02 Module Test 2 ACTION 1

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TEST 2 (Module 2)

NAME: ...................................................................... DATE: .................................

CLASS: ...................................................................... MARK: _____

(Time: 50 minutes)

A Write, as in the example.

e.g. helmet 1 ............... 2 ............... 3 ............... 4 ...............

B Write the nationalities. ( Marks: ___

4 )
e.g. Russia ― Russian

5 France ― ........................... 8 Spain ― ...........................

6 the UK ― ........................... 9 the USA ― ...........................
7 Japan ― ........................... 10 Australia ― ...........................

C Write the words, as in the example.

( Marks: ___
6 )
e.g. She’s got long black hair.

11 He’s s............ and p............ . 14 They’ve got thin l.............. and big
12 She’s tall and s............ with fair hair. f............. .
13 He’s got a big m............ and a big 15 He’s got red hair and a red m............ .
n ............ .

( Marks: ___
10 )
D Complete the sentences with the correct word.

ñ this ñ these ñ that ñ those

16 .......... are watches. ☞ 19 .......... are scarves. ☞

17 .......... is a skateboard. ☞ 20 .......... are footballs. ☞

18 .......... is a helmet. ☞

( Marks: ___
5 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)
E Underline the correct item.

e.g. Sue and Mark have/has got bicycles.

21 I has/have got a skateboard. 24 They has/have got pens and pencils.

22 Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves. 25 We has/have got basketballs.
23 Asterix has/have got a moustache.

( Marks: ___
5 )
F Underline the correct item.

e.g. Mary has got a hat/hats collection.

26 Amy has got a new bikes/bike. 29 Jim has got brown glove/gloves.
27 Tim has got a blue cap/caps. 30 She has got a guitars/guitar.
28 We have got red watches/watch. 31 Emma has got three dolls/doll.

( Marks: ___
6 )
Everyday English
G Choose the correct response.

e.g. Are those your new shoes? G A Sure. That’s £8.00.

32 How can I help you? ........ B It’s from Spain. It’s Spanish.
33 How about this T-shirt? ........ C Yes, it is.
34 Where is it from? ........ D It’s £6.00.
35 Can I have two, please? ........ E I want to buy a souvenir.
36 Is this your new watch? ........ F That’s a good idea.
37 How much is it? ........ G Yes, they are.

( Marks: ___
12 )
H Translate sentences 32-37 from Ex. G.

38 ..............................................................................................................
39 ..............................................................................................................
40 ..............................................................................................................
41 ..............................................................................................................
42 ..............................................................................................................
43 ..............................................................................................................

( Marks: ___
12 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)

I Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

My doll collection

Hi, Betty!
How are you? I’m fine. I’ve got a great doll collection. I have got seventeen dolls. They are from
the UK, the USA, Australia, France, Japan and Canada. My Japanese doll was a present from my
mum and dad. I’m proud of my collection. Doll collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy.

e.g. The email is about Amy’s doll collection. T

44 The email is from Betty. .......

45 Amy likes her doll collection. .......
46 She has got 16 dolls in her collection. .......
47 The doll from Japan was a gift. .......
Amy is proud of the collection.
Doll collecting isn’t easy.
....... ( Marks: ___
12 )
J Write an email to a friend about a collection you have got. Use the text in Ex. I to help you.

Hi, ...........................
How are you? I’m fine. ..........................................................................................
My ..................... .............................................................................................

( Marks: ___
20 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)

K Listen and for questions 50-53 tick (✓) the correct box.

e.g. What is in the blue handbag?

a b c ✓

50 Where is Mark from?

a b c

51 What collection has Tim got?

a b c

52 What language can Sally speak?

a b c

53 What does Beth’s best friend look like?

a b c

( Marks: ___
8 )

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