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1936: Lars Ahlfors 1936: Jesse Douglas 1950: Laurent Schwartz 1950: Atle Selberg 1954: Kunihiko Kodaira 1954: Jean-Pierre Serre 1958: Klaus Roth 1958: René Thom
Riemann surfaces Plateau problem functional analysis number theory algebraic geometry algebraic topology number theory topology

1962: Lars Hörmander 1962: John Milnor 1966: Michael Atiyah 1966: Paul Cohen 1966: Alexandre 1966: Stephen Smale 1970: Alan Baker 1970: Heisuke Hironaka
partial differential equations differential topology topology set theory Grothendieck topology number theory algebraic geometry
algebraic geometry

1970: Sergey Novikov 1970: John Thompson 1974: Enrico Bombieri 1974: David Mumford 1978: Pierre Deligne 1978: Charles Fefferman 1978: Gregori Margulis 1978: Daniel Quillen
topology group theory number theory algebraic geometry algebraic geometry classical analysis Lie groups algebraic K-theory

1983: Alain Connes 1983: William Thurston 1983: Shing-Tung Yau 1986: Simon Donaldson 1986: Gerd Faltings 1986: Michael Freedman 1990: Vladimir Drinfeld 1990: Vaughan Jones
operator theory topology differential geometry topology Mordell conjecture Poincaré conjecture algebraic geometry knot theory

1990: Shigefumi Mori 1990: Edward Witten 1994: Jean Bourgain 1994: Pierre-Louis Lions 1994: Jean-Christophe 1994: Efim Zelmanov 1998: Richard Borcherds 1998: William Gowers
algebraic geometry superstring theory analysis partial differential equations Yoccoz group theory mathematical physics functional analysis
dynamical systems

1998: Maxim Kontsevich 1998: Curtis McMullen 2002: Laurent Lafforgue 2002: Vladimir Voevodsky 2006: Andrei Okounkov 2006: Grigori Perelman 2006: Terence Tao 2006: Werner Wendelin
mathematical physics chaos theory number theory algebraic geometry mathematical physics geometry partial differential equations geometry
(He refused the award)

2010: Elon Lindenstrauss 2010: Ngô Bao Châu 2010: Stanislav Smirnov 2010: Cédric Villani 2014: Artur Avila 2014: Manjul Bhargava 2014: Martin Hairer 2014: Maryam Mirzakhani
ergodic theory algebraic geometry mathematical physics mathematical physics dynamic systems theory geometry of numbers stochastic pd equations Riemann surfaces

2018: Caucher Birkar 2018: Alessio Figalli 2018: Peter Scholze 2018: Akshay Venkatesh 2022: Hugo Duminil-Copin 2022: June Huh 2022: James Maynard 2022: Maryna Viazovska
algebraic geometry calculus of variations arithmetic algebraic geometry number theory statistical physics geometric combinatorics analytic number theory sphere packing

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