Blog Posts:

- Crafting attention-grabbing headlines.
- Structuring your blog post (introduction, body, conclusion).
- Writing tips for clarity, engagement, and persuasion.
- Storytelling and using anecdotes.

5. SEO Optimization:
- Basics of SEO for blogs.
- Using keywords effectively.
Thanks for watching

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