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Biology Important Questions: P 2

Q1: Describe the Part Played by Genes in Course of Evaluation? 10
Q2: Differentiate Between Continues and Discontinues Variation? 6
Q3: Make A Complete Genetic Diagram for A Seed Character F1 And F2 Generations for a Complete Dominance?
Q4: Describe and Explain Menstrual Cycle? 10
Q5 describe fertilization and exchange of materials between mother and baby 10
Q5. Male and female gamete comparison 6
Q5: Describe the Post Fertilization Changes in Flower? 10
Q6: Differentiate Between Insects and Wind Pollinated Flowers? 10
Q7: Compare the Male and Female Reproductive System in Human? 10
Q8: Describe How A Developing Fetus obtains Its Metabolic Requirements? 10
Q9: Describe the Structure of Seeds, State Its Features and Functions? 10
Q10: Describe the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle? 10+10
Q11: Pyramid of Member/Biomass/ Energy?
Q12: Structure and Function of Virus, Bacteria and Fungi and Its Applications?
Q13: Effect of Tobacco Smoking, Heroin, Alcohol on Bones? 10+10+10
Q14: Effects of Adrenaline on Human Body? Short &Long Term10+10
Q15: Reflex Arc and Action? 10
Q.16. Types of immunity and phagocytosis 10
Q17: Changes in The Eye: 10
1. Pupil Reflex 02. Accommodation
Q18: Parts of Skin and Their Functions? 10
Q19: Components of Excretory System and Their Functions?
Q20: Structure of nephron and ultrafilteration , selective re absorbtion
Q21: Explain How Diaphragm and Parts of Intercoastal Muscles Are Involved in The Process of Breathing?
Q22: Describe the Role of Cilia and Mucus? 7
Q23: Explain Oxygen Debt? 6
Q24: Write A Note on Blood? 10
Q25: Differentiate Between Arteries and Veins? 6
Q26: State and Explain the Roles of Xylem, Phloem, And Root Hair? With the Reference of Shape
Q27: State and Explain the Factors Affecting the Rate of Transportation?
Q28: State and Explain the Complete Digestion Of: 10+10+10
Carbohydrates …Protein …Fats
Q29: State the Role of Liver?
Q30: Food Tests For 3: 10+10+10

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
Carbohydrates …..Protein ….Fats
Q31: Importance and Deficiency Symptoms of The Following:
Calcium …Carbohydrates …Fats ….Iron ….Protein …..Vitamin C….Vitamin D…Fiber
Q32. Incidence, propagation and causes of cholera, malaria, Aids and Tb

Important instructions for P4 alternate to practical

Experimental designs
2. Optimizations , standardizations’
3. Validity Control= + and -/ range of values;
4. Accuracy Organism= species/size/age/sex;
5. Reliability Replication= more than one reading and average;
6. Measure=units/timedelay;
Same= temp./pH/water/humidity;

1. Draw a diagram of some reasonable size i.e. neither to large nor to small. Very large
wastes your time and very small does not provide sufficient details
2. Draw what you see. Do not draw what you know- not a text diagram
3. The parts of the diagram must be in right proportion
4. Use a soft pencil(2B) to draw and label your diagrams
5. Make very clear outline
6. Faint outlines will not be accepted. It makes difficult to examiner to assess your diagram
7. Do not shade with the side of your pencil or use crayons or colored pencils or make fussy
or broken out lines
8. Leave sufficient space at the sides of your diagram for labeling. Refer to size of the
9. Write a title at the bottom of each drawing And Label neatly and legibly
10. If a label consists of more than one word, write in one line Ø Write labels horizontally
11. Space out your labels neatly
12. One structure should be labeled singular and more as plural
13. Labeling lines should not cross each other
14. Do not make long lines that cross the drawing from one to the other end.
1. The independent variable should be plotted on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and the dependent
variable plotted on the y-axis (vertical axis).
2. Each axis will be labelled with the physical quantity and the appropriate unit, e.g. time/s.
3. The graph is the whole diagrammatic presentation. It may have one or several curves plotted
on it. (iv) Curves and lines joining points on the graph should be referred to as ‘curves’.

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
4. Points on the curve should be clearly marked as crosses (x) or by dots within circles. If a
further curve is included, vertical crosses (+) may be used to mark the points.
Suitable Scale , Label the axis , Area, maximum graph used ,Point, neither to big nor to small
Bar chart
These are drawn when one of the variables is not numerical, e.g. percentage of vitamin C in
different fruits. They should be made up of narrow blocks of equal width that do not touch.
Similarities and differences
Normally the structures given to be compared are chosen from the syllabus but essentially might
not be familiar to the students. I recommend the students to follow
Additional feature
Look for the number of the stamens, carpels, petals etc and write differences. Then compare the
shape of petals, sepals anthers etc and describe differences. See the differences in size of the
structures and compare shading

Notes for preparation of P1

1. Which enzyme is present in saliva?

2. Which structures are not present in animal cell but present in plant cells?
3. What is the smallest free living organism on earth?
4. Where is bile produced and stored?
5. Where Bile duct does connects?
6. Which organ responsible for the alkaline pH of small intestine?
7. Which organisms contain cell wall?
8. Which structure controls the movement of substances into or out of it?
9. Which structure of RBc helps to carry oxygen?
10. What may produce response?
11. What is present in both plant and animal cells
12. What character of root hair cells help in water uptake ?
13. By which process Water uptake by root hair cells is facilitated ?.
14. Cell wall in plant cell is made up of ?.
15. Which structure changes its shape to carry out its function ?
16. Chromosomes in a plant cell are found in ?
17. ATP is only produced in ?
18. In vascular bundles which structure do not contain cytoplasm?
19. Which material strengthens the xylem?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
20. Which solution has maximum water potential ?
21. A visking tubing containing 30% sugar solution is placed in a tube containing distilled
water.what would happen after half an hour ?
22. Four potato strips each 50mm long are placed in the solutions of different concentrations
as given below. 0.1 molar, 0.3molar and 0.5 molar after half an hour the maximum
increase in length is in which solution ?
23. Smallest is an organism largest will be its _______
24. If Red blood cells placed in concentrated solution what happens to their size ?
25. A solution A of 0.1 molar concentration is separated from solution B of 0.2 molar
concentration through a partially permeable membrane. The water will move in which
direction ?
26. Four blocks of agar of different sizes are placed in a solution containing a dye which one
will be stained most quickly ?
27. The tendency of water molecules to move in a channel is called ?
28. Does a dilute solution has more water potential than a concentrated solution?
29. How does Root hairs take up minerals ?
30. Respiration releases energy in the form of ?
31. When a plant tissue is transferred from a beaker of water into a 10% sucrose solution.
Where does water enters and what happens to its size ?
32. A plant cell placed in water enlarges but what happens if it is placed in water after boiling
33. What is osmosis.
34. The movement of water through a cell wall is through ________
35. The movement of gases through the partially permeable membrane _______ the gradient
is ________.
36. What will happen if the concentration of the cell cytoplasm is high and that of tissue fluid
is low?
37. Which substances enter the plant by active transport ?
38. In an enzyme controlled reaction what is key and what is lock ?
39. Oily stains on a shirt can be removed by which enzyme ?
40. The increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of molecules. It increases
collision rate between _____ and ______ which in turn ________ rate of enzyme action.
41. Can an enzyme can be restored to optimum activity when it is melted from low
42. Can an enzyme can be restored to optimum activity when it is cooled from high
43. What is the effect of an increase of temperature by 10oC on enzyme controlled reaction ?
44. Biuret test is used for determining the presence of _______
45. Benedicts test is used for identification of ________
46. A seed containing starch gives ________colour on treatment with iodine solution.
47. What happens when red blood cell is immersed in distilled water ?
48. Onion cells in a strong sucrose solution are said to appear __________.
49. Villi are microscopic hair like structure protruding from certain epithelial cells.
50. Pepsin digests ________.
51. Where is urea made ?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
52. Where are Hormones and amino acids broken down ?.
53. Which enzyme digests starch?
54. Which acid is found in the stomach?
55. Which enzymes digests fats ?
56. Which muscles are responsible for peristalsis ?
57. Which enzymes digest proteins name any three ?
58. Which enzyme helps to digest milk proteins ?
59. Amino acids and glucose are taken up by villi by which process ?
60. Which factor changes the kinetic energy of enzymes ?
61. Photosynthesis results in which products ?
62. What Is the reason of stomata opening ?
63. What is the effect of increasing temperature on photosynthesis and transpiration ?
64. If carbon dioxide concentration of atmosphere is raised from 0.03% to 0.04 % what would
be the effect on photosynthesis ?
65. What are limiting factors in photosynthesis?
66. What is a limiting factor?
67. Which cell contains most chloroplasts?
68. Photosynthesis converts light energy into what?
69. The rate of photosynthesis in which lightcolor is greatest?
70. What is the effect of boiling the leaf before a test?
71. A leaf is half covered with black paper on a plant in a sun light. If later tested for the
presence of starch which part turns brown only?
72. Which mineral in plants are used to make chlorophyll?
73. Which nutrients are taken up by plants used for protein synthesis and good growth?
74. Which surface on the leaf contains stomata?
75. Which characteristics features enable guard cells to carryout their functions ?
76. Which leaf structure is waxy in nature and prevents excessive water loss?
77. What is the position of xylem in stem and root ?
78. What is the sequence of co2 entry in the leaf ?
79. Why does leaf turns yellow ?
80. Saliva and pancreatic juice both contain _________ enzyme.
81. Hepatic portal vein carries blood from _________ to the _______.
82. A person whose gall bladder has been removed should avoid ________ foods
83. Which digestive enzymes are produced by liver?
84. Which digestive enzymes are produced by small intestines ?
85. Fat digestion occurs in _____________.
86. What is emulsification ?
87. The loss of water vapours from the aerial parts of a plant is called ____________.
88. Increase of atmospheric humididty _________ the rate of transpiration.
89. What is transpiration ?
90. Increase of atmospheric humidity __________the rate of transpiration.
91. Water uptake will be maximum by a plant on a hot, dry day.
92. The dens staining of xylem tissue of a shoot placed in a solution containing a red dye
shows that water is transported through xylem.
93. Phloem transports, minerals, amino acids and sucrose.

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
94. Water loss from a dicot leaf on a sunny day is more from the upper surface than the lower
95. Increase of atmospheric temperature increases rate of transpiration.
96. High wind velocity reduces transpiration loss from a leaf because of excessive loss of
water from guard cells through evaporation.
97. The sugars from mesophyll cell move into phloem through active transport.
98. The arrows from a xylem tissue mesophyll tissue intercellular spaces stomata
atmosphere shows the movement of oxygen on a hot day.
99. Contents of xylem and phloem are tested for sucrose, amino acids and starch. Both
structures do not contain these three substances.
100. What is the role of xylem?
101. What is wilting and what is its effect ?
102. which blood vessel contain highest and lowest concentration of oxygen?
103. What is the role of valves in circulatory system ?
104. How does blood clot ?
105. Blood from body enters into right atrium through vena cava.
106. Pulmonary artery contains highest __________ and renal vein contains the highest
concentration of _______.
107. Coronary artery supplies blood to the __________
108. Lack of _________ in the diet causes anemia.
109. What is the role of white blood cells ?
110. How does blood clotting occur?
111. A ________ has a narrower lumen than of an arteriole.
112. Arteries and veins both have __________.
113. _________ in the arteries is due to pumping of heart and their narrow lumen.
114. Which are receiving and which are transmitting chambers of heart ?
115. What is dry mass?
116. What is the role of chordinae tendinae in heart ?
117. What is near point in eyes?
118. Differentiate between yellow spot and blind spot in the eye
119. What is respiration ?
120. Anaerobic respiration in yeast produces _________ and ________.
121. Anaerobic respiration in muscle cells produces ________,_________ and __________
122. Diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract during__________
123. What is oxygen debt ?
124. Blood flowing to an alveolus carries more oxygen than the blood flowing away from
an alveolus.
125. According to the increasing diameter the trachea comes first and then bronchiole and
the last is bronchus.
126. What is emphysema ?
127. What are the positions of diaphragm and related mucsles during inhalation process ?
128. What are the roles of gland cells and ciliated cells ?
129. Dialysis fluid and blood plasma contain the _______ amount of glucose.
130. Urine of a diabetic person contains _______in it.
131. What is not present in dialysis fluid ?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
132. A urea molecule is produced in ________ filtered by _______and stored in _________
133. A kidney machine removes urea from _______
134. Differentiate between excretion and egestion
135. What changes occur in body when a person feels hot ?
136. What changes occur in body when a person feels cold ?
137. What changes occur in eye if a person moves from bright to dim light ?
138. What is the role of aquoushumour ?
139. What changes occur in eye when someone focuses from a flying bird to wrist watch ?
140. What is fovea centralis ?
141. Hypothalamus controls the __________ functions.
142. In a frightened child the blood insulin will ________
143. What is the role of ciliary muscles in the eye ?
144. Suspensory ligaments ________ during contraction of the cilliary muscles.
145. What sort of receptors do skin contain ?
146. In cold the skin erector muscles _________ and arterioles to the surface capillaries
147. Alcohol and heroin are______ whereas nicotine and caffeine are _________
148. Withdrawal symptoms of heroin include, vomiting, sweating and occurrence of
149. What is the effect of nicotine on the reaction time?
150. What is used to treat bacterial infections
151. Which gas reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood cells?
152. What is difference between bronchitis and emphysema?
153. How can plasmodium be killed?
154. What is drug?
155. What is the niche of virus?
156. Fungal cell wall is made of which polymer?
157. In malaria which is host which is pathogen and which is carrier?
158. In viruses the outer coat is made of ______ and inner core is made of ________
159. Fermentation is an other name for aerobic respiration.
160. How are thethe contents of culture medium mixed ?
161. The temperature of a fermenter regulated ?
162. What are the byproducts of bread making ?
163. What is the impact of pH in milk curdeling ?
164. The_________ inoculated in the milk produces lactic acid which ______ pH of the
165. Differentiate between batch and continuous culture ?
166. What are food chains and food webs ?
167. _________ occupy the first trophic level, ________ second and _______ third
168. What is advantage of a short food chain ?
169. In an eco-system who represent the largest biomass of living organisms ?
170. Top consumers in a food chain receive the _____ energy.
171. Which is main source of energy for earth ?
172. ______ is recyclable and _______ is non-recyclable
173. What is the original source of carbon in carbon cycle ?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
174. The energy enters in an ecosystem as ______ and is finally lost as _______
175. How is energy recycled ?
176. What is the effect of acid rain on pH of soil, crop yield and aquatic life ?
177. Name some green housegases.?
178. _________ ,_________ and _________ are main effects of deforestation
179. In river flowing through a town the oxygen level will be high, bacterial count low and
few fishes, if untreated sewage released into it
180. __________ is the excessive growth of the algae in an ecosystem due to more nitrates
into it
181. In an aquatic food chain the amount of a pollutant will most accumulate in the body of
182. The offsprings of a plant produced by sexual reproduction will be genetically
183. After fertilization an ovule develops into a _______ and an ovary into a _________
and the stigma style and stamens and petals are ________
184. An insect pollinated flower has large ____________which enclose the reproductive
185. Unisexual flowers ensure _______ pollination.
186. Which process is useful for farmers if they want plants with same characters ?
187. What can kill all stages of mosquitoes ?
188. State an example of biological control of mosquitos ?
189. Name the part of seed which is metabolically not active ?
190. Hydrolytic enzymes in the seeds are activated by soaking water by the seeds.
191. During sexual reproduction in plants the different events occur in the following
sequence, gamete formation fertilization pollination seed formation seed dispersal
seed germination
192. Wind pollinated species of plants produce more pollens than that produced by insect
193. Where does Fertilization in mammalian female reproductive system takes place ?
194. Is the sequence of events during the sexual reproduction correct ?
195. Adult mitosis gametes fertilization embryo zygote mitosis adult
196. During which part of menstruation body temperature rises?
197. When does fertile period starts ?
198. When is the safe period ?
199. Which is the motile cell of animal kingdom ?
200. Which hormone level of blood remains higher during pregnancy?
201. Which hormones inhibit FSH release?
202. What is Ovulation?
203. Where does conception occurs?
204. Placenta also produces progesterone
205. What is the advantage of bottle milk?
206. Breast feeding lacks in which nutrient?
207. What is the role of Amniotic fluid?
208. How does fetus gets all the nutrients?
209. Which method of birth control is least and which is most effective for females?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

Most reliable and Trusted platform for O/A level Sciences 0309073588270
210. What is implantation?
211. What does Menstrual loss usually contains ?
212. Ovulation occurs at which day of menstruation?
213. Can Antibodies and platelets pass the placenta?
214. Why is Condom is used?
215. What is the cause of aids and syphilis ?
216. How many types of sperms and eggs are produced in humans during meosis in terms
of gender ?
217. A person affected by downs syndrom contains 47 chromosomes in his gametes
218. Gender, blood groups and tongue rolling are examples of discontinuous variations
219. IQ level, body mass and heightare examples of which variations ?
220. What is mutagen ?
221. What is mutation ?Write down one example each of gene and chromosomal mutation ?
222. Why is a A test cross performed ?
223. A child of blood group O can be born to a mother with group A what must be genotype
of father ?
224. A pure breed is the first parent in a genetic cross that must contain which genotype ?
225. In dominant recessive inheritance, when two heterozygote are crossed together, what is
the percentage of recessive allele expressed ?
226. If genotype of an individual is known what can be inferred?
227. which character always expresses in homozygous condition ?
228. A dominant character with homozygous genotype shows 50 percent offspring’s of a
cross between two heterozygote.
229. Which blood group is recessive to all other groups?
230. Which blood group type is codominant ?
231. What is cause of variation ?

Compiled by Sir Saad Farooq Ziai

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