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) How comfortable are you seeking advice or discussing academic

challenges with your parents? In an ideal world, parents are often the first line
of support for a child and should ideally be approachable and understanding.
However, in my situation, the level of comfort isn't quite as high as it could be.
I don't often seek advice from them, primarily because they're preoccupied
with other important matters and I don't want to impose. I'm hesitant to
discuss academic issues due to fear of disappointment, high expectations, or
a possible lack of understanding. Although it's crucial to establish an open and
supportive environment where everyone at home feels safe to share their
struggles without fear of judgment or criticism, I don't feel entirely at ease
discussing serious matters, especially those related to academic challenges.

2. ) How would you rate the impact of parental involvement on your overall
emotional well-being during your academic journey? From my personal
experience, I can say that parental involvement, or the lack thereof, has had
an impact on my overall emotional well-being during my academic journey.
When my parents haven't been actively involved and showed limited interest
in my education, it has made me feel unsupported and undervalued.
However, I've managed to stay motivated by focusing on my own goals. Their
limited involvement may not have contributed much to building a strong
foundation of confidence and self-belief, but it has allowed me to develop a
sense of independence. Although, while they haven't provided much guidance
when I faced challenges or felt overwhelmed, they have been there to offer
financial support and some encouragement. Their limited involvement has
shaped my academic journey in a way that has fostered independence and

3. ) How satisfied are you with the level of support and involvement your parents
have shown in your academic pursuits? To be honest, I am not completely
satisfied with the level of support and involvement my parents have shown in
my academic pursuits. However, I find it acceptable considering their busy
schedules and other important matters they have to attend to. It's common for
parents to have various commitments and responsibilities that can limit the
time and energy they can dedicate to their child's academic journey. But of
course, as a student, I always yearn for my parents' support and

4. ) How frequently do your parents engage in discussions with you about your
career aspirations and future goals? My parents have limited discussions in
terms of my career aspirations, due to the reason that they prioritize other
aspects of my own development. I know this doesn't mean they don't care
about my future, but they surely have different ways of showing support.

5. What extent do you feel that your parents' guidance has positively influenced
your time management skills for balancing academic and personal
responsibilities? I feel that my parents' guidance has had a smaller impact on
my time management skills for balancing school and personal responsibilities.
They haven't given me a lot of specific advice on managing my time, so I've
mostly learned to do it on my own. However, their overall support and
encouragement have still helped me in finding a good balance between my

6. ) How crucial is parental support in fostering a positive attitude towards

learning? Parental support is crucial in fostering a positive attitude towards
learning. When parents show interest, provide encouragement, and offer
support, it creates a nurturing environment that promotes a love for learning.
Their involvement and positive reinforcement can boost our confidence,
motivation, and curiosity, leading to a more positive attitude towards learning.

7. ) How much do you think your parents' involvement in your academics, affects
your attitudes and behaviors in school? I feel that my parents' involvement in
my academics has at least impact influence on my attitudes and behaviors in
school. They may not be as involved as some other parents, but their overall
support and belief in my abilities still have a positive effect in some ways.
Their little involvement and presence as well as encouragement serve as a
reminder of the importance of education and inspire me to give more my best
effort in school.

8. ) How often do your parents attend school events (such as parent-teacher

meetings, school performances, etc. My lola, in particular, attends school
events regularly. She takes a keen interest in my education and makes it a
point to attend parent-teacher meetings and school performances. Although
it's mainly my lola who frequently attends school events and activities, I know
that my parents are also supporting my career pursuits by working hard to
provide me with good educational support. My lola's consistent presence
provides me with a sense of support and encouragement.

9. ) How is your relationship with your parents? A bond between a parent and
child is a unique relationship that fosters the overall development of the child.
Reflecting on my own life, I realize how profoundly I've been shaped by my
guardians. They've not only provided me with an education but also nurtured
my individuality, helping me become the person I am today. Indeed, there
have been times when we've disagreed on certain issues, but we always
manage to find a resolution by the end of the day. They provide a sense of
security in some aspects (but not much in academic pursuits) and engage in
interactions during challenging phases of my life. This kind of support still has
been instrumental in my growth and development.

10. ) What are the ways of reinforcement given by your parents in terms of not
following their rules? My parents employ a combination of reinforcement
strategies. They use a mix of consequences and positive reinforcement,
depending on the situation and the severity of the rule violation. This balanced
approach helps me understand the importance of adhering to their rules while
also recognizing the benefits of following them.

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