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Beyond Line of Sight Defense Communication

Systems: Recent Advances and Future Challenges
Ruhul Amin Khalil, Member, IEEE, Muhammad Haris, and Nasir Saeed, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communication stands industrial base, Germany stands prominently in Europe’s mil-
as an indispensable element within defense communication strate- itary communication market. Simultaneously, China’s marine
gies, facilitating information exchange in scenarios where tradi- communication systems industry foresees considerable expan-
tional Line of Sight (LOS) methodologies encounter obstruction.
This article delves into the forefront of technologies driving BLOS sion, fueled by coastal security demands and the growth of
arXiv:2312.06491v1 [eess.SP] 11 Dec 2023

communication, emphasizing advanced systems like phantom marine commerce operations [1]. In a categorical breakdown,
networks, nanonetworks, aerial relays, and satellite-based defense the sale of defense communication satellites exhibits a notable
communication. Moreover, we present a practical use case of uptick, propelled by escalating tensions along international
UAV path planning using optimization techniques amidst radar- borders. The market’s future trajectory hinges on strategic
threat war zones that add concrete relevance, underscoring the
tangible applications of BLOS defense communication systems. collaborations, continuous technological innovations, and the
Additionally, we present several future research directions for integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) [2]. Manufacturers
BLOS communication in defense systems, such as resilience have substantial opportunities for scaling their businesses
enhancement, the integration of heterogeneous networks, man- by harnessing advanced communication systems, low-latency
agement of contested spectrums, advancements in multimedia wireless links, and IoT integration, presenting a dynamic
communication, adaptive methodologies, and the burgeoning do-
main of the Internet of Military Things (IoMT). This exploration landscape for growth in the defense communication sector.
of BLOS technologies and their applications lays the groundwork Communication systems are a linchpin within military oper-
for synergistic collaboration between industry and academia, ations, enabling seamless information exchange among diverse
fostering innovation in defense communication paradigms. units within the armed forces. Effective communication tran-
Index Terms—Defense Communication systems, beyond line scends mere necessity in the intricate threatening of defense;
of sight, aerial relays, phantom networks, Internet of Military it assumes the mantle of a strategic imperative, wielding
Things profound influence over the success of tactical missions and
the overarching operational readiness [3]. This specialized
communication domain grapples with challenges far beyond
I. I NTRODUCTION those encountered in civilian networks, confronting distinc-
The global defense communication system market is poised tive obstacles such as Electronic Warfare (EW), Command
for robust expansion, forecasted to reach a valuation of US and Control Warfare (C2W), and the difficulties inherent in
$46.7 billion in 2023 and expected to soar to an impressive US beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) communication, as depicted in
$120.62 billion by 2033, exhibiting a substantial Compound Figure 1. The complexities inherent in defense communica-
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.9% [1]. Comprising nearly tion amplify its strategic significance as the core enabling
a quarter of the global aerospace and defense market, this coordinated military action in the face of evolving threats and
sector experiences heightened demand, owing to its reliance on operational landscapes. Moreover, the multifaceted nature of
commercial wireless technologies and an escalating need for military forces, spanning Ground, Water, and Air domains,
satellite communication equipment. Regionally, North Amer- introduces an additional stratum of complexity to defense
ica commands market dominance with a 36.5% share in 2022, communication. Serving as the sinew-binding coordinated
driven by substantial national defense expenditures. Europe, military action, it equips forces to adapt, strategize, and prevail
notably the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, account in the face of diverse, ever-evolving threats [4]. Defense
for a significant 24.8% market share. The Asia Pacific region, communication, thus, emerges as the quintessential backbone,
contributing 28% in 2022, displays promising growth due to empowering troops to navigate the complexities of modern
substantial government investments in military and defense warfare and emerge triumphant amidst the dynamism of global
equipment [1]. While exhibiting slower growth, the Middle defense landscapes.
East and Africa are anticipated to show improvement by the Recently, five significant trends have reshaped the landscape
forecast’s end. Noteworthy efforts in modernizing defense of defense communications. First, space technologies are ele-
communication systems include the United States’ substantial vated in defense operations, where space-based connectivity is
investments in new handheld man-pack radios. With its robust pivotal for various defense applications [5], [6]. The military’s
investments prioritize purpose-built and resilient space systems
Ruhul Amin Khalil and Nasir Saeed are with the Department of functioning across diverse transports and orbits, envisioning
Electrical and Communication Engineering, UAE University, Al-Ain 15551, space as a potential frontline in emerging conflicts. Secondly,
UAE e-mail:; the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) increasingly embraces
Muhammad Haris is with the Department of Electrical En-
gineering, Hanyang University, Ansan 15588, South Korea (e-mail: multi-constellation, multi-transport, and software-defined net- works, with a focus on low earth orbit (LEO) systems for their

Fig. 1. Illustraion of a BLOS defense communication system.

resilience and low latency [7]. A future outlook envisions a The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First,
fusion of LEO and geostationary satellites orchestrated via we present state-of-the-art technologies in BLOS defense com-
software-defined networking. Thirdly, pivotal efforts center munication, encompassing phantom networks, nanonetworks,
around developing Joint All-Domain Command and Control satellite networks, and aerial relays. Following this, a compre-
(JADC), Project Convergence, and Project Overmatch. The hensive case study illustrating UAVs for BLOS route planning
objective is establishing a unified command and control system in defense communication is presented. Subsequently, emerg-
spanning diverse military branches, emphasizing collaboration ing challenges and future research directions are delineated,
with industry stakeholders. The fourth trend underscores the culminating in the conclusive section of this article.
escalating reliance on commercial technology within defense
networks, integrating commercial innovations and off-the-shelf II. C UTTING E DGE T ECHNOLOGIES FOR BLOS D EFENSE
products into space-based networks to bolster resilience [7]. C OMMUNICATION S YSTEMS
Finally, standalone 5G deployments tailored for the DoD
offer high-speed, secure, and private wireless communication Defense communication encompasses critical components
at facilities, featuring a zero-trust security architecture and such as military radios, C2W, EW, secure transmission, and
the capability to run edge applications employing artificial alert measurement systems. Direct wave propagation, reliant
intelligence and machine learning. These trends align with on an unobstructed line of sight (LOS) between the Source
strategic objectives to address end-user needs, foster collabora- (Transmitter) and Destination (Receiver), stands as an optimal
tion, and explore commercial technologies to enhance defense solution for information exchange where frequencies below
communication capabilities. approximately 50 MHz favor surface or ground wave propa-
gation [13]. Nevertheless, higher frequencies face significant
While defense communication has attracted considerable attenuation, necessitating ducting for signal propagation across
scholarly focus, investigations span cognitive radios [8], substantial distances within two Troposphere layers. Moreover,
blockchain-based privacy preservation [9], dynamic spectrum LOS communication effectiveness can be hindered by obsta-
anti-jamming communication [10], Internet of Radars, joint cles like the Earth’s curvature and natural or man-made imped-
Radar communication [11], and BLOS phantom networks iments, requiring the adoption of BLOS communication tech-
[12]. However, to the best of the author’s knowledge, a niques [3]. Military domains extensively rely on various BLOS
comprehensive examination of BLOS communication within techniques, including phantom networks, nanonetworks, satel-
defense communication systems is absent in existing literature. lite networks, and aerial relays. Phantom networks provide an
Therefore, this paper aims to bridge this gap by delving into on-demand aerial communication method among out-of-range
state-of-the-art technologies and strategies explicitly tailored devices, while nanonetworks comprise nano nodes within at-
for BLOS scenarios in military contexts. omized aqueous mists, forming the basis of phantom networks.

Historically, balloons, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles [19]. Furthermore, nanotechnology advances sensors, present-
(UAVs) facilitate BLOS communication. Despite their utility, ing smaller, more sensitive alternatives critical for BLOS
these BLOS techniques encounter challenges. Table I offers a operations. Examples include highly sensitive infrared thermal
comparative overview of BLOS techniques, highlighting key sensors, compact accelerometers with GPS for motion and
features and associated challenges. position sensing, miniature high-performance camera systems,
and biochemical sensors, illustrating the adaptability of nano-
A. Phantom Networks materials in augmenting military sensor capabilities in BLOS
environments. Integrating nanotechnology into BLOS robotic
Phantom networks represent an innovative cornerstone in
systems and control mechanisms further enhances efficiency,
BLOS communication strategies for defense and military
emphasizing nanotechnology’s transformative influence on
applications, signaling a paradigm shift with on-demand, in-
BLOS military technologies.
tangible aerial connectivity crucial where traditional LOS com-
munication falls short [12]. Their adaptability and responsive-
ness prove indispensable in dynamic and challenging military C. Satellites-based BLOS Communication
environments, fortifying communication effectiveness and en- Safeguarding communication across vast and challenging
hancing the versatility of military radio systems. For instance, terrains, satellite-based defense communication stands as a
phantom MESH combines state-of-the-art communication and linchpin in BLOS operations, ensuring continuous connectiv-
advanced jamming technologies, employing MESH radios, a ity during critical military missions and protecting sensitive
token passing-based mobile ad-hoc network [14]. This self- data through encrypted transmission [20], [21]. However,
healing network architecture establishes robust RF paths in persistent challenges like signal latency and susceptibility to
challenging environments, crucial for operations beyond direct electronic warfare underscore the need for ongoing techno-
visual or radio contact. The iMESH suite within this solu- logical advancements. Key innovations, including emerging
tion, including iMESH KRIP and iHIVE, ensures flexibility, LEO constellations and adaptive communication protocols, are
security, and rapid deployability. Other phantom technologies, poised to augment the resilience and effectiveness of modern
like the Eagle 108 Drone Jammer and EW1600 military tac- military communication strategies [22]. The Defense Satellite
tical satellite communication (SATCOM) jammer, neutralize Communication System (DSCS), serving as a critical compo-
threats from unauthorized drones, ensuring safety and security nent of global satellite communications for the U.S. military,
in BLOS scenarios. Blu Wireless introduces PhantomBlu, comprises high-capacity military satellites supporting diverse
a groundbreaking V-Band radio node optimized for BLOS defense entities with its six-channel transponder system [23].
military communications, featuring dynamic mesh networking This constellation, known for its secure, nuclear-hardened,
capabilities with multi-gigabit data rates suitable for diverse anti-jam, and high-data-rate communication, is integral for
BLOS scenarios [15]. This system efficiently processes high- long-haul communications in contested environments. Other
bandwidth sensor data and video at the tactical edge, providing satellite-based defense communication networks such as SAT-
covert and resilient communication for ground forces operating COMBw in Germany, Syracuse IV in France, and Skynet
in BLOS environments. PhantomBlu’s ongoing advancements in the U.K. serve as critical communication relays in BLOS
aim to include W-band transceivers, aligning it with IEEE 6G operations, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity in military
standards and positioning it as a versatile BLOS solution for scenarios [24]. These systems employ encrypted data trans-
near-peer tactical operations. mission protocols, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of
defense communications. Ongoing advancements are targeted
B. Nanonetworks to address challenges such as signal latency and susceptibility
to electronic warfare, aiming to bolster the effectiveness and
Nanonetworks constitute a pioneering technological founda-
resilience of modern military communication strategies.
tion in BLOS communication for defense and military applica-
tions [16]. Operating at the nanoscale, these networks employ
nano nodes suspended within atomized aqueous mists, provid- D. Aerial Relays
ing essential sophistication for robust BLOS communication. This BLOS communication technology involves both
Their intricacies offer a nuanced solution for surmounting manned aircraft and UAVs serving as airborne relays, estab-
environmental obstacles in dynamic operational theatres [17]. lishing and maintaining communication links over extended
Their nanoscale components significantly enhance flexibility distances [25]. Manned aircraft with advanced communication
and adaptability, enabling effective communication in scenar- systems act as crucial nodes in military communication net-
ios where traditional methods falter [18]. Moreover, nanotech- works, enhancing versatility and coverage in BLOS commu-
nology’s potential impact on BLOS military applications ex- nication. Meanwhile, UAVs present a dynamic and adaptable
tends to medical care and materials advancements. Specifically solution, adept at navigating challenging environments and
tailored for BLOS scenarios, military nanotechnology focuses swiftly deploying to establish communication links in con-
on improving body Armor effectiveness. Technologies such as tested airspace [26]. Using tethered drones, tethered balloons,
Silica Si , Titanium dioxide Ti O2 , and Silicon dioxide Si O2 and floating balloons further diversifies the aerial relay land-
nanoparticles. These nanoparticles form the nanodevices that scape, offering unique solutions for sustained communication
aim to offer soldiers lightweight yet resilient protection in in diverse operational scenarios [27]. These aerial relays
situations where direct visual or radio contact is obstructed strategically overcome LOS limitations, ensuring continuous


BLOS Networks Applications Challenges

Phantom Networks Facilitates seamless communication be- Dynamic topology management with
tween military units in urban environ- rapidly changing terrains and scenarios,
ments with complex structures to navi- such as urban environments, where net-
gate obstacles in BLOS scenarios work topology needs continuous adjust-
ments for optimal communication
Nanonetworks Provides covert surveillance in hostile Limited energy to sustain continu-
BLOS environments, enabling discreet ous communication in resource-limited
information gathering without compro- BLOS environments
mising operational security
Satellite-based Networks Supports worldwide military operations High time delay due to large trans-
by ensuring continuous communication mission distance, impacting real-time
and data exchange, even in remote or communication in critical military op-
contested areas erations
Aerial Relays Provides rapid deployment scenarios Suffers from communication disrup-
for quick and flexible communication tions caused by atmospheric interfer-
setups and provides BLOS connectivity ence or potential vulnerability due to
during fast-paced operations electronic warfare

and resilient communication support for military operations. scapes. The autonomous nature of UAVs allows for swift and
The following discusses prospective aerial relays for BLOS agile responses to changing operational demands, showcasing
communication in defense communication systems. their pivotal role in real-time decision-making processes. As
1) Manned Aircrafts:: Manned aircraft are pivotal and integral components of military BLOS strategies, UAVs bolster
multifaceted in BLOS communication within defense and communication resilience and embody a transformative force
military applications. Equipped with advanced communica- in enhancing the agility and effectiveness of defense operations
tion systems, these aircraft act as airborne relays, forming in an evolving and complex security landscape.
crucial links over extended distances. Their versatility goes 3) Tethered Drones:: Tethered Drones emerge as a dis-
beyond conventional communication, enabling strategic de- tinctive and versatile solution within BLOS communication
ployment across diverse operational scenarios. These aircraft for defense and military applications. These drones, tethered
offer unparalleled coverage and adaptability, functioning as to a fixed point, present a unique capability for sustained com-
vital nodes within military communication networks. Beyond munication, making them suitable for prolonged surveillance
their role as relays, they contribute significantly to intelli- and communication relay tasks. Tethering enables prolonged
gence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) efforts, elevat- flight duration and ensures a stable platform, contributing to
ing the overall situational awareness of military operations. persistent and reliable communication support. In military sce-
The human-operated nature of manned aircraft introduces narios, tethered drones offer adaptability in various operational
dynamic decision-making, allowing real-time adjustments to contexts, providing a dynamic vantage point for surveillance
communication strategies in response to the evolving needs of and communication even in challenging environments. Their
complex military environments. Manned aircraft are effective ability to hover at specific altitudes for extended periods makes
conduits for BLOS communication and stand as cornerstones them valuable assets for maintaining continuous communi-
in comprehensively integrating communication, surveillance, cation links in complex, dynamic military theatres. Beyond
and strategic capabilities within defense operations. their role in communication, tethered drones also contribute to
2) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs):: Heralded as trans- intelligence gathering, surveillance, and monitoring, showcas-
formative assets in modern military strategies, UAVs epitomize ing their multifaceted utility in enhancing military capabilities
adaptability and innovation in BLOS communication. These beyond BLOS communication resilience. The strategic use
unmanned systems, purpose-built for navigating challenging of tethered drones underscores their significance as agile and
environments, contribute significantly to the military’s commu- enduring tools in modern defense communication strategies.
nication capabilities where traditional methods prove imprac- 4) Tethered Balloons:: Tethered Balloons present a dis-
tical. UAVs bring unparalleled flexibility to BLOS scenarios, tinctive and strategically valuable solution within BLOS com-
rapidly deploying to establish communication links in con- munication for defense and military applications. Tethered
tested airspace, inaccessible terrains, or high-risk zones [28], securely to the ground, these balloons serve as stable, elevated
[29]. Beyond their role as communication relays, UAVs con- platforms for improved signal propagation. Tethering provides
tribute extensively to intelligence gathering and surveillance, a cost-effective solution and ensures enduring and consistent
enhancing situational awareness in dynamic military land- communication links over expansive areas. In military ap-

plications, tethered balloons can be strategically positioned problems, where evolutionary computation emerges as an effi-
to enhance coverage and connectivity in specific operational cient method for addressing such challenges. Nature-inspired
zones, offering a dynamic and adaptable means of estab- optimization techniques such as particle swarm optimization
lishing communication in challenging terrains. Their stability, (PSO) can dynamically optimize UAV flight paths, which is
adaptability, and capacity to operate at various altitudes make crucial in navigating radar-laden war zones. This integration
them valuable assets for maintaining communication resilience fortifies defense communication systems, enhancing agility, re-
in diverse and dynamic military environments. Beyond their sponsiveness, and security, enabling seamless communication
role in communication, tethered balloons contribute to intel- links across challenging distances, significantly contributing to
ligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance efforts, showcasing mission success [32]. This section focuses on UAV path plan-
their versatility as integral components of military operations. ning in radar-threat war zones, framing it as an optimization
With their enduring presence and strategic positioning, the problem.
tethered balloons exemplify a nuanced approach to enhancing We focus on path planning for a UAV within a chal-
BLOS communication capabilities, providing a reliable and lenging radar-limited environment, where deterministic search
comprehensive solution in modern defense scenarios. algorithms prove impractical due to vast search space com-
5) Floating Balloons:: Floating Balloons, equipped with plexities. The presence of regularly positioned circular radar
communication payloads, represent an innovative and dynamic threats, confined within predetermined global limits, further
solution within the realm of BLOS communication for defense complicates the optimization process. The approach prioritizes
and military applications. These balloons traverse the skies optimizing UAV performance within a predefined 3D terrain
at high altitudes, offering a mobile and adaptable platform environment. Efficient path planning for UAVs in military
for maintaining communication links in challenging terrains. operations, between start and target points, is crucial for re-
Their mobility and ability to operate at varying altitudes duced time and enhanced mission effectiveness. The planning
render floating balloons effective tools for ensuring continuous process involves three interlinked phases: (1) establishing cost
communication coverage across diverse operational scenarios. and constraint functions, (2) aligning the digital map with
In military applications, these balloons contribute significantly the mission environment, and (3) optimizing and refining the
to establishing resilient and expansive BLOS communication flight route. In combat scenarios, UAV navigation encounters
networks, particularly in remote or inaccessible areas where challenges from diverse danger sources such as topography,
traditional methods may fall short. The innovative approach of radars, artillery, and no-fly zones. Considering the UAV’s
floating balloons aligns with the evolving demands of modern physical constraints, the planned route must navigate these
warfare, offering a strategic advantage by providing flexible obstacles to ensure safe traversal and collision avoidance.
and robust communication capabilities. Beyond their role in Addressing the multitude of objectives and constraints arising
communication, floating balloons contribute to intelligence from various risks and limitations presents challenges in UAV
gathering, reconnaissance, and surveillance efforts, showcas- route planning [33]. Developing an effective planner is crucial
ing their multifaceted utility in enhancing military capabil- to handling the complexities of multi-objective limited UAV
ities beyond BLOS communication resilience. The strategic route planning, particularly in intricate situations, as shown in
deployment of floating balloons underscores their significance Fig. 2.
as forward-looking and versatile assets in the ever-evolving
landscape of defense communication strategies.


As discussed in the previous section, in defense commu-
nication systems, UAVs play a crucial role in addressing
BLOS challenges where various scenarios are marked by
obstructed direct visual or radio contact, demanding innovative
solutions for establishing robust communication links. As
agile and adaptable platforms, UAVs navigate complex terrains
and operate amidst adversarial threats, overcoming hurdles in
BLOS environments [30]. Strategic deployment of UAVs for
BLOS route planning becomes essential, ensuring optimized
paths through intricate operational environments to enhance
communication reliability and mission success. Integrating
cutting-edge technologies like path optimization techniques Fig. 2. An Illustration of UAVs path planning in military operations.
into UAV-based BLOS route planning can further enhance
the efficacy [31]. Path planning for UAVs in challenging In UAV path planning, PSO significantly optimizes each
environments presents a real-world optimization challenge, particle’s path within predefined constraints and initial veloc-
requiring an optimal planner for efficient navigation. It in- ities. Despite their inclination to move towards their velocity
volves conceptualizing path-planning missions as optimization vectors, particles in PSO abide by swarm constraints, ex-

changing information and retaining their previous best position and diverse sensors in military operations elevates the im-
alongside their current position and velocity. The swarm’s portance of adaptive communication strategies, particularly
overall best particle, known as the global best, emerges in PSO in BLOS scenarios. This section delves into the cutting-edge
iterations. PSO’s iterative process refines particle positions challenges unique to BLOS contexts, offering valuable insights
by updating their location and velocity [34]. During path into the future of military communication technologies and
optimization, particles use vectors like their previous velocity, their pivotal role in shaping successful defense operations,
the global best position, and the personal best position to especially under conditions where direct visual or radio contact
determine optimal routes. In the context of UAV path plan- is limited.
ning, this optimization method guides UAVs through complex
environments, facilitating efficient navigation towards mission A. Resilience in Harsh Infrastructure Environments
objectives. Leveraging PSO’s ability to find optimal solutions
Defense communication systems, operating across diverse
within challenging and dynamic scenarios, this approach as-
and dispersed environments, encounter infrastructure chal-
sists UAVs in identifying safe and effective routes amidst
lenges distinct from those in established commercial networks
diverse obstacles and constraints.
[35]. The adaptability of defense communication systems be-
Utilizing the PSO algorithm, we formulated optimal flight
comes paramount for ensuring reliable and secure connectivity
paths for UAVs navigating through combat zones, particularly
in unpredictable operational scenarios, spanning various ter-
in the presence of radar systems and ground-based artillery.
rains, from dense urban landscapes to remote, austere regions.
Radar systems are critical in locating and tracking airspace
Effectively addressing these BLOS infrastructure challenges
objects, making evading radar detection imperative for mission
underscores the need for strategic approaches to optimize
success and security in hostile environments. Additionally,
network performance and enhance resilience across dynamic
ground-based artillery poses a significant threat to UAVs.
landscapes. An emerging frontier for BLOS research involves
Addressing these ground-based threats requires navigation
exploring the evolving role of space-based systems within
strategies considering not just altitude but also the dynamic
critical infrastructure frameworks, offering pivotal opportu-
nature of the threats, demanding agile and adaptable flight
nities for future military operations [36]. Understanding and
paths. Effectively evading both hostile radar detection and
harnessing the potential of BLOS space-based systems could
ground-based threats, like artillery, requires a comprehensive
revolutionize the planning and execution of military endeavors.
strategy that recognizes the distinct challenges posed by
The reliability of these systems, integral to most BLOS mili-
each threat source. Our proposed UAV’s trajectory routing
tary operations, highlights the interdependence between BLOS
is designed to maintain a consistent altitude above sea level,
satellite control and underground systems [36]. Future research
simplifying the navigation model and establishing a reliable
should explore the intricate relationship between national
benchmark for the UAV’s flight trajectory. In contrast, ground-
security and safeguarding critical infrastructure. Considering
based navigation often involves adaptations to the terrain
the persistent evolution of threats driven by technological
and on-ground obstacles, necessitating deviations from the
advancements, innovative approaches, including adaptations
UAV’s consistent altitude approach. The UAV’s route planning
to federal regulations and proactive anticipation of potential
based on the PSO algorithm is depicted in Fig. 3, where a
crisis scenarios, should be explored to fortify this essential
small red circle represents the initial UAV position, while a
blue circle denotes the target location. Large circles indicate
radar threats, while small circles represent artillery threats.
The black dotted line illustrates the path generated by the B. Heterogeneous Networks for BLOS Communication
PSO algorithm. The scenarios varied in complexity, giving Heterogeneous networks are crucial in BLOS defense com-
unique navigation problems. We assume the UAV has prior munication systems, offering a unified infrastructure that
knowledge of the target location and aims to navigate while seamlessly integrates diverse technologies, standards, and de-
evading various threats to reach its designated objective. Three vices [37]. This approach is instrumental in tackling chal-
scenarios with varying complexity levels have been introduced, lenges arising from temporal and spatial variability during
each presenting different configurations of radar and artillery military operations, providing adaptive solutions that dynam-
threats. Higher complexity levels entail more intricate radar ically adjust to changing conditions, and ensuring continu-
and artillery threats distributed sparsely along the trajectory ous communication [38], [39]. The increasing integration of
from the starting point to the goal. We also illustrate the Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) technologies in military
convergence rate concerning the path length for all three communications, driven by advantages like simplified pro-
scenarios in Fig. 4. curement, rapid deployment, and cost-effectiveness, necessi-
tates meticulous customization to adhere to stringent security
and reliability standards. Tactical communications, marked
by the coexistence of COTS-derived solutions and military
The evolving landscape of modern warfare demands com- standards, require precise planning and integration testing for
munication systems adept at maneuvering through diverse heterogeneous networks in BLOS communication scenarios.
networks, managing contested electromagnetic spectrums, For instance, the Italian Navy’s research center, Selex ES,
and meeting escalating requirements for multimedia-intensive and ELMAN performed a collaborative effort to develop a
communications. Integrating unmanned autonomous systems modular testbed that facilitates swift integration of diverse

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. UAV route planning in different scenarios (a) low complexity (b) medium complexity (c) high complexity.

contemporary global landscape, characterized by widespread

access to high-end electronics technology, the Defense Sci-
11000 Senario 1
Senario 2
ence Board conducted a comprehensive investigation into
Senario 3 the U.S. military’s operational capabilities within complex
10000 electromagnetic environments [44]. This investigation revealed
9500 significant deficiencies in operational support across diverse
Path Length [m]

mission areas, highlighting potential limitations against near-

peer and regional powers in terms of sensing, communication,
8500 networking, and synchronizing operations. The electromag-
netic spectrum has emerged as a strategic domain, interlinking
land, air, naval, space, and cyber domains. While Western
7500 armed forces historically maintained electromagnetic superi-
ority, the evolving landscape challenges this dominance with
7000 its increasingly complex and congested spectrum. Competitors
such as Russia, China, and non-state actors leverage advancing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 technology, threatening Western sovereignty in this domain.
Number of Iterations Addressing this challenge requires a pragmatic approach
emphasizing issues like agile spectrum management, effects
Fig. 4. Convergence curve of 3 different scenarios
concentration, and subsidiarity at the tactical level to establish
electromagnetic local superiority within specific space-time
technologies, providing a customizable environment for var- frameworks.
ious test campaigns, particularly relevant to maritime and
littoral operations [40]. These initiatives highlight the broad D. Increasing Need for Multimedia-Intensive Communication
applications of heterogeneous networks in military contexts, In contemporary military operations, the scope of BLOS
addressing challenges in experimentation, security, routing communication surpasses traditional voice and data transmis-
architectures, energy efficiency in sensor networks, and opti- sion to encompass highly multimedia-intensive capabilities,
mization of UAV coalition-based networks for surveillance and including video and broadband. This evolution mirrors the
spectrum access [41]. Together, these efforts underscore the dynamic nature of 21st-century military competencies, where
pivotal role of heterogeneous networks in meeting the intricate soldiers are required to embody essential attributes (Be), pos-
communication requirements of modern military operations in sess knowledge (Know), and execute actions (Do) for success
BLOS scenarios. in diverse operational environments [45]. Addressing the chal-
lenges of flexible, rapidly deployable communication systems
C. Contested Electromagnetic Spectrum within the broader spectrum of BLOS military communication
Military communications encounter the challenges of navi- also acknowledges the need for multimedia-intensive capa-
gating contested electromagnetic environments, where adapt- bilities. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
ability remains pivotal for sustaining BLOS link performance (DARPA) underscores the imperative of untethered commu-
and resilience against vulnerabilities [42], [43]. BLOS consid- nications, advocating for research and development efforts to
erations gain significance as military operations extend beyond meet the Department of Defense’s requirements for security,
direct visual or radio contact. This strategic shift aims to secure interoperability, and flexibility [46]. 5G and beyond technolo-
freedom of action in the contested electromagnetic spectrum gies can be investigated to provide real-time decision support
while recognizing the limitations of BLOS in seeking global in the future defense landscape, enabling hyper-converged con-
supremacy through rapid technological advancements. In the nectivity and secure data networks. Moreover, it can facilitate

the transfer of massive amounts of data, providing instant multimedia communication, adaptive methodologies, and the
situational awareness and enhancing training and battlefield burgeoning domain of the Internet of Military Things (IoMT).
capabilities. In short, this research holds significance for academia and
industry, opening paths for optimizing BLOS communication
E. Adapting to Changing Requirements systems and guiding technological advancements with a focus
Integrating unmanned autonomous systems and diverse sen- on security and cyber resilience. It showcases practical BLOS
sors poses dynamic and evolving requirements, demanding applications in military operations, encouraging collaborations
high agility and adaptability from military communication sys- among defense agencies, tech developers, and academia. This
tems. These evolving needs are pivotal for ensuring effective resonates with the Sustainable Development Goals, fostering
connectivity in BLOS communication amid rapidly changing peace, security, and technological innovation while bridging
operational landscapes. While military establishments were academic and industrial frontiers.
once a smaller part of the wireless communications market,
the current commercial sector significantly shapes technology R EFERENCES
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