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Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence:

1. The issue of climate change has received a lot of _______ recently.
A. attentive B. attention C. attend D. attentively
2. Swimming produces both _______ and physical benefits.
A. psychology B. psychological C. psychologist D. psychologically
3. My friend is a good story writer; he has a rich _______.
A. imaginatively B. imagination C. imagine D. imaginative
4. The _______ of electronic books has changed the way many people read.
A. Invent B. invention C. inventively D. inventive
5. When James was in Vietnam, he tried a _______ of Vietnamese dishes.
A. variety B. variously C. various D. vary
6. According to present law, the authorities can give poachers a severe _______.
A. punishing B. punish C. punishable D. punishment
7. The new song has _______ been selected for Euro 2016.
A. officially B. official C. office D. officer
8. Many species of plants and animals are in _______ of extinction.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. danger D. dangerously
9. The wedding day was _______ chosen by the parents of the groom.
A. careless B. careful C. carefully D. carelessly
10. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, _______ and salary.
A. marry B. married C. marrying D. marriage
11. Despite the plan’s emphasis on agricultural _______, the industrial sector received a larger share of state
A. developing B. developer C. development D. developed
12. _______ have announced that a major breakthrough in medicine has been made.
A. Research B. Researchers C. Researches D. Researching
13. This restaurant is _______ with those who like Vietnamese food.
A. popular B. popularly C. popularize D. popularity
14. The jobs give you lots of chances to travel abroad; it’s certainly a very _______ offer.
A. attractive B. attract C. attractively D. attraction
15. It's necessary to listen to opinions that are _______ from ours.
A. difference B. differently C. differ D. different
16. One _______ method for keeping our mind active is doing crossword puzzles.
A. popularity B. popular C. popularize D. popularly
17. Sometimes it can be really _______ to go hiking alone in the forest.
A. endanger B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerously
18. In the past people believed that women’s _______ roles were as mothers and wives.
A. nature B. natural C. naturism D. naturalist
19. Although David was _______ after a day's work in the office, he tried to help his wife the household
A. exhaustion B. exhausted C. exhaust D. exhaustively
20. A _______ party was prepared to welcome the honored guests.
A. special B. specialize C. specially D. specialization
21. How many means of _______ do you use on a regular basis?
A. communication B. communicating C. communicate D. communicative
22. Janice made some useful _______ for the class extra-curricular activities.
A. suggest B. suggested C. suggestions D. suggesting
23. Jack put on his best suit to make a good _______ on his future in-laws.
A. impression B. impressive C. impress D. impressively
24. The more _______ you look, the better impression you will make on your interviewer.
A. confine B. confident C. confidently D. confidence
25. Josh's ambition is to become a _______ businessman like his father.

A. success B. succeed C. successfully D. successful
26. Many twelfth graders find it hard to _______ what university to apply to.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
27. I think mobile phones are _______ for people of all ages.
A. usage B. use C. usefully D. useful
28. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely _______
A. imaginary B. imagination C. imagine D. imaginatively
29. The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the country's aviation _______ due to international
travel restrictions.
A. industry B. industrialize C. industrious D. industriously
30. According to most professors, mature students are ideal students because they are hard-working and
become _______ involved in all aspects of the learning process.
A. active B. action C. act D. actively
31. Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on _______.
A. biology B. biological C. biologist D. biologically
32. They are always _______ of what their children do.
A. support B. supporting C. supportive D. supportively
33. It is not always easy to make a good _______ at the last minute.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
34. Cultural _______ can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift.
A. differences B. different C. differently D. differ
35. Travelling to _______ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting things.
A. differ B. difference C. differently D. different
36. The job market is constantly changing due to innovative technology and new _______.
A. competition B. competitively C. competitive D. compete
37. In Vietnam, children begin their primary _______ at the age of six.
A. educational B. educationally C. educate D. education
38. Many librarians and teachers are now accepting graphic novels as proper literature for children as they
_______ young people and motivate them to read.
A. attract B. attractively C. attraction D. attractive
39. The success of the company in such a _______ market is remarkable.
A. compete B. competitively C. competitive D. competition
40. People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others. So, it is _______ to consider your
own body language before dealing with people from other cultures.
A. usefully B. use C. usefulness D. useful
41. Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their _______.
A. creative B. creativity C. create D. creatively
42. Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good _______ on job interviewers.
A. impress B. impressively C. impression D. impressive
43. It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our _______ of the world
A. knowledgeable B. knowledgeably C. knowledge D. know
44. Susan has achieved great _______ in her career thanks to her hard work.
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
45. Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their _______ skills.
A. social B. society C. socially D. socialize
46. You should turn off the lights before going out to save _______.
A. electricity B. electrify C. electric D. electrically
47. The study also found that social networks allow us to have discussions with a much more diverse set of
people than in the real world, so we share knowledge with people from a wide _______ of backgrounds.
A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously
48. Laura came to _______ me for taking care of her dog when she was away.
A. thank B. thankfully C. thankfulness D. thankful
49. The candidates took a _______ breath before he walked into the interview room.

A. deeply B. deep C. deepen D. depth
50. With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite _______ with the students.
A. popularly B. popular C. popularise D. popularity
51. I had been ______ by his kindness to my aunts.
A. tapped B. touched C. connected D. exposed
52. Public attitudes towards marriage have ______ over the past 50 years.
A. moved B. slipped C. shifted D. drifted
53. This rain could ______ our plans for the barbecue.
A. fall B. drop C. dig D. sink
54. She used her celebrity status as a(n) ______ to run for political office.
A. vehicle B. machine C. engine D. motor
55. They think she killed her husband, but they have no ______ evidence.
A. rigid B. concrete C. compact D. elastic
56. It is unlikely that such countries will ______ capitalist ideas.
A. hug B. grab C. clutch D. embrace
57. Laws exist to stop companies ______ their employees.
A. utilizing B. excavating C. exploiting D. mining
58. They are unlikely to ______ much benefit from the trip.
A. deduct B. subtract C. remove D. extract
59. He was able to ______ himself through his painting.
A. fulfil B. complete C. finish D. end
60. His good looks helped him on the ______ to success.
A. roller B. ladder C. painter D. ceiling
61. I try to ______ myself to one dessert a day.
A. limit B. confine C. restrict D. forbid
62. We had to ______ our plans when I lost my job.
A. scratch B. rub C. graze D. prick
63. When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and ______ myself - a couple of new dresses always make me
feel better.
A. ruin B. damage C. destroy D. spoil
64. As the plot ______, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.
A. unfolds B. unpacks C. unwinds D. unwraps
65. We always try to ______ our clients with financial assistance if necessary.
A. inhabit B. reside C. accommodate D. situate
66. During football season, he’s ______ to the TV and neglected his study.
A. glued B. stuck C. fixed D. attached
67. One of the victims of the fire remains in a(n) ______ condition.
A. critical B. urgent C. crucial D. important
68. The new findings suggest that women ought to ______ their cholesterol levels.
A. screen B. record C. monitor D. follow
69. He still ______ ambitions of playing professional soccer.
A. plows B. irrigates C. harrows D. harbors
70. He had long ______ a deep hatred of his brother.
A. favored B. fostered C. nurtured D. nourished
71. Brown is a very ______ man in business matters. He even runs several companies in the city.
A. possible B. able C. probable D. feasible
72. Carla got a ______ for making a U-turn on a bridge.
A. paper B. receipt C. voucher D. ticket
73. Laura gave the police a full ______ of the incident.
A. record B. document C. account D. journal
74. Although he was just eleven, he has an impressive ______ of the English language.
A. command B. order C. demand D. request
75. The earthquake in Turkey has ______ the news for the past few days.

A. controlled B. invaded C. dominated D. dictated
76. It is a movie that ______ both the mind and the eye.
A. participates B. engages C. attends D. involves
77. Jane is better ______ than I am to handle such complex questions.
A. provided B. offered C. supported D. equipped
78. One ______ of the plan is that it is cheaper to implement.
A. asset B. credit C. virtue D. image
79. To join the club, you have to ______ to buy a minimum of six books a year.
A. undertake B. perform C. conduct D. shoulder
80. Most of the buildings in the area ______ terrible damage in the earthquake.
A. conceived B. perceived C. preserved D. sustained
81. You could have ______ yourself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance.
A. spent B. wasted C. spared D. lent
82. His face ______ extreme disapproval of what he had witnessed.
A. subscribed B. registered C. enrolled D. entered
83. I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to ______ me.
A. mitigate B. relieve C. alleviate D. diminish
84. The law ______ that all children must go to school.
A. prescribes B. describes C. imposes D. designs
85. They are advertising for a clinic coordinator and hope to fill the ______ by June.
A. position B. destination C. station D. region
86. Call your doctor if the symptoms ______ for more than three days.
A. insist B. preserve C. conserve D. persist
87. They were ______ by fumes from the fire and had to be carried out of their houses.
A. undertaken B. performed C. overcome D. conducted
88. If there’s anything else I can do, I’m always happy to ______.
A. impose B. oblige C. require D. order
89. Young designers are ______ new life into the fashion industry.
A. implanting B. inserting C. introducing D. injecting
90. Religion ______ every aspect of our lives.
A. informs B. announces C. states D. declares
91. It is still too early to judge the political ______ of his speech.
A. export B. income C. import D. outcome
92. I try to ______ an appreciation for classical music in my students.
A. adopt B. foster C. embrace D. follow
93. She showed an amazing ______ for mind-reading.
A. equipment B. device C. appliance D. facility
94. The invitation did not ______ to family members.
A. extend B. expand C. broaden D. widen
95. The game was watched by a(n) ______ crowd of 50,000.
A. possibility B. ability C. capability D. capacity
96. As the sixth of ten children, he never received much ______.
A. focus B. attention C. consideration D. assessment
97. The exhibition was ______ by the museum's director.
A. perceived B. interpreted C. conceived D. translated
98. The letter is for both of us, but it mainly ______ you.
A. worries B. concerns C. depresses D. irritates
99. Members of staff must ______ their responsibilities in accordance with the law.
A. release B. emit C. liberate D. discharge
100. They stopped at the top of the hill to ______ the scenery.
A. admire B. respect C. value D. regard


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