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Assessment: PATHFIT 3 (175 points)

Answer the following questions:

1. Enumerate and discuss in not less than 50 words the different kinds of creative rhythms.
(5 pts. for each correct answer)

2. Describe the different elements of rhythm in not more than three sentences.
(5pts. for each correct answer)
TO DO: (75 points)

Download pictures of the different Creative Rhythm performances. Three (3) different
examples for each type of creative rhythm and print the pictures with its caption. (5 points each

Type of Creative Rhythms:

A. Fundamental Motor Rhythm
B. Expressive Movements
C. Identification Motion
D. Dramatization
E. Singing Movement Songs


1. Reyes et al., Manual in Rhythmic Activities/ Dance and Rhythm, A.Y. 2014-2015

2. Piamonte and Porras, Teaching Guide in Phil. Folk Dance and Recreational Ballroom Dancing, 2010

3. DIWA Learning Systems Inc., Physical Education and Health 2, Phil. Copyright 2017

∞∞∞End of Module I, Lesson 3∞∞∞

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