MFLT With Other Sciences

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Қазақстан Республикасы Ғылым және жоғары білім министрлігі

Институт Филология

Links of

with other sciences” (Pedagogy, Psychology,
Zharylgap Azina
Atabekova Aruzhan
Ahmetkalieva Anel’
Rakhmetzhanova Nigara
Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
(MFLT) share with three pivotal disciplines:
Pedagogy, Psychology, and Linguistics. These
connections are not mere coincidences but
rather integral aspects that contribute to the
efficacy and depth of language instruction.
Here are some opinions from researchers and scholars regarding
the links of Methods of Foreign Language Teaching (MFLT) with
pedagogy, psychology, and linguistics:

MFLT with Pedagogy:


Jeremy Harmer emphasizes the Jack C. Richards also We agree with both Harmer and Richards
centrality of pedagogy in MFLT, underscores the relationship that pedagogy plays a crucial role in MFLT.
stressing the importance of between MFLT and pedagogy,
Effective language teaching requires a
understanding pedagogical emphasizing the guiding role of
deep understanding of pedagogical
principles for effective language pedagogical theories in
theories and principles to create engaging
teaching. He advocates for language teaching practices. He
and meaningful learning experiences for
learner-centered approaches highlights the application of
students. Learner-centered approaches,
and highlights the significance of pedagogical principles in
motivation, and engagement are indeed
motivation and engagement in curriculum design, assessment,
language learning. and method selection. essential factors in language acquisition.
MFLT with Psychology:

Zoltán Dörnyei focuses on the We agree with Dörnyei and

Anastasia Stathopoulou's
psychological dimensions of
research explores the Stathopoulou that psychology
language learning,
cognitive processes involved plays a significant role in MFLT.
emphasizing factors such as
in language learning and the Understanding learners'
motivation, self-regulation, and
impact of psychological
affective factors. He highlights motivations, emotions, and
factors on learners' language
the importance of cognitive processes is essential
proficiency. She emphasizes
understanding learners' for designing effective teaching
the relevance of
psychological needs and
psychological theories in strategies and fostering
individual differences in
language teaching.
informing MFLT practices. language acquisition.
MFLT with Linguistics:

We agree with Larsen-Freeman

Diane Larsen-Freeman Rod Ellis investigates the
emphasizes the relationship
and Ellis that linguistics plays a
interface between vital role in MFLT. Linguistic
between linguistics and
linguistics and language theories provide valuable insights
MFLT, highlighting the
importance of linguistic education, exploring into language structure and
theories in understanding how linguistic theories usage, informing language
language structure, inform language teaching methodologies and
meaning, and usage. She teaching practices, approaches. Understanding
emphasizes the relevance of linguistic principles enhances
including grammar
linguistics in curriculum educators' ability to teach
development and language instruction and
language skills accurately and
teaching practices. vocabulary teaching.
In summary, while these scholars may differ slightly in
their emphasis and perspective, they collectively
highlight the interdisciplinary nature of MFLT and the
importance of integrating insights from pedagogy,
psychology, and linguistics to inform effective
language teaching practices.
In conclusion, the links between Methods of Foreign
Language Teaching, Pedagogy, Psychology, and
Linguistics are symbiotic and mutually reinforcing. The
collaborative engagement with these sciences
empowers language educators to create innovative,
effective, and student-centered approaches to
language instruction. As we navigate the intricate
landscape of language teaching, let us continue to
embrace and explore the synergies that arise at the
intersection of these foundational disciplines.

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