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The Complete Life Coaching Certification Master Class - Project

Items flagged with arrows require action on your part. If you are uncertain how to proceed,
reread the appropriate section in this lesson. Use the model language in this chapter as a starting
point, and then tailor it to make it unique to you. For the sections that say “Find a partner” you
are welcome to do it on your own.

Frame the Relationship with the Prospect

➢ Find a partner and role play the approach and the refocus using the coach’s language in
this chapter.
➢ Create your own version of the “Here’s who I am (what I do)” portion of your approach
that you will say to your clients at the start of the introductory call.
➢ Create your own version of the “Here’s why I do it” (mission)” portion of your approach
that you will say to your clients at the start of the introductory call.
➢ Create your own version of the “Refocus” portion of your approach that you will say to
your clients to transition the subject of the call away from you and back onto the client.
➢ Find a partner and role play the approach and the refocus using your own newly created
language in the steps above. Practice until you can say it without looking.

Discover if It’s an Appropriate Fit

➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language in this chapter to identify what really
matters to the client.
➢ Decide which questions you will ask your clients to identify their opportunities,
challenges and problems in their lives.
➢ Decide which questions you will ask your clients to ask for evidence of those
opportunities, challenges and problems in their lives.
➢ Decide which questions you will ask your clients to determine the impact of those
opportunities, challenges and problems in their lives.
➢ Decide which questions you will ask your clients to identify additional context for each
of their opportunities, challenges and problems in their lives.
➢ Find a partner and role play an introductory coaching call where you identify what really
matters to the client by doing the following: identify the client’s opportunities, challenges
and problems, ask for evidence, determine the impact and identify additional context.

Convert Appropriate Prospects to Clients

➢ Find a partner and role play the coaching language in this chapter to question the
constraints and close with buy-in.
➢ Decide which questions you will ask your clients to question the constraints for each of
their opportunities, challenges and problems in their lives.
➢ Create your own version of the “Summary Buy-In Statement” that you will say to your
clients near the end of your introductory call to close the client.
➢ Use your own language to role play an introductory coaching call where you transition
the client to coaching by questioning the constraints and closing with buy-in.
➢ Create your own coaching agreement using the model in this chapter as your starting
➢ Summarize in your own words below what the purpose is of each step in the introductory
• Approach:
• Refocus:
• Opportunities, Challenges & Problems:
• Evidence:
• Impact:
• Context:
• Constraints:
• Buy-In:

Better Understand the Client and Her Goals

➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to get the client’s viewpoint on the
Personal Professional Profile.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to define short and intermediate goals.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to look for clarity around the client’s
goals and help the client recognize the power of her shortcomings, and make a statement
of commitment about making a shift in her life.
➢ Write out how you would like change the wording (if at all) of the text below that
contacts the client who hasn’t submitted the Personal Professional Profile form yet.
“Hey Bill, you know I would really love to have the Personal Professional Profile by this
evening…that way it’ll give me an appropriate amount of time to read through it, get
comfortable with what’s going on in your world, get comfortable with what you’re really
seeking to achieve so that we can have the most effective meeting possible.”
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to handle a client during the first
coaching call who still hasn’t submitted the Personal Professional Profile.

Highlight Historical Strengths and Weaknesses

➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to leverage the client strengths to help
them be their best.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to identify what’s getting in the way for
the client as well as connect the client’s categories for improvement and history to
strengths and weaknesses.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to leverage the client’s categories for
improvement and connect history to strengths and weaknesses.

Assign the Client Comfortable Stretch Tasks

➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to help the client select a stretch task to
grow a human experience goal.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to help the client select a stretch task to
grow a business production goal.
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language to help the client select a stretch task to
grow a coaching relationship goal.
➢ Decide on the time(s) you will read your notes after the call for each of your clients.

Reconnect the Client to Her Goals and Capabilities

➢ Review the client’s goals prior to a coaching session.
➢ Find a partner and role play your language to reconnect the client to her goals.
➢ Find a partner and role play your language to see where the client is at with the stretch
➢ Find a partner and role play your language to reconnect the client to her capabilities.

Focus on Goals while Enhancing Life Integration

➢ Write down your own definition (and a few examples) of lagging indicators vs. leading
➢ Find a partner and role play the coach’s language below to get more specific on the
client’s goals (including lagging indicators and leading indicators).
➢ Find a partner and role play your language to identify obstacles that are getting in the
client’s way.
➢ Review the client’s Categories for Improvement prior to a coaching session.
➢ Find a partner and role play the your language to help the client balance goal(s) with the
client’s life integration.

Agree upon Client Comfortable Stretch Tasks

➢ Find a partner and role play your language to help the client select a stretch task to grow.

Transition the Client to the MVP Stretch Task

➢ Find a partner and role play what to say at the end of a coaching session to share with the
client what is coming and what the client needs to complete in order to be ready for this
MVP call.
Connect the Client’s Mission to their Life
➢ Find a partner and role play the section below that goes over the actual MVP stretch task
with the client to see how things went.
➢ Find a partner and role play pulling back up their MVP and you recognizing that this
particular client has been stuck for a little while or they’re frustrated, or they’re not
bringing that positive energy that they had, you can bring them back and remind them of

Clarify the Client’s Remaining Action Strategy

➢ Read through the 9 sections of the MVP driven action strategy in Appendix H.
➢ Find a partner and role play the remaining sections of the MVP with that client. Use
Appendix H as your resource.

Address the Right Coaching Goals

You have just finished the introductory coaching calls with seven clients. From those goals, you
have obtained 21 different goals from those seven clients below.
➢ Practice putting each of the goals from this chapter into the categories below you think
applies to each goal.
• Communication skills__________________________
• Marketing skills and Process____________________
• Organization and Team Design__________________
• Organizational Skills & Work Balance____________
• Leadership Skills_____________________________
• Delegation Skills_____________________________
• Family/Marriage/Relationships_________________
• Formal Learning_____________________________
• Emotional Intelligence & Character_____________
• Health/Wellness/Diet_________________________
• Mission/Vision/Principles______________________
• Spiritual/Religion____________________________
• Contract Alignment and Optimization_____________
➢ Practice writing your own goals you think clients may have for each of the categories

Ask the Right Coaching Questions

➢ Read through all the questions throughout this section of chapter 5.
➢ Find a partner and role play a coaching session using these 10 questions as your guide.
➢ Repeat the steps above for 50 more questions of your choice.
Assign the Client Comfortable Stretch Tasks
➢ For each of the coaching goals of the clients in this chapter, select the resources you
would suggest they read/listen to.
➢ Choose your favorite general resources from the lists in this chapter that you would like
to recommend to clients.
➢ Narrow down your favorite general resources to a “Top 10 List” for clients.

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