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Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan: A day at school School: School of the number 7
Date: 4.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A
Grade: 5ә,б Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus: to be (singular).
Learning objectives 5.UE11 use be on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topic;
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Answer the questions and complete the short forms of
the verb “be”
Complete the sentences with words in the box
use all structures correctly

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active Pictures
Books closed. Say to the class: I’m atmosphere
(your name). I’m from (name of Efficiency: By telling Ss. «The
your town or city). the wishes they show praise» method
• Ask a student to repeat and then their appreciations . is used to
evaluate Ss with
move around the rest of the class.
phrases like:
Write the sentences on the board for “Good job!
a weaker class Well done!”
Lead – In
Students use structure of Assessment
to be and introduce Student’s
yourselves. book

Good job!
Main Exercise 1
part Focus on the four pictures and ask
the students what they can see in Students repeat the Assessment
each one. Elicit that there is a boy, a words criteria
girl and an alien. Write alien on the - use all
board and check pronunciation. structures
• In a weaker class, model the correctly of to
words for the students and be
encourage them to repeat after you Students look at the table Descriptor:
before they do the task. In a and complete the shorts -Can use of to
stronger class, students work in forms with words in the be Cards
pairs to do the task themselves. dialogue
Peer assessment:
Differentiation: answer key
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text. - Make
Exercise 2 CCQ
Focus students on the left hand questions
column of the table and read each
form of the verb be aloud, asking Students repeat the
them to repeat. words Assessment Worksheets
• Write I am and He is on the board. criteria
Ask students to repeat. -Complete the
sentences with
Students choose the the correct form
Exercise 3 correct words of to be
• In a stronger class, ask
students to do the activity ANSWERS
individually. 1 am 2 It’s 3 is 4 ’re 5 ’s Descriptor:
• In a weaker class, do the first -can use all
6 She’s
one together as an example, structures
eliciting why am is the correct correctly
answer. Students then continue
with the task on their own.
Home task: The Ladder method was Students use Poster
End Ex: 3 P: 5 WB used as a reflection. their stickers to Success
Teacher asks students to show their Ladder.
stick their stickers to the knowledge
Success Ladder. according to the
Object pronouns School: School of the number 7
Date: 5.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova Aizada
Grade: 5ә,б Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus: have got
Learning objectives 5.C5use feedback to set personal learning objectives;
5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
5.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn and practise the affirmative form of have got.
• use and practise using possessive adjectives.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Divide students into pairs and Efficiency: By telling praise» method
allow them 1 minute to tell each the wishes they show is used to
other three things about their their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
“Good job!
-After 1 minute, ask each student to
Well done!”
tell the class one or two things
about their partner’s family, e.g.
Francisco’s brother is a student at
Lead – In
Present Simple Pronouns Student’s

Good job!
Students say about ages
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part -Students complete the criteria
• Draw students’ attention to the sentences with forms of - Learn and
two girls and ask them to compare have got practise the Cards
them in pairs. Get some feedback affirmative form
from the class and elicit that the two ANSWERS: of have got.
girls in the cartoon look identical 1 ’ve got
and are wearing identical clothes. 2 ’s got Descriptor:
Elicit that they might be twins. 3 ’ve got -use
Differentiation: 4 have got affiirmative Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used form of have book
to help Students use new words in got.
the text.

Exercise 2 -Students choose the Peer assessment:

• Allow students some time to read correct answers answer key Worksheets
the rules and to complete them, ANSWERS
using the sentences in exercise 1 to 1 have Assessment
help them 2 has criteria:
3 ’ve got use and practise
Exercise 3 4 ’s got using possessive
Explain the task. In a stronger Students write sentences adjectives
class, ask students to go ahead and ANSWERS :
do the task by themselves. 1 I’ve got an uncle in the Descriptor:
Do the first one together in a USA. Include the
weaker class as an example and ask 2 One of my cousins has correct form of
the students to continue in pairs got a dog. have got
Post listening: 3 We’ve got English
students answer comprehension classes every day. Make CCQ
questions, analyze listening material 4 My grandparents have questions
and do follow-up activities. got a Ferrari.
Differentiation: 5 Daulet’s sister’s got a
«Verbal support» method is used new bicycle.
to help Students use new words in 6 My friend and I have
the text. got identical clothes.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

My Country Holidays School: School of the number 7

Date: 7.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A
Grade: 5ә,б Number present: absent:
Lesson title Understand supported narratives, including some etended talk, on an
increasing range of general and curricular
Learning objectives 5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics;
5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
. Identify most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics;
• Use adjectives to describe people.
• Practise describing people and families.


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
• Books closed. Ask students to Efficiency: By telling praise» method
work in pairs and to describe their the wishes they show is used to
families using have got. Allow them their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
about 1–2 minutes for this.
“Good job!
• Get some feedback from the class
Well done!”
by asking a few students to describe
their partner’s family using have
got, e.g. Martin’s got one brother
and two sisters.
Lead – In

Good job!
Students say about
people using adjectives.
Zhania has got long hair.
Dias has got blue eyes.
Tina has got a friend with green
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part • Draw students’ attention to the -Students check the criteria
words in the box. Explain the task meaning of the - Identify most
and refer them to pages 79–80 of adjectives which four high-frequency Cards
the Workbook. words describe words
• Students check their answers in appearance accurately for a
pairs. Check answers as a class limited range
Differentiation: ANSWERS: of general
«Verbal support» method is used Appearance: fair, dark, topics;
to help Students use new words in short, tall Student’s
the text. Opposites: horrible / book
nice, young / old, Descriptor:
Exercise 2 friendly / unfriendly, Understand
Look at the photos with the class. fair / dark, short / tall, meaning of the
Ask them which person they like noisy / quiet adjectives
the most and elicit some feedback, Worksheets
encouraging students to try to -Students choose two Peer assessment:
explain their answer adjectives for each of the answer key
Exercise 3 ANSWERS Assessment
Write Interview on the board and 2 old and nice criteria:
ask the class if they know what it is. 3 friendly and dark Use adjectives
Elicit any feedback they can give 4 tall and fair to describe
before explaining what an interview 5 young and noisy people
is. Ask them if they have ever seen 6 quiet and good-looking
a TV interview and elicit some Descriptor:
feedback Students look at the -Practise
Post listening: information about the describing
students answer comprehension TV programme and people and
questions, analyze listening material answer to the question families
and do follow-up activities. ANSWERS : Make CCQ
Differentiation: Students’ own answers questions
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 28 WB
Short term plan

Drama and comedy School: School of the number 7

TV programmes and films, cartoons

Date: 7.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Present Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
5.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!

Has he got a book?

Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve negative,
that we do not use the short forms ‘s got twelve children; questions and
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we Charles has got his own short answers.
can use short forms in the negative room.
short answers: hasn’t and haven’t Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: got fair hair; They -use book
«Verbal support» method is used haven’t got different affiirmative
to help Students use new words in rooms. form of have
the text. Question: Have they got got.
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
Ex: 2 P:45 got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
Refer students to the sentences and Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
explain the task. They complete the haven’t. answer key
activity individually. -Students make the
In a weaker class, do the first one sentences negative Assessment
together as an example. ANSWERS criteria:
1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a car. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. Tell 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
them to look through them quickly a dog.
and ask them how many of them are 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
affirmative, negative and questions. family. Include the
Differentiation: 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
«Verbal support» method is used a big house. have got
to help Students use new words in 5 You haven’t got a big
the text. bedroom. Make CCQ
6 My friends and I questions
haven’t got bicycles.
Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

Drama and comedy School: School of the number 7

TV programmes and films, cartoons

Date: 5.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Present Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 6.1.10 Use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of
opinions and views on the world

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -Students complete the criteria
sentences with forms of - Apply how to
have got use have got in Cards
ANSWERS: the affirmative,
Affirmative: They’ve negative,
got twelve children; questions and
Charles has got his own short answers.
Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
got fair hair; They -use book
haven’t got different affiirmative
rooms. form of have
Differentiation: Question: Have they got got.
«Verbal support» method is used any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
to help Students use new words in got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
the text. Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
haven’t. answer key
Ex: 2 P:45 -Students make the
Refer students to the sentences and sentences negative Assessment
explain the task. They complete the ANSWERS criteria:
activity individually. 1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
In a weaker class, do the first one a car. using possessive
together as an example. 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
a dog.
Ex: 3 P:45 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
Refer students to the sentences. Tell family. Include the
them to look through them quickly 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
and ask them how many of them are a big house. have got
affirmative, negative and questions. 5 You haven’t got a big
Differentiation: bedroom. Make CCQ
«Verbal support» method is used 6 My friends and I questions
to help Students use new words in haven’t got bicycles.
the text. Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

Drama and comedy School: School of the number 7

TV programmes and films, cartoons

Date: 8.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Present Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
5.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
Has he got a book? and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve negative,
that we do not use the short forms ‘s got twelve children; questions and
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we Charles has got his own short answers.
can use short forms in the negative room.
short answers: hasn’t and haven’t Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: got fair hair; They -use book
«Verbal support» method is used haven’t got different affiirmative
to help Students use new words in rooms. form of have
the text. Question: Have they got got.
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
Ex: 2 P:45 got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
Refer students to the sentences and Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
explain the task. They complete the haven’t. answer key
activity individually. -Students make the
In a weaker class, do the first one sentences negative Assessment
together as an example. ANSWERS criteria:
1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a car. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. Tell 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
them to look through them quickly a dog.
and ask them how many of them are 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
affirmative, negative and questions. family. Include the
Differentiation: 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
«Verbal support» method is used a big house. have got
to help Students use new words in 5 You haven’t got a big
the text. bedroom. Make CCQ
6 My friends and I questions
haven’t got bicycles.
Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

Past Continuous affirmative and negative School: School of the number 7

sentence p. 53

Date: 4.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Present Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
5.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Students work in a pair
and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve negative,
that we do not use the short forms ‘s got twelve children; questions and
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we Charles has got his own short answers.
can use short forms in the negative room.
short answers: hasn’t and haven’t Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: got fair hair; They -use book
«Verbal support» method is used haven’t got different affiirmative
to help Students use new words in rooms. form of have
the text. Question: Have they got got.
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
Ex: 2 P:45 got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
Refer students to the sentences and Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
explain the task. They complete the haven’t. answer key
activity individually. -Students make the
In a weaker class, do the first one sentences negative Assessment
together as an example. ANSWERS criteria:
1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a car. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. Tell 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
them to look through them quickly a dog.
and ask them how many of them are 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
affirmative, negative and questions. family. Include the
Differentiation: 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
«Verbal support» method is used a big house. have got
to help Students use new words in 5 You haven’t got a big
the text. bedroom. Make CCQ
6 My friends and I questions
haven’t got bicycles.
Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

Geographical features p 54 School: School of the number 7

Date: 6.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Present Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 7.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
7.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
7.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
Has he got a book? and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve negative,
that we do not use the short forms ‘s got twelve children; questions and
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we Charles has got his own short answers.
can use short forms in the negative room.
short answers: hasn’t and haven’t Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: got fair hair; They -use book
«Verbal support» method is used haven’t got different affiirmative
to help Students use new words in rooms. form of have
the text. Question: Have they got got.
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
Ex: 2 P:45 got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
Refer students to the sentences and Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
explain the task. They complete the haven’t. answer key
activity individually. -Students make the
In a weaker class, do the first one sentences negative Assessment
together as an example. ANSWERS criteria:
1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a car. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. Tell 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
them to look through them quickly a dog.
and ask them how many of them are 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
affirmative, negative and questions. family. Include the
Differentiation: 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
«Verbal support» method is used a big house. have got
to help Students use new words in 5 You haven’t got a big
the text. bedroom. Make CCQ
6 My friends and I questions
haven’t got bicycles.
Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan

Past Continuous Question form School: School of the number 7

Date: 7.12.2023 Teacher name: Omarova A

Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Past Continuous Question forms
Learning objectives 7.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
7.11 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo;
7.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active Pictures
Warm-up atmosphere Ss. «The
-Books closed. Remind students Efficiency: By telling praise» method
about the adjectives from page 36 to the wishes they show is used to
describe people. Tell them to work their appreciations . evaluate Ss with
phrases like:
in pairs. Each pair should choose a
“Good job!
student from the class and try to
Well done!”
describe that student using some of
the adjectives.
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the class
have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
Has he got a book? and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve negative,
that we do not use the short forms ‘s got twelve children; questions and
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we Charles has got his own short answers.
can use short forms in the negative room.
short answers: hasn’t and haven’t Negative: The boy hasn’t Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: got fair hair; They -use book
«Verbal support» method is used haven’t got different affiirmative
to help Students use new words in rooms. form of have
the text. Question: Have they got got.
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
Ex: 2 P:45 got a job? Short answer: Worksheets
Refer students to the sentences and Yes, he has; No, they Peer assessment:
explain the task. They complete the haven’t. answer key
activity individually. -Students make the
In a weaker class, do the first one sentences negative Assessment
together as an example. ANSWERS criteria:
1 My brother hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a car. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. Tell 2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got adjectives
them to look through them quickly a dog.
and ask them how many of them are 3 I haven’t got a big Descriptor:
affirmative, negative and questions. family. Include the
Differentiation: 4 My parents haven’t got correct form of
«Verbal support» method is used a big house. have got
to help Students use new words in 5 You haven’t got a big
the text. bedroom. Make CCQ
6 My friends and I questions
haven’t got bicycles.
Students choose the
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB

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