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1) The history of boxing

2) The basics rules

3) Techniques and strategies

4) Physical fitness

5) The elements of a good boxer

6) The importance of boxing

7) Εpilogue
Chapter 1

The history of boxing

Boxing, an ancient Greek practice, was a love fight for the ancient Greeks. It was very
important to them and was a part of the Olympic Games, which had cultural and
religious significance.

Boxing matches involved the use of bare fists and fought for the glory and respect of
the gods and their fellow citizens. The winners are honored with various rewards and
were considered heroes.

This sport reflects the cultural significance of physical susceptibility and masculinity in
ancient Greece as it is an important part of the history of sport.

The first depictions of boxing were discovered in Sumer around 5000 BC, but in
ancient Egypt there are depictions from 3000 BC that depict scenes of boxing.

In the 9th century BC the peoples of the sea advanced boxing, giving it its
characteristic forms. It emerged as an Olympic sport in 688 BC. making it part of the
ancient Olympic Games. The first Olympic boxer, Onomatos from Izmir, paved the way
for many boxing accolades that followed.

Thus, this sport was an important part of the cultural heritage of ancient Greece,
enhancing masculinity, endurance and bravery.

As the very wise saying goes: "Sport reflects the past, forms the present and shapes the

In the Roman Empire boxing became bloody with the use of gloves equipped with lead
spikes. The ban on this bloody figure came from Emperor Theodosius. Once this ancient
practice was banned, the sport was lost in the shadow of history

However, in the 18th century it was revived in England and acquired the modern form we
know today. This development is a reminder of how important it is to continue to compete
and adapt our sporting heritage.

Finally, women's boxing, which began in 1994, is proof that male dominance in sport can
take root and evolve because in sport strength and determination have no gender.

Chapter 2

The basics rules.

Two opponents go head-to-head in a square ring in order to manage to hit each other.
Behind this simple scenario, there is a plethora of rules designed to ensure the fair
progression of the struggle.

Boxers wear special gloves for protection, and only the use of fists is allowed in the fight.
There is a judge who oversees the fight and counts << boxing points>> and rules are
imposed for pauses, << rounds>> during the fight.

The goal is to achieve victory either by knockout or by the judges' decision based on
many factors, such as technique, attack and defense. Beyond physical ability, boxing
requires strategy, endurance and dedication to training.

The legalimitation of a boxer's fist depends on the consent of the match referee.
However, some punches are universally illegal. These include:

 Punching insteadof an opponent while he has fallen down

 Punch insteadof an opponent immediately after tightening
 Punches thrown while holding on to anything
 Header
 Blows behind the head
 Blows to the hips
 Elbow use

Unlawful hitting against an opponent mayresult in:
Remember that different arbitrators interpret and apply these rules differently.

When a boxeris knocked out, there are specific rules to ensure that the fight continues
and that the boxer is safe. These include:
 The rule of 10 measurements: Once a boxer is knocked out, the referee
counts 10 seconds (thisis called "the count"). The boxer whofell down
must stand up to his feet by the end of the count, otherwise the fight is
classified as a victory of the opponentbyknockout (K.O.).

 If a boxer somehowfalls out of the ring, he has 20 seconds toget back into
the ring and get back on his feet.
If a round ends during the count, the boxerwho has fallen cancontinue to the next round.
This is known as "rescue from thebath " and only applies to certain events.
In addition, a boxer may be removed from the fight if the referee believes he cannot
continue (even if he has not been knocked out). This is known as "T.K.O." and
technically counts as a knockout.
Every boxing match has many rounds. Races can consist of three to 15 rounds, but most
races have 12 rounds. Each round lasts three minutes, although some races have two-
minute rounds.

Since there is no official beginning of boxing, the specific rules of a fight are
determined by each event. The rounds give each boxer a chance to rest and regain
strengthbefore the next round

There are usually three judges for a boxing match, although in various events there may
be two to five judges. The judges give each boxer ascore of 10 after each round. In most
high-risk fights, the most dominant boxer will receive 10 and the other 9.

If a fight comes to an end and no boxer is knocked out, the outcome will be determined
by the judges. Thisresult is called a "decision".
The judges' scores can be unclear and lead to a tie. This is known as a "split decision."
The conditions required for a draw are as follows:
 If all three judges give the two fighters exactly the same rating.
 If two judges give the two fighters exactly the same score (regardless of
the third judge's score).
 If two judges give winningresults to different fighters and the third judge
scores it as a tie.
Although it is the job of the judges to rate the match, only the referee can officially stop
a match forany reason. This rulewas created toprevent in-housegames from which a
minority of people benefit at the expense of the many.



There are various strategies on the sport followed by various boxers, let's take the scenario
where a boxer is much shorter for his weight, which does not necessarily mean that it is a
defect as he can use it to his advantage.

Mobility and Lightness: A short boxer can benefit from his agility and lightness. He must be
fast on the legs and constantly move to avoid the blows of his opponent.

Torso attack: He can focus on attacking his opponent's torso with low blows and so that he
manages to open up his opponent's defense and then proceed to blows to the face. Apart
from the face, blows to the spleen are also important.

Avoidance movement: This technique is applied with an unorthodox step forward or

backward. That is, first the back foot moves and then the front when we move forward and
respectively the front and then the back foot when we move backwards. Simultaneously
with the movement of the legs, a slight bend of the trunk to the right or left is made.

Surprise and change of height: The shorter can also use the height changes to surprise his
opponent as he can hit low and then higher with abrupt movements.

In addition, it is important to mention that there is a chance that athletes play from a
distance and not only from close as we mentioned above, since they can have a good pace
and be able to surprise their opponent at any time.

These kinds of boxers can become very successful if they develop an adaptive strategy that
suits their style.
Since we mentioned earlier the small boxers, we should not forget that there are several
advantages to being a taller athlete.

Exploitation of range: we mean the natural advantage that a taller man has, ie his longer
limbs, which results in being able to keep his opponent at a distance without the latter being
able to touch him with his blows.

Avoid close combat: Can avoid close battles either by spreading his long limbs by feinting or
by stepping left and right in a circle and backwards from his opponent thus maintaining
distance between them.

Countering and breaking the attack: With this strategy the defender can counter his
opponent with a straight blow while leaving to the side or backwards much easier since he
has longer limbs

Finally, he can close his opponent more easily on the ropes using feints with the front or back
hand. This is because he has longer lower limbs and so each step is a multiple of his

The right combination of keeping distance resulting from his physical advantages and the
combination of avoidance, attack and opposition makes him very effective in the ring.

More general strategies are, firstly, the defensive one, where the boxer focuses mainly on
defense, trying to prevent the attacks he receives and take advantage of his mistakes by
fighting him with <<counter punches>>.

Then, many athletes who are good at walking try to <<close>> their opponent on the ropes
or disable his attack by moving sideways and circling their opponent.

Focus on the knockout: Athletes with fairly strong blows <<brawlers>> who are often
physically lacking try to focus on the knockout even at an early time.

Everyone is wise to find their weaknesses and strengths in order to create their own personal
style of play.
Chapter 4

Physical fitness

One of the most important parts of championship sports in such a

demanding sport as boxing is nutrition. This, apart from training, can
improve the performance of an athlete who generally pays attention to
his diet and does not... He runs last minute to lose pounds.

The difficult part for the boxer is keeping at constant pounds. The three
components of the typical diet are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Despite the mistaken belief that carbohydrates help less than protein,
their intake is extremely important. Carbohydrate is essential for
maintaining an adequate energy level in the body.

It is gradually released from the body during the day. In fact,

carbohydrate is necessary for proper protein processing. Some of the
foods we need are:

Sweet potato, Beans, Lentils, Whole grain bread, Rice, Fruits,

Vegetables, Honey.

It would be good to avoid :

White bread, Puff pastry, Flour.

It is vital to consume the protein that takes care of the muscles of the
body and protects against fatigue and injury. Through protein, the
regeneration of cells and tissues and the increase of muscle mass takes

However, depending on the body fat of each person, the percentage of

protein they should receive is judged. When preparing meat, avoid
frying or intense cooking. Carbohydrates, fiber and water are also taken
at the same time.

Other important foods are:

Lean , Chicken , Fish , Shrimp , Eggs , Lean meat , Greek yogurt ,


Finally, good fats, as we say, help the body have energy and absorb
vitamins and minerals.

Unsaturated fats are considered the "good fats". Omega-3, Omega-6

fatty acids, which also stimulate brain health. It's a crucial part of a
boxer's diet who is often hit in the head.

What we should eat:

Seafood , Olives , Avocado , Walnuts , Almonds.

Chapter 5

The elements of a good boxer

A good boxer is distinguished by many characteristics that combine
physical strength, technical dexterity and psychological resilience. We
will analyze these elements that make success in the ring and how they
combine to be able to dominate this field.

Genetic predisposition refers to a person's tendency to specific traits

based on their genetic inheritance. Some of the things that help in the
sport are good muscle neurosis, explosiveness, endurance and speed
can clearly make the life of the boxer easier.

Psychological gifts and toughness: The boxer is called upon to be tough

but also with good psychology so that he can cope even when the fight
does not <<flow>> in his favor since, as we know, the good captain in
the storm appears. There are several examples of talented boxers who
gave up because they couldn't handle the psychological load.

Discipline and control of emotions: It is inconceivable for the athlete to

be carried away by the behavior of his opponent, that is, to make him
angry or afraid and to drag him into his own game by making him
unable to react. That's why you need composure, enough simulation in
training to make it easier to deal with stressful situations.

Courage and Audacity: Courage guides the athlete to face his

opponents regardless of fear or adverse circumstances. On the other
hand, <<audacity>> makes him challenge his opponent (always in the
context of <<fair play>>), to believe in his capabilities and not to
succumb to pressure.

Ingenuity and cunning: It is in my opinion both characteristics that take a

boxer to the next stage, if he can use them in the fight, since playing
and thinking at the same time is quite difficult. So being able to<<
analyze>> your opponent in real time is quite beneficial.

Chapter 6
The importance of boxing

The importance of boxing as a sport brings with it a deeper meaning for

humans. In addition to the benefits of physical exercise, values such as
self-discipline, endurance in adversity and respect for others are taught.
More generally, these two virtues teach us not to give up on our failures
and to face adversity with dignity and determination. Endurance
enhances mental resilience and the ability to adapt to new conditions.

Apart from anything else, self-respect and respect for others promotes
emotional connections between people and cooperative dialogue in
personal development, regardless of the differences that individuals
have with each other.

The sport teaches the importance of preparation in facing challenges in

life, since when we are prepared, we have a greater chance of success.

Moreover, dedication is also crucial, as it must be respected so that

nothing distracts us from our goal, which makes it a means of meeting
vivid challenges and strengthening the human soul.

Last but not least is the enhancement of self-confidence through which

comes the sense of personal growth. It is important to mention that the
boxer must be aware of his abilities and not overestimate himself as
excessive arrogance can bring about his fall as he is carried away by
his omnipotence and succumbs to wrong decisions.

Chapter 7


Boxing, highlighting the spirit of endurance, dedication, is much more

than a sport. It is a struggle both with ourselves and with life's
challenges. On the pitch we learn that the strongest blows are not
always what we see but what we feel. Besides, we are taught that effort,
dedication and dedication are the secret to success not only in the sport
but also in real life. Therefore, it would be good not to focus on the
outcome of the match, i.e. defeat or victory, but on what we gained from
each experience. Let's continue to discover the power of the true boxer
within us because when we put on our gloves we are on a journey
towards self-awareness and achieving our goals.

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