Route 503 Codex Canadensis

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--1988//O-Consul Cross//Maugh-Middlesex-Middleport Seasons,--

--domestic economY//pottage, forage, salvage, cordage

--broomCorn//ramie, leaf, broom, rope
--sauk//breslau, nassau, dau, pau

--foreign trade//cabotage, gage, stage, serge

--indianCorn//indianInk, indianRubber, indianCotton
--inuk//preston, essex, hesse

--national defense,--
--lambton-Co, quinteW., chalkR.
--hazardsDump, munitionsDump, nuclearWaste
--fell, pit, quarrY

--reserve, regime, redan, reredoUt, realtY, redout

--dehors, des, dedans, dessous, devant, derrière
--rehabilitation restriction reclamation remediation

--trees, meadow, grass, chota, pineBelt, beachRose

--chloride, sulfur, brownfield, sludge, potash, dust-particles
--lubricants, solvents, pesticides, benzenes, sludge, lead-acids
--phosphate, sulfate, leachate, chromate, carbonate, filtrate

--municipality, factorY, industrY, custom, green, field-beattY

--township, manufactorY, commerce, trade, square, ajetance-CountY-seat
--interest, investment, involvement, inter, common, yard-treatY

--line-run, dog-run, rundle, rundata, end-run, number-crunch

--hemsworth, renworth, kenilworth, glandworth, wentworth, unsworth
--putnam, ruscoe, putat, puslinch, rufus, porteous
--russel, sorel, morel, hazel, laurel, peVerel
--pestle, pethe, petun, perun, perth, pelmel
--nickel, cobalt, iron, steel, titanium, metal

--104 AD//gamestone [skYwaY]--

--maltho, thi, af, rio, li, to,--
--sqa, huy, mun, qui, qin, viv,--
--aui, ahi, yhn, xe, xo, xi,--

--livY, auga, caro, iuli, nix, dix

--algic, chiac, franc, bic, pic, stic
--brayon, joual, sabir, inuk, outaouais, yupik
--esquimaux, iroquois, algonquin, souriquois, montagnais, saulteaux
--manx, macedonian, malaY, malagesY, malayalam, marathi
--molotov, maltho, majorca, majolica, madagascar, magdalen
--landmine, radar, sonar, laser, taser, beam


--net, bag, seedPot, vasa, polgod, telemark

--almas, hesse, gore, nassau, home, genevra
--yamna, yununken, yeol, yarl, yorre, yupik
--ariston, ludi, festli, vasa, therapeutae, pythagoras
--precinct, ward, staY, plY, coil, cord
--breadalbane, herbAra, urBar, regnum, fletum, redan
--lysistrata, herbarium, urbarium, allium, pallium, rout
--aristophanes, dioscorides, eratosthenes, hippocratic, styx, rune

--thule,--limoges albi
--taprobane,--nevers, mero
--tarnacum,--lePuY, ravi
--tarnais,--Paris, tala
--tamais,--tulle, raga
--tremis,--goule, rona

--rune-stone--//head, scrimshaw, shaw, greywacke, graY, york,--

--game-stone--//bead, need, anneal, quoine, nal-needle, newark,--
--bird-stone--//mead, medicament, metal, meadow, mere, meunier,--
--hammer-stone--//hajj, hack, half, hops, herbs, halt,--
--banner-stone--//kipe, bowl, pack, tote, skep, sack,--
--grind-stone--//whorl quern pumice soapstone limestone fieldstone,--

--privY//vote, nalbinding
--ministrY//post, menecking
--affairs//step, basting
--department//clod, disting
--bench//fest, nettling
--hold//wash, limewashing


--bag, net, pot, jar, cap, cot,--

--opal, jade, alum, lead, talc, bast,--
--ziibi, nurmi, terni, bi, si,--
--king, gioiing, zaaging, menecking, scadding, nalbinding,--
--kivasq, knit, knot, knarl, knar, knude,--
--kracht, rapeltje, medeltje, mataseje, ganataje,--
--knecht, missinghe, pice, vihe, nahe, rahe,--
--kreupel, elgar, elgin, laurel, w-hazel, morel,--
--killen, brook, creek, brake, stake, drake,--

--grit, silt, sand, lava, lime, ash,--

--flYboat, quick, marl, kaolin, claY, flYash,--
--vein, gneiss, lode, sedimentarY, metamorphosis, igneous,--

--beet-Quarter, buit-Quarter, bast-Quarter, bane-Quarter, shelterBelt

--waghQuarter, leChenil, laTranche, leTurcot, wagG
--beetjes, eetjes, effeetjes, maatjes, naartjes
--wachjes, begrijes, kevaljes, tes, pes

--scona, scomac, scana, scara, score, scotte,--

--uren, middleport, aux-Rivieres, laVase, ambaugh, acre,--
--des, dedans, devant, dessous, dehors, derrière,--
--au, aux, autour, aussi, aussitôt, aube,--


--vo, an, en, de, zo,--

--als, wel, het, jou, zou,--

--wie, wat, woe, dat, dit,--

--met, het, rot, wit, tus,--

--waar, welk, toen, alle, duur,--
--maar, foch, moer, want, zant,--
--boven, zoals, hoezo, omdat, zodat,--
--daarom, waarom, buiten, binnen, toenen,--
--vandaar, doordat, hoeveel, wanneer, evenals,--

--bailiwick, wiki,--lYon, clonach

--rieveTower, kiwa,--alBion, broche
--borderTower, tipi,--sYon, clothur
--rampart, tent,--Porteous, bronte
--donjon, sail,--Rufus, sherbrooke

--janulis, nerepis, souris, clovis, cumis, levis,--

--rond, rand, redout, reredoUt, riall, douAne,--
--rawdon, cawthra, depew, des, decew, decou,--
--hesse, nassau, home, gore, genevra, couTere,--
--apse, apsidal, cairn, ayr, g-mayer, moyer,--
--mound, anomalY, cavitY, pyre, yre, graveBundle,--

--fortShaw, fortNorfolk, fortGraY, fortYork, fortNewark,--
--pelt, herb, tint, rice, mint,--
--alet, areletum, gades, punic, vandelic,--
--romanY, arabY, grigorY, neY, seY,--
--allY, complY, rYe, daisY, poppY,--
--hold, wold, dorp, lane, bole,--

--pitWall, firkWall, turfWall, kirkWall, ditchWall,--

--pitOven, hearth, kiln, brazier, pitFire,--

--batterY, bothY, piggerY, clY, lY,--

--coin, bead, brOt, grYt, mead,--
--cent, census, centrum, centime, cendrale,--
--plY, coil, cord, pole, cole,--
--augurY, staY, vagarY, maY, arraY,--

--who, how, why, one, all,--

--a, I, o, y, u,--
--an, on, in, as, if,--
--but, and, the, for, may,--
--such, thor, thar, like, haps,--
--part, when, here, some, what,--
--whose, those, where, thine, hence,--
--whole, these, there, thing, which,--

--ut, ux, ur, et, eq,--

--que, qua, quo, hoc, hic,--
--ubi, cur, per, par, pro,--
--quem, quis, quid, quam, haec,--
--cuius, illis, quare, aeris, unica,--


--terre, franca, walles, puisne, agir,--

--lin, lip, lit, liq, lir,--
--methe, mephisto, bacce, affyre, ayr,--

--domain, territorY, ile, seaPort, holdings,--

--township, area, countY, district, settlement,--
--annex, zone, colonY, canton, prefecture,--

--staRe, fare, care, ware, tare,--

--sault-Marie, suet-Marie, baie-Marie, huron-Marie, ville-Marie,--

--curingBarn, clarkHall, stumpHall, navYHall, governmentHouse,--

--constableBarn, armYHall, countYBarn, schoolHall, townHall,--
--militarY//trafalgar, turnbull, treleaven, basset, tremaine,--
--radial//taronta, jackEs, rail, bale, transport,--
--incline//toronto, tabor, bead, mead, trade,--
--spur//redout, newark, parc, broom, merchant,--
--side//babY, york, stoq, rope, manufactorY,--
--towPath//rouillee, carr, slack, starch, factorY,--

--district, section, number, digit, stone,--

--grammar, normal, jubilee, credit, lot,--

--count, check, tallY, stick, block,--

--puisne, redout, gaol, riall, donjon,--

--recorder, clerk, proctor, agent, merchant,--

--gate, byng, road, step, lane,--
--crownPatent, permit, credit, lot, cent,--

--l’homme armé, delaWare, elfrida/riall, gunbY, fond-duLac,--

--capuchins, deVon, ekarenniondi/donjon, gunnsLane, fin-duLac,--
--jesuits, daChota, ehwae/eastwood, guIse, bois-duLac,--
--sulpiciens, delaMontagne, etharita/redout, guAns, lacTracY,--

--jesse, laFontaine, exaudit, tuck, tet-duLac,--

--recollets, limoges, nevers, tulle, paris,--
--coverage, orphanage, dotage, pilgrimage, cabotage,--
--sufferance, cartage, clearance, ajetance, allowance,--

--area, township, countY, district, settlement,--

--pound, acreage, yardage, indianCorn, census,--
--clothMerchant, flaxMerchant, seedMerchant, manufactorY, inventorY,--
--haY, potato, peas, beet, grain,--

--newark, douAne, rouillée, redout, donjon,--

--oer, rond, rand, strandQuaY, cinquePort,--
--net, bag, mat, cot, hat,--

--kreupel, krimper, krenpen, kraal, krona,--

--kagerweg, kapelweg, suweg, norweg, censweg,---
--munnikai, bangert, kathoek, wervershoof, aendicca,--

--lithic, atl, ceramic, atlatl, sticht,--

--lucet, whorl, chert, loom, quern,--

--broom, rope, cordage, tackle, twine,--

--skep, kipe, bowl, eel-buck, pack,--
--notwithstanding clause,--
--charter//1774--intendant, viceCuracY,--agir
--constitution//1791--clerk, officer,--puisne


--franc eglise//congregationalist
--london merchant//lYon-cross


--I, g, d, rd, h, rh, x,--[rx, m, rm]

--1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000,--[5,000, 10,000, 50,000]

--ides, pridie, kalends, nones, ovid, colignY, picquignY,--

--fayoum, karanis, druze, nestor, noric, sclavi, pic,--
--nimbus, porteous, rufus, quaY, stoneY, slaveY, claY,--

--i, v, x, l, c, d, m,--[mm, ij,--]

--1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000,--[2,000, x1000, vinculum]


--core, carr, camp, compound, complex,--

--cortex, cultigen, cache, ceramic, cairn,--
--findSpot, fieldCut, fault, fabric, feature,--
--metate, midden, millstone, mortar, mound,--


--corps, detachment, force, ranger, reserve,--

--National Defence Act, Section 129//

--failure to comply--
--Geilenkirchen, GR,--

--portfolio//strategic adviser, AF

--cord-border/military law, military court,--

--call-barrier/appellant law, supreme court,--
--coin-enclosure/civil law, civil court,--
--cure-boundary/ecclesiastical law, ecclesiastical court,--
--coil-bar/maritime law, maritime court,--

--crown prosecution,--

--court order,--
--bench order,--warrant
--deposition order,--discovery
--custody order,--authorization
--standing order,--garnish
--quash order,--nullification
--restraining order,--protection


--area, unit, item, data, note, site, post, belt

--conservation heritage parkland publicLand trust
--contractor, labor, monitor, proctor, operator, major, minor, for
--northern midland eastern eastern eastern souEast souEast souEast
--map, painted, snapping, wood, blanding, spinY spotted, musk

--wildlife Ontario//LongPoint
--parks Ontario//TurkeYPoint
--greenbelt Ontario//N-horseShoe
--conservation Hamilton//christie
--parks Hamilton//citY
--escarpment Trust//Bruce Trail
--algonquin Park//ParksCanada


--gaelic, serge, angeln, orcadian, urba,--

--goidelic, lancastrian, mancunian, manx, pel-mel,--
--geordie, yorkist, westCountrY, alderneY, pall-mall,--
--cornish, welsh, cockneY, brummie, hoi-polloi,--
--dau, foi, pau, sau, doi,--
--true-that, true-form, flapper, dandY, dapper,--
--daugh, maddaugh, kenachdaw, london, faugh,--

--franc, algic, kolnic, chiac, bic,--
--picquignY, boecis, limousin, cevol, nic,--
--iroquois, esquimaux, algonquin, mohawk, sic,--
--souriquois, saulteaux, montagnais, sauk, ric,--
--mile, arpent, fief, etDrie, cent,--
--block, rank, flank, slant, plank,--
--civic, chevron, civil, pole, head,--

--pence, penny, pound, hundredweight, ton,--census
--ounce, pint, par, peck, per,--quarterlY
--bulkage, mileage, yardage, acreage, peage,--postOffice Route


--clerk, proctor, frame, line, notarY

--border, boundarY, barrier, bait, bar
--patrol, control, loom, trap, witness
--check, count, lucet, stage, tallY
--ijs, vli, oer, kan, gog

--beke, goinke, wandake, stake, puisne

--seance, appearance, allowance, ajetance, clearance
--spiritWorld, mysticRiver, shieldWorld, veilWorld, otherWorld
--loveringLane, maidenLane, breadalbane, biddYlane, bakerLane
--leaderLane, 4HorseLane, deshKan, kippsLane, brewerYLane
--cross-n-Bound, thorp, brai-thwaite, crozier, crossthwaite
--berm, reedijk, spijk, kille, rijk
--slough, march, point, ford, shallow

--mound, anomalY, cross, pass, post,--baie-fort

--souris, serpent, sincerre, savanne, senneterre,--souharrisen
--turfWall, fieldWall, kirkWall, ditchWall, curtainWall,--baie-marie
--firepit, pitOven, kiln, hearth, camphor,--baie-verte
--turfHouse, pitHouse, tipi, kiwa, tent,--baie-verde

--sisal, sino, hurrian, java, nu,--’9,000’ noric

--IYW, TOU, GYLW, YBE, RUN,--ptuj-vasa

--abegweit, capeNorth, Ile-st.Paul, capeRaY, mingans,--augustan

--aquille, bylot, isolet, paddY, shoal,--claudian

--kreupel, katHoek, kagerWeg, krimperWeg, kapelWeg,--mosTemplum

--arointed, pointed, jointed, quoined, anointed,--petitNation
--shell, bead, stickY, wicket, stamp,--scana-market
--citadel, donjon, douAne, rond, rand,--scana-watch

--paris, limoges, nevers, tulle, lePuY,--recollets

--pontignY, pontoise, poitiers, poussY, pouillY,--via-Helenas
--yonne, agrippa, auxerre, autissiodorum, gallo,--apse
--limes, alodial, littoral, fluvial, estuarY,--apsidal

--delaMontagne, deVon, daChota, taRonta, delaWare,--impreza

--athabasca, assiniboia, algoma, abitibi, amqui,--imhaha
--muskeg, jenpeg, fortalet, dogleg, jemseg,--bouTitou
--muskox, jennY, fortalice, dogwood, ogham,--arno
--muskrat, jennet, fortline, dogue, ogi,--overton
--omicron, orr, odawa, onondaga, omi-imi-ikaa,--yarmouth
--rogge, rouge, raudi, rond, rand,--ribstone

--ribstone rune//clamshell, ash, esker,--striation,--

--burgess event//sechelt, deshkan, ziibi,--grosmorne,--

--russenorsk//rumi, rufus, runic, rundata, rupee,--

--isjqie//angelstone, bornholm, wareham, southwark, devon,--
--hurecq//cairn, quoin, quern, whorl, pumice,--

--oliphant//shinto, hegira, osinius, labrosius, xaipa,--

--fault//shaolin, onghira, bons, fons, jesse,--
--dauphin//stupa, circe, stada, scana, scomac,--


--ambigram, weave, brush,//votive, rope, broom,--

--canvass, cloth, ceramic,//lithic, plY, cordage,--
--catacomb, vinera, vitis,//vicia, branches, vine,--
--rufus, essene, beirut,//bithynia, galilee, pontus,--


--1903-1905//--canadian archaeological work,--

--96-212//grant//[nerva-caracalla] roman citizenry

--foraY, forc, force, fortune, forge,--
--tribute, wool, dye, opal, jade,--
--rune, scrimshaw, petroglyph, cairn, geomorph,--
--obelisk, obol, ormulum, octant, omphalos,--
--fortGraY, fortShaw, oldFort, vieuxFort, fortArno,--
--gallEs, pinEs, holmEs, minEs, jackEs,--
--laurel, distaff, acanthus, bractate, fibula,--
--hind, axel-H, uren, puce, arno,--
--clitic, affix, inflection, avowal, infix,--
--onghira, hegira, circe, labrosius, osinius,--
--xaipa, levanna, kelso, thule, dorset,--

--futhork, ostia, palermo, gades, ravenna,--

--rhaetic, trobar, tochar, baetic, arpitan,--
--caravanserai, monasterY, stoa, stupa, vaipa,--
--oxyrhynchus, siavash, telGezer, qumran, hinnom,--
--thessalY, thrace, thyatira, muristan, thessalonica,--

--1922-1924//--danish archaeological work,--

--syria, persia, mesopotamia, india, china,--

--ariston, pythagoras, mithras, therapeutae, agamemnon,--
--karanis, byblos, sarnia, fayoum, aten,--
--palmyrene, glyptotek, hypogeum, templeTomb, cryptTower,--
--cyrillic, koine, doric, aeolic, attic,--

--H-Redeemer-C, Canterbury-C, Essex-C, Assumption-C, Iona-C,--
--PetitCote, Pontchartrain, CoteMisere, Lernoult, Rosine,--


--herbarium, urbarium, rebat, breviary, missal,--

--aviary, apiary, bestiary, friary, crociary,--
--axel, axis, axiom, axial, axa,--

--Lyon, Avon, albion, ion, horologion,--

--bergerie, auberge, gastHaus, chalet, bothY,--
--plY, plat, picot, esket, crochet,--
--rufus, nimbus, marker, tire, saltire,--
--nebo, nerepice, nemo, kirkwall, selkirk,--
--souris, nerepis, tinawatawa, souharissen, qinawatawa,--
--sessional, seasonal, apse, apsidal, regional,--


--empyrean, byzantium, persia, babylonia, persepolis,--

--hellenistic, greece, republic, germaniaInferior, hypogeum,--
--legionis, auxiliary, ancilla, gladiator, milEs,--

--helluland, vinland, hvriteland, obydir, markland,--

--recce, bacce, methe, pethe, rethe,--
--midewiwin, miramichi, michipicoten, millhaven, milliken,--

--lamp, tray, jar, seedPot, vessel,--

--livY, 137 AD, Caparra,--

--acci address,--

--livY arch, 137 AD, Thasos,--

--alba address,--

--livY tablet/arch, 137 AD, Timgud,--

--palmyrene address,--

--livY, P.OxY-668, 137 AD,--

--epitome-fragment, periochae, ‘gaulish’-latin,--[arpitan]
--gzri, eulepunt, azalri, julan,--
--u-dicens, u-uiruns, eros, qiania,--
--nanarica, es, atoli, aedimirauit,--

--telGezer, telGela, gaza, jordan,--

--tens, twenties, four, five,--
--ten, three, hundred, forth,--


--tsawwassen, potlatch, powwassen, niapenco, powwow,--

--skraeling, yupik, mi'kmaq, maliseet, scomac,--
--sasquatch, iktomi, wendigo, nanabush, glooscap,--
--dagndag, laugardag, fulling, nalbinding, disting,--

--scolia, skola, gymnasium, grunde, schule,--

--checkers, chess, parcheesi, yahtzee, schulen,--
--school, district, section, number, payne,--
--newport, german, english, baptist, sixth,--

--union, unitY, utopia, upton, uren,--

--midwaY, medwaY, middleton, middlesex, middleport,--
--biddulph, botolph, dolph, guelph, golph,--
--normal, grammar, church/jubilee, daY, residential,--
--commercial, mechanical, industrial, mercator, secretarial,--
--votech, vonger, voortrekker, nimrod, rod-ell,--
--upper, nassau, home, genevra, gore,--
--wYe, shallowCr, bostonH, mcKenzieH, wYkoff,--
--smith, hesse, goderiche, kinzY, lambEs,--
--mechanicsHall, navYHall, armYhall, clarkHall, stumpHall,--
--haudenosaunee, nitassinan, sheguiandah, anishinaabeg, ininimowin,--
--erie, chat, gallEs, credit, neutral,--
--ariston, pythagoras, therapeutae, chonnonton, huron,--


--iiav, deux, nika, mane, ogi,--

--redan, rede, redOchre, redWare, reredos,--
--fort, devize, graveBundle, linenWare, screen,--
--site, tite, rite, cite, mite,--
--check, resource, stick, tallY, denomination,--
--census, count, unit, item, number,--
--governance, observance, witness, suzeraintY, sovereigntY,--
--chevron, sanctuarY, notarY, infrastructure, propertY,--
--king, queen, bishop, rook, knight, pawn,--
--engigcztiack umingmaktok qajartalik imhaha okivialiak pangnirtung
--bluet, esket, floret, rocket, taget, violet,--
--s.clet, rigolet, nicolet, quirpon, s.lunaire, griquet,--
--elderberry, cloudberry, crowberry, juniper, blueberry, bilberry,--


--borden map,--
--NiVk-1, HiLp-3, ClIf-1, BiFl-5, BlDq-3,--
--abir, anir, agir, adir, alir,--
--rogation, disting, dagndag, laugardag, yeoling,--
--vistok, hoggva, hogback, wadmal, watmal,--
--scugog, magog, memphremagog, temiscouata, megantic,--
--atl, amqui, imhaha, atlatl, meductic,--
--fulling, nettling, menecking, disting, nalbinding,--
--tsiigehtchic, fond-duLac, fortPic, havreBic, megantic,--
--cotePays, hautPays, platPays, midPays, basPays,--
--LaBerge, laRoche, laRonge, savanne, sincerre, audet,--

--geographic anomalies,--
--site indicators,--
--site plaques,--
--site articles,--
--site plans,--
--site conservation,--
--large tract regulators/contractors,--

--jug, jar, pot, urn, can,--

--mat, bag, cot, set, net,--
--comber, buccaneer, privateer, freebooter, rover,--

--Aleutian, Arctic, Arm, Atlantic, Article,--

--Barent, Beaufort, Baffin, Basin, Belle,--
--blind, bothY, biddY, byre, bole,--
--castellan, chapelrY, chancerY, chantrY, custom,--
--cordillera, archipelago, plateaux, penRyn, penInsula,--


--NMCA Canada Parks

--pacificRim Canada Parks
--cabotTrail Canada Parks
--skilledTrades Canada Parks
--Bison Canada Parks


--colloquy code,--

--curation of translation office,--

--[range] span post fieldwork mission-Jargon continuum sprachbund

--[source] walla wolaStoq isagogic pidgin isogloss

--normandin norindien norsk russenorsk chiac algic

--chat//into, inter, trans, sub, tempus

--topic//statement, aims, goals, scopes, plan
--report//topical, additional, conditional, clausal, phrasal
--read//argument, patient, object, referent, indirect
--render//ergative, passive, copulative, absolutive, locative
--wolastoq//determiners modifiers qualifiers quantifiers intensifier


--trail code,--

--curation of park office,--

--[observe] system reservation rental authority conservation sanctuarY

--[guide] travel permit visa parking maintenance custom


--deportation code,--
--curation of camp office,--

--[extradition] camp compound complex colonY cantonment comital

--[emigration] agir aide puisne hearn thing justiciar


--deputation code,--

--curation of home office,--

--[consular] abroad entity force foreign power privilegium

--[house] account favor gramercy order packet rule

--electoral code,--

--curation of papal office,--

--[archive] constitutional cyclical curial decretal pontifical titular

--[annales] codical chronical electoral sanctoral seal signatorial
--[holding] alodial alluvial littoral fisc sigilis abbaYe

--criminal code,--

--curation of office,--
--[file] court clerk case federal tribunal position
--[writ] documentations articles proceedings hearings rulings opinions


--laurent//franco, guello, griko, papiamento, porto,--amerinde

--besant//joual, alamache, almas, almonte, waldau,--norinde
--cent//algic, bic, chiac, nic, pic,--surinde
--trent//albion, brayon, avon, ion, marion,--murinde
--brant//wolastoq, micmac, metis, hilawe, nadene,--erinde

--clay, oil, sand, silt, stone,--

--bracken, brook, creek, slough, stream,--
--chalkWater, flatWater, iceWater, slackWater, teaWater,--

--crappie, dacie, roughie, muskie, whelkie,--
--ashes, char, cinder, ember, soot,--
--blackflY, deerflY, hornet, mosquito, tentWorm,--
--cultigen, cultivar, exotic, invasive, poisonous,--
--thalictrum, thistle, trefoil, trillium, trout-LilY,--

--ivY, pricklY, spikY, thornY, woodY,--

--viburnum, vicia, vinea, violet, vitis,--
--aloeVera, ajuga, potentilla, portulaca, sambuca,--
--allium, delphinium, geranium, laminum, nasturtium,--
--dulse, gorse, horseTail, pulse, rose,--
--betel, hazel, laurel, morel, sorel,--
--beet, bluet, esket, floret, millet,--

--national costumes,--
--jerseY, tights, plimsolls,--
--tunic, pull-ups, slip-ons,--
--cowl-shirt, leggings, ankle-boots,--
--anorak-pullover, pantalons, knee-boots,--
--parka, overalls, grip-boots,--

--north, brocade-shirt
--west, bead-shirt
--east, trimmed-shirt

--alpineberrY, bilberrY, cloudberrY, elderberrY, serviceberrY,--
--crowberrY, blueberrY, bogTea, hareBell, vetch,--
--rhubarb, strawberrY, angelica, potato, turnips,--


--inuvik, NT-Ft-conger-iqaluit, NU,--

--umingmaktok,-ft-chimo-qajartalik, NU,--
--okivialiack-alert-pangnirtung, NU,--
--engigcztiak-radio-tuktoyaktuk, NT,--

--Fort dollard, vieuxPort, montreal, QC,--

--Fort faubourg, quartierRue, montreal, QC,--

--chrome-Island, BC,--
--triquet-Island, BC,--

--stamp, goTo, saYso, seeTo, custom,--
--gondwana, anticosti, antigonish, ingonish,--
--archive, patrilocal, patrimoine, patrickWard, cents,--
--revetment, regime, regle, regale, rear-guard,--
--st.Lambert, ursuline, sulpicien, st.jean, compagnie,--

--anarchY, tanchelm, investiture, calixtus,--

--vicia, vitis, vichY, victorine,--

--leMans, tours, toulouse, toulon,--

--johantes, figeac, nantes, carta,--1206, John I

--limoges, nevers, tulle, paris,--recollet

--plica, plY, picot, plat,--courtenaY--1209, Innocent III

--chinon, loire, cahors, lot,--

--laFontaine, jesse, tuck, exaudit,--1227, Canonization Fitzherbert


--salvage, serviceLane, kingRd, common, forage,--

--sufferance, fireLane, allowance, clearance, ajetance,--

--deCarie, rigaud, stPierreR., steHelene, outremont,--

--leBer, ramezAy, chapelle-BonSecours, delaMontagne, fortBelmont,--
--leMoyne, fille-du-roi, fort-des-Messieurs, sherbrook, callières,--

--sherbrooke, ahuntsic, s.sulpice, callieres, s.dominic,--

--derelict, mendicant, negligent, vacant, vagrant,--
--greYstone, quickBrick, formPressed, xx, flYashBrick,--


--plaswood, ecobrick, polYcord, plarn, laminate,--

--forosat, felix, freses, fis, fos,--

--wapiskat, lyonCross, jackEs, gallEs, holmEs,--

--griquet, stoa, stow, stop, soap,--
--joliet, waYsMills, ricola, jerkY, menecking, nettling,--
--neerlandia, ribstone,--
--picot, plat, floret, esket, peat,--

--quirpon, allee, levée, boullée, rouillée,--
--tache, edenMills, tarn, tabac, tacacac, taronta,--
--oliphant, dauphin,--
--gold, talc, herb, lime, kelp,--

--st.Lunaire, mairie, redan, riall, redout,--
--verendrYe, erinMills/verli, verschoyle, baie-verte, baie-verde,--
--dryden, worden,--
--camchin, camisle, camden, yununken, kenachdaw,--

--governmentHouse, curingBarn, fieldHouse, revetment,--

--port, staY, check, floor,--

--fort, blockHouse, garrison, settlement,--

--basin, shallow, point, march,--

--manse, gateHouse, quadplex, tenement,--

--companY, surveY, poll, annex,--

--catalog, holdings, possessions, artifacts, curations,--

--area, township, countY, district, settlement,--
--zone, interest, seizure, inter, investment,--
--block, ware, fare, care, park,--

--curator, proctor, contractor, fabricator, operator,--

--period, date-custom, inventorY, articles, exhibits,--
--doi, alluvio, aditio, curio, agio,--
--[bill] lading, exchange, entry, receiving, shipping,--

--sessional, seasonal, coastal, internal, local,--

--partition, annex, division, subdivision, subLine,--
--fisc, demesne, sticht, stiftung, castellan,--
--propertY, lane, field, infrastructure, estate,--

--portmanteau, portfolio, politburo, civil, civic,--

--grade, standard, code, guide, triton,--
--thesaurus, herbarium, urbarium, diocese, polyptychon,--
--goldenseal, nicotiana, camomile, wort, catholicon,--
--vitis, salt, nettle, mustard, eucalyptus, helicon,--
--ointment, antiseptic, salve, poultice, apostolicon,--
--crochet, picot, plat, part, bellicon,--

--cultigen, herbara, clothur, clovis, clonar,--

--besant, milt, malt, arpent, cent,--
--net, esket, st.clet, floret, bluet,--
--vinette, lattice, practice, masquette, statice,--

--[A] summerside, PEI, folk art museum,--

--begonia, robeg, abegweit, anishinaabeg, norumbega,--

--kaministiquia, blancBois, newark, yorkie, frontenac,--
--blockHouse, charterHouse, plankHouse, lightHouse, logHouse,--

--[B] st.john, NB, folk art museum,--

--petunia, petSoeurs, petun, petard, carpet,--

--etland, etling, menesetung, meneset, menecking,--
--longHouse, chapterHouse, kirkHouse, pitHouse, turfHouse,--


--[offices] marchant, canadaCompanY//sheboygan

--[affairs] internal, international//arno
--[departments] inland, coastal//methe
--[ridings] civic, civil//pethe
--[authorities] crown, chevron//mephisto
--[policies] agir, salir//bacce

--riding, fleet, branch,--

--forage, salvage, cabotage,--


--[EV] LRT//transitAuthoritY//wasteStation//loyalist-TwP,--

--file clerk//clarkHall, proctorHill,--

--failure to complY--
--deposition order//stumpHall
--custodY order//mechanicsHall
--standing order//armYHall
--restraint order//clarkHall
--bench order//[puisne] navYHall



--//Reviens Faro, Faro cher
--//chants aussi ralle aisne
--//ou je chanterai aussi: ralle jour ca

--cafe comptoir brunet,--maisonneuve--
--//gaudeamus omnes in domino diem
--//festum celebrantes sub honore
--//sanctorum omnium: de quo



--acanthus, hellebore, hyssop, vegetal, sigillaria,--[seaport]

--vihe, nahe, missinghe, heward, sylvicole,--[domain]
--maize, ledum, sedum, allium, cirsium,--[ile]
--abir, salir, agir, sabir, fir, kir,--[province]

--lYe, wYe, tYe, flY, rYe, clY,--[trade]

--ceramic, lithic, cordage, rope, broom, sail,--[custom]

--TreatY: inter interest investment involvement idiolect identifier

--BeattY: behest bequest settlement collect demand dictate
--Traction: ad-hoc ex-causa ex-parte ipse-dixit inter-alia supra
--Tract: arpent byLot cent crown-patent pent permit

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