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The Teaching Profession

Article 4 The Teacher and The Profession

The teacher and The Profession or the relationship of the teacher to the teaching

Section 5:
Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it a
dignified means of earning a decent living.


Specifically, teachers shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or
other partisan interest. They shall not directly or indirectly solicit, require, collect, or
receive any money, service, or other valuable material from any person or entity for such

Dignified Means: Teachers are expected to conduct themselves in a way that upholds the
dignity of the teaching profession. They should act ethically, professionally, and with

Earning a Decent Living: This phrase emphasizes that teaching is not just a job; it’s a
noble calling. Teachers should focus on their responsibilities to students and the
community rather than solely on financial gain. However, it also acknowledges that
teachers need to earn a living. Therefore, they should be compensated fairly and
adequately for their work.

In summary, Section 5 reminds teachers to balance their commitment to education

with the practical need to support themselves financially, all while maintaining the
dignity and honor associated with their profession.

Site an example to make it more understandable.

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