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Thursday, February 29, 2024 1:27 PM

Pro tips:
1. Read the headline or question in the thread.
2. Read the given questions.
3. Define the keyword from the question.
4. Skim through the most suitable response based on the keywords in the questions.
5. Decide the best choice.

Harley Bear What are some of your great frugal hacks that helped you a lot? 1. Who explicitly suggests to live frugally by not purchasing any stuff?
August 5, 2023 a. Breanna Shaw
b. Yaseer Said
c. Kerry Baldwin
Breanna Shaw Pack your lunch for school or work instead of eating out. Make your
d. Caleb Beers
August 17, 2023 coffee at home to prevent stopping on the way somewhere to buy
e. Daniel Tay
some. Anytime something needs repaired, watch a YouTube video
2. The word “frugality” in Daniel TayÕs post is closest in meaning to …
first before calling a technician. Sometimes it can be an easy fix that
a. Modesty
you can do yourself to save money. I have more tips, but I think I
b. Simplicity
have made this answer long enough.
c. Thriftiness
Yaseer Said Always ask yourself this question before buying anything: “Do I need d. Strictness
September 3, 2023 it? What if I donÕt buy this one, and save the money for any other e. Cheapness
need?” 3. Who posted the least relevant answer to Harley BearÕs question?
Kerry Baldwin You know what is pathetic? Being poor when you're old, and you will a. Breanna Shaw
September 4, 2023 be old someday. Learn to live within your means and put your money b. Yaseer Said
back for retirement. c. Kerry Baldwin
Caleb Beers Most of the “frugal hacks” you hear will be about ways to buy things d. Caleb Beers
October 15, 2023 cheaply. Those are great, but IÕve found that much of frugality comes e. Daniel Tay
down to self-control, i.e.,not buying stuff you donÕt need. Also, self- 4. Who disapproved that being frugal is being cheap by giving evidence?
control is a lot harder than just looking for cheap stuff. For example, a. Breanna Shaw
I want the latest smart phone, but my phone is still working very well. b. Yaseer Said
So, I donÕt buy a new one. c. Kerry Baldwin
d. Caleb Beers
Daniel Tay Frugality means different things to different people. To me, it means
e. Daniel Tay
October 25, 2023 not wasting something that can be reused or repurposed. IÕve taken
5. What is the tone of the thread regarding useful frugal hacks?
this to a level that some people may consider extreme:
a. Supportive
I donÕt buy anything.
b. Respectful
c. Indifferent
From < d. Judgmental
ses_id=ceed646347fd4ef4d8cf61e32038e9db3eb7b869&tipe=> e. Contradictory

John Anderson How do you organize your daily schedule for maximum 1. Who advocates the use of time blocking as an effective time
(January 10, 2024) productivity? management strategy?
Emma Thompson I am a social media manager and am facing with tight schedule in my a. Emma Thompson
(January 18, 2024) daily occupation. I could suggest you to prioritize tasks based on b. Oliver Martinez
urgency and importance. Moreover, you can use a to-do list or a c. Sophie Green
productivity app to keep track. If you feel overwhelmed by tons of d. Alex Carter
tasks with tight deadlines, you can also consider blocking specific e. Jessica Erren
time for focused work and breaks. 2. According to Emma Thompson, what is a recommended tool for keeping
track of tasks and staying organized?
Oliver Martinez Believe me or not, please avoid multitasking. You may not realize it
a. Multitasking
(February 5, 2024) now but as the burdens increase, you will find it reduces efficiency.
b. Setting specific goals
You will experience lack of focus on doing task. Instead, focus on one
c. Time blocking
task at a time. Set realistic deadlines and avoid procrastination.
d. Procrastination
Sophie Green I find that setting specific goals for each day helps me stay on e. To-do list or productivity app
(February 20, 2024) track. This is the best way to go, especially as a PhD student 3. Which contributor emphasizes the importance of avoiding multitasking
currently focused on research. For instance, let say I want to write a for better efficiency in time management?
research proposal. I break the task down into smaller, more a. Emma Thompson
manageable steps: 1. conduct a preliminary study; 2. compile and b. Oliver Martinez
include research findings; 3. determine the proposal format; etc. c. Sophie Green
Therefore, every day I have something to do and achieve because d. Alex Carter
the tasks don't seem too overburden. e. Jessica Erren
Alex Carter Time blocking has been a game-changer for me. Assign specific time 4. Who suggests breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps
(March 3, 2024) slots to different activities or projects. It helps maintain focus and for effective time management?
prevents tasks from piling up. a. Emma Thompson
Jessica Erren As a medical student, I have difficulty managing my time well. I had b. Oliver Martinez
(March 19, 2024) to juggle multiple assignments every week, final exams every few c. Sophie Green
weeks, and OSCEs once a month. It stresses me out. I know it's my d. Alex Carter
fault because I didn't organize my schedule. However, this is an e. Jessica Erren
adult's life, full of struggle, hustle, and bustle. 5. Who posted the least relevant answer to John AndersonÕs question?
a. Emma Thompson
b. Oliver Martinez
c. Sophie Green
d. Alex Carter
e. Jessica Erren
6. The word "preliminary" in Sophia Green's post is opposite meaning to…
a. Initial
b. Introductory
c. Concluding
d. Preparatory
e. Preambulatory

Maria Rodriguez What are your go-to study habits that have helped you excel 1. Who explicitly recommends using the Pomodoro Technique to enhance
(March 10, 2023) in your academics? concentration during study sessions?
a. Maria Rodriguez
Carlos Martinez Utilizing the Pomodoro Technique has been a game-changer for
b. Carlos Martinez
(March 18, 2023) me. Breaking study sessions into focused intervals with short
c. Isabella Johnson
breaks enhances concentration and prevents burnout.
d. Lucas Chen
Isabella Johnson Creating a designated study space has significantly improved my e. Emily Foster
(March 25, 2023) productivity. Having a dedicated area with minimal distractions 2. In Isabella Johnson's post, what aspect does she emphasize as crucial for
helps maintain focus and boosts learning efficiency. maintaining focus during study sessions?
Lucas Chen Setting clear goals for each study session is crucial. Breaking a. Setting clear goals
(April 5, 2023) down the material into manageable chunks and establishing b. Utilizing the Pomodoro Technique
realistic objectives ensures a more structured and effective c. Active learning techniques
study routine. d. Creating a designated study space
Emily Foster Embracing active learning techniques has positively impacted my e. Consistent sleep schedule
(April 12, 2023) understanding of complex subjects. Techniques like summarizing 3. Which contributor provided a suggestion related to maintaining a consistent
information, teaching the material to someone else, and sleep schedule for academic success?
participating in study groups enhance comprehension. a. Carlos Martinez
b. Isabella Johnson
David Thompson I find that a consistent sleep schedule is essential for optimal
c. Lucas Chen
(April 20, 2023) cognitive function. Ensuring 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night
d. Emily Foster
supports memory consolidation and overall academic performance.
e. David Thompson
4. Who emphasizes the importance of active learning techniques, such as
5. What is the overall tone of the thread regarding effective study habits for summarizing information and participating in study groups?
academic success? a. Maria Rodriguez
a. Positive and supportive b. Carlos Martinez
b. Critical and skeptical c. Isabella Johnson
c. Indifferent d. Lucas Chen
d. Argumentative e. Emily Foster
e. Confused and uncertain
Thursday, April 18, 2024 6:13 PM

An actor creates and performs a character by using cognitive empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM). It is the ability to represent othersÕ mental
Mini Dictionary
states. ToM plays a critical role in understanding and navigating social situations. Reflection into the character's mental life depends on the • Represent: mewakili
actorÕs approach to character performance. This may be an important part of the character-creation process. This process involves the • Critical: penting
exploration of the history, motivations, beliefs, and values of the character. This exploration often goes well beyond the information • Depend: tergantung
contained within the script. In other words, for many actors, creating a character involves a complex application of ToM, which includes • Interference: intervensi
several brain regions such as the temporoparietal junction and posterior cingulate/precuneus. • Cognitive empathy:
Empati kognitif
The temporoparietal junction works in processing and judgments of self and others. According to some studies, overcoming self–other • Theory of Mind (ToM):
interference and ToM is a deeply integrated process. Findings show that simulating others has been shown to influence self-knowledge. In Teori tentang Pikiran
this simulation, trait and memory measures become similar to a simulated other after adopting their perspective. Some brain regions are (ToM)
• Navigating: Menavigasi
deactivated when trained actors use the first-person fictional perspective of a character to answer questions. This is in contrast to a
• Exploration: Eksplorasi
situation when actors answered questions from their own perspective. It suggests that acting may involve the suppression of self-processing.
• Self–other interference:
(Adapted from
Gangguan diri–orang lain
• Suppression: Penekanan
TEXT 2 / penyembunyian
According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress (menyembunyikan) their everyday self. This • Suppress: Menekan,
implies that theatre training may have a big impact on the fundamental mechanisms of the human brain. Researchers in this study worked in menyembunyikan
collaboration with Flute Theatre. They created and delivered interactive productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals and their • Collaboration: Kerjasama
families. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method. • Wearable brain imaging
technologies: Teknologi
The team used wearable brain imaging technologies and physiological measurement devices. They were first introduced at UCL's Department pencitraan otak yang
dapat dipakai
of Biomedical Engineering. Both devices were used to evaluate the brain activity of actors as they rehearsed scenes from Shakespeare's A
• Physiological
Midsummer Night's Dream.
measurement devices:
Alat pengukur fisiologis
The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior • Self-awareness:
prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is usually associated with self-awareness. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who Kesadaran diri
were tested when rehearsing several times over a week. Meanwhile, when the performers were not in acting conditions, they responded • Neuroscientists: Ilmuwan
normally to hearing their own name. saraf
• Rehearsing: Berlatih
According to the lead researcher, this is the first time that neuroscientists have been able to record brain activity in actors as they
perform a role. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections
between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.
(Adapted from

From <>

1. According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM …. 4. The results of the evaluation of actorsÕ brain activity when performing a
(finding detailed information) character can be found in …. (where in the passage)
a. is an important skill for actors to suppress a. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 1
b. explores history, motivations, beliefs and values b. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 3
of a new character. c. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 3
c. enables actors to use several brain regions to be d. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 4
professional acting coaches. e. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 2
d. is a simulation implemented by actors to answer 5. What is the relationship between Text 1 and 2? (organization of idea)
questions from othersÕ perspectives. a. Text 1 argues the importance of using cognitive empathy for acting,
e. deactivates an actorÕs brain regions to process which is criticized by Text 2.
information contained within a script. b. Text 1 explains how the brain works when an actor performs a
2. The italicized word “They” in Text 2 Paragraph 1 character and Text 2 compares the devices used in the study.
refers to …. (pronoun reference) c. Both texts explain the mechanisms of the human brain, but they
a. actors focus on different participants.
b. the fundamental mechanisms d. Text 1 explains that in the character-creation process, an actor
c. researchers suppresses their self-processing, and Text 2 further elaborates the
d. interactive productions brain mechanisms
e. autistic individuals e. Texts 1 and 2 explain how creating and performing a new character
Pronoun Reference using cognitive empathy.
Pro Tips:
a. Cari kalimat yang mengandung pronoun --> "they"
b. Mundur ke kalimat sebelumnya
c. Baca secara saksama

3. Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an Fact Opinion

opinion? (fact & opinion)
Bisa dibuktikan Based on personal feeling/personal judgement
a. According to a recent study, when actors take on
a new character, they may be able to suppress Tidak bisa diperdebatkan Masih bisa diperdebatkan
their everyday self. Objective information (based on Subjective information
b. They used a series of sensory drama games, the data, statistics, observation)
known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method. Using adjective
c. The findings showed that when the actors heard
their own name during the performance, their
response was suppressed in the left anterior
b. They used a series of sensory drama games, the data, statistics, observation)
known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method. Using adjective
c. The findings showed that when the actors heard
their own name during the performance, their
response was suppressed in the left anterior
1. That is the best song released in this year.
prefrontal cortex of the brain.
2. Humans breathe with lungs.
d. The same result was witnessed consistently in six
actors who were tested when rehearsing several
times over a week.
e. We hope that this study will help us understand
what theatre training does to the brain and to
build new connections between neuroscientists
and theatre professionals
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 8:51 PM

The political situation between the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of 1. What is the main idea of the passage? (main idea)
China (PRC), commonly referred to as Taiwan and Mainland China respectively, has been a. The passage discusses the historical origins and current
characterized by complex dynamics and historical tensions. tensions between the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's
The origins of this political rift trace back to the Chinese Civil War, which concluded in Republic of China (PRC).
1949 with the Communist Party of China (CPC) establishing the PRC on the mainland, b. The passage examines the economic cooperation between Taiwan
while the defeated Kuomintang (KMT) retreated to Taiwan, where they continued to and mainland China.
govern as the ROC. Since then, both sides have claimed to be the legitimate government c. The passage explores the cultural similarities between the ROC
of all of China, leading to a longstanding dispute over sovereignty. and the PRC.
d. The passage analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
Despite the shared cultural and historical ties between the two entities, diplomatic cross-strait relations.
relations have remained strained. The PRC considers Taiwan an inseparable part of its e. The passage focuses on the military conflicts between Taiwan
territory and opposes any attempts at independence or international recognition for and mainland China.
Taiwan as a separate state. On the other hand, Taiwan asserts its sovereignty and 2. What can be inferred about the relationship between the ROC and
autonomy, maintaining its own government, military, and democratic institutions. the PRC? (inference)
a. The ROC and the PRC have established official diplomatic
The international community navigates a delicate balance in its relations with both sides. relations.
While many countries, including the United States, adhere to the "One China" policy, b. The ROC and the PRC maintain a peaceful coexistence with
officially recognizing the PRC as the sole legal government of China, they also maintain minimal tension.
unofficial relations with Taiwan, including economic and cultural exchanges. This c. The ROC and the PRC both claim to be the legitimate
diplomatic ambiguity reflects the complexities of the situation and the global desire to government of all of China.
avoid exacerbating tensions between the two entities. d. The ROC and the PRC have completely severed all ties and
communication channels.
Despite efforts to improve cross-strait relations in recent decades, tensions persist, e. The ROC and the PRC collaborate closely on military and defense
fueled by military posturing, diplomatic maneuvering, and domestic politics on both sides. matters.
The situation remains a sensitive and unresolved issue with the potential to impact 3. The word "contention" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to…
regional stability and global geopolitics. As both the ROC and PRC continue to assert (vocabulary in context)
their respective claims, the political landscape in the Taiwan Strait remains fraught with a. cooperation
uncertainty. b. disagreement
Adapted from: c. harmony
policy-biden d. concurrence
e. unity
4. What is the author's tone towards the political situation between
the ROC and the PRC? (author's tone)
a. Neutral and impartial
b. Optimistic and hopeful
c. Critical and skeptical
d. Indifferent and detached
e. Supportive and encouraging
5. In paragraph 3, what does the term "One China" policy refer to?
(vocabulary in context)
a. A policy advocating for the independence of Taiwan from China.
b. A policy recognizing both the ROC and the PRC as separate
sovereign states.
c. A policy recognizing the PRC as the sole legal government of
d. A policy supporting the reunification of Taiwan with mainland
e. A policy promoting diplomatic relations between Taiwan and
other countries.

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