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1. What made you decide to get a course in Architecture and motivate you to become
a Professional Architect?

2. Architecture can be demanding, both intellectually and emotionally. How do you

maintain a healthy professional work and a private life balance, and what activities
or hobbies do you enjoy outside or after hours of work?

3. In your opinion, what are some key factors that contribute to the success of an
architectural project, beyond just design aesthetics? Please do explain further
each key factors.

4. Can you highlight one of your most memorable projects and walk us through your
role in its development, from conception to completion?

5. As an architect, you often have to balance aesthetic appeal with practicality and
functionality. Can you discuss a project where you had to analyze and apply this
balance, and the crucial and effective decisions you made to achieve it?

6. In your opinion, what sets apart for a truly exceptional architectural design from
other designs? Can you provide examples from your own work of which you can
call a distinctive unique design?

7. As the Prime Professional in the field of Design and Construction, how do you
foster a positive work culture that encourages creativity, collaboration, and
professional growth among your team members?

8. What are the most challenging things about managing an architectural office? How
did you manage it all effectively and successfully?

9. Share an experience when your professional ethics were tested, whether a client,
a contractor, a colleague or another professional.

10. Share an experience in which you successfully coordinated with others. How about
a coordination effort that was not as successful?

11. In your experience as an architect, what are the key to success when
communicating with the people involved in your chosen profession?

12. Over your more than 10 years of experience in architecture, how have you seen
the industry evolve, and what trends do you believe will shape its future?

13. Design and Build projects often have tight budgets and deadlines. Can you share
some strategies you use to effectively manage project timelines and budgets while
maintaining quality?

14. As an experienced Professional with a wealth of experience in your chosen trade,

what are some valuable lessons you've learned throughout your career that have
significantly influenced your approach to architecture?

15. With changing technologies and trends, how do you stay updated and ensure that
your architectural practice remains innovative, sustainable, globally competitive
and relevant?

16. Family support is essential in any career. How has your family supported you in
your architectural journey, and how do you prioritize family time alongside your
professional commitments?

17. Reflecting on your personal and professional journey, what advice would you give
to aspiring architects who are just starting their careers?

18. How do you ensure that your designs are both innovative and practical? Please
explain further by giving an example.

19. What software and tools do you use in your design work, and how do they enhance
your productivity and creativity?

20. Can you tell us a short story where a particularly significant milestone project
you've worked on during your career and the impact it had on your professional

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