Lipid Digestion

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(a) Endopeptidases and exopeptidases are involved in the hydrolysis of proteins.

Name the other type of enzyme required for the complete hydrolysis of proteins to
amino acids.


(b) Suggest and explain why the combined actions of endopeptidases and
exopeptidases are more efficient than exopeptidases on their own.




(c) The diagram shows the co-transport mechanism for the absorption of amino acids
into the blood by a cell lining the ileum.

The addition of a respiratory inhibitor stops the absorption of amino acids.

Use the diagram to expain why.







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(Total 6 marks)

Q2.The diagram outlines the digestion and absorption of lipids.

(a) Tick (✔) the box by the name of the process by which fatty acids and glycerol enter
the intestinal epithelial cell.

Active transport





(b) Explain the advantages of lipid droplet and micelle formation.




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(c) Name structure Q in the diagram above and suggest how it is involved in the
absorption of lipids.

Name _____________________________________________________________

How it is involved ____________________________________________________




(Total 8 marks)

Q3. (a) Cells lining the ileum of mammals absorb the monosaccharide glucose by co-transport
with sodium ions. Explain how.









(3)(Total 9 marks)

Q4.(a) Describe the role of enzymes in the digestion of proteins in a mammal.





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Scientists investigated how the diet of rabbits affected their digestion and absorption of
protein. The scientists fed rabbits an identical mass of food but varied the percentage of
protein in the food.

The scientists measured the mean mass of protein fed to the rabbits that was absorbed,
which they then expressed as a percentage value.

The scientists’ results are shown in Figure 1.

The error bars show ± 2 standard deviations.

± 2 standard deviations cover 95% of the data.

Figure 1

(b) What can you conclude about the absorption of the products of protein digestion as
the percentage of protein increased in the rabbits’ food?








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Mark schemes

(a) Dipeptidase/s;
Accept: membrane bound dipeptidase/s.

(b) 1. Endopeptidases hydrolyse internal (peptide bonds)

Exopeptidases remove amino acids/hydrolyse (bonds) at end(s);
Accept: break for hydrolyse.
Accept: endopeptidases break (proteins) into shorter chains.
2. More ends or increase in surface area (for

(c) 1. No/less ATP produced

No active transport;
2. Sodium (ions) not moved (into/out of cell);
Accept: sodium (ions) increase in cell.
Accept: sodium (ions) cannot diffuse into cell.
3. No diffusion gradient for sodium (to move into cell with
amino acid)
No concentration gradient for sodium (to move into cell with amino acid);
Accept: converse for all three points.
Note: no active transport of sodium (ions) equals 2 marks.

(a) Diffusion

(b) 1. Droplets increase surface areas (for lipase / enzyme

2. (So) faster hydrolysis / digestion (of triglycerides /
3. Micelles carry fatty acids and glycerol /
monoglycerides to / through membrane / to (intestinal
epithelial) cell;
1. Context is important
1. Reject micelles increase surface area
2. Ignore ‘breakdown’
3. Ignore ‘small enough’
3. Accept description of membrane
3. Reject any movement through membrane proteins

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(c) 1. Golgi (apparatus);
2. Modifies / processes triglycerides;
3. Combines triglycerides with proteins;
4. Packaged for release / exocytosis
Forms vesicles;
Ignore ‘processes and packages’ unqualified
2. Reject synthesises triglycerides
3. Accept ‘forms / are lipoproteins’

(a) 1. Sodium ions actively transported from ileum cell to blood;

2. Maintains / forms diffusion gradient for sodium to enter cells from gut (and with
it, glucose);

3. Glucose enters by facilitated diffusion with sodium ions;



Biochemical Liquid from Liquid inside

test beaker Visking tubing

Biuret reagent ✔

I2/KI ✔ or blank

Benedict’s ✔ ✔

1 mark for each correct row


(c) 1. Biuret: protein molecules too large to pass through tubing;

Neutral: enzyme molecules

2. Iodine in potassium iodide solution: starch molecules too large to pass through
If no tick in 04.2, allow no starch hydrolysed

3. Benedict’s: starch hydrolysed to maltose, which is able to pass through tubing.

Reject: glucose

(a) 1. (Reference to) hydrolysis of peptide bonds;
2. Endopeptidase act in the middle of protein/polypeptide

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Endopeptidase produces short(er) polypeptides/ increase number of ends;
3. Exopeptidases act at end of protein/polypeptide
Exopeptidase produces dipeptides/amino acids;
4. Dipeptidase acts on dipeptide/between two amino acids
Dipeptidase produces (single) amino acids;
Accept chain/chain of amino acids/peptide for polypeptide
Accept digest/breakdown/ break for ‘act’
Mark points 2, 3 and 4 reject answers where substrate or product
is incorrect eg ‘Endopeptidase produces dipeptides’
Ignore references to source and location of enzymes

Ignore reference to ‘significance’ unless qualified, eg ‘difference’

1. No significant difference (in protein absorption);

2. (because ± 2) SDs overlap;
Accept error bar for SD
3. (So mean) percentage absorbed not affected by percentage in diet;
4. Amount of protein (in diet) is not a limiting fact
Something else is limiting factor eg amount of protease;
5. (But) small range of protein in diet
(Should) Investigate wider range;
3 max

(c) 1. More/remaining/undigested (protein) broken down;

Accept all (protein) broken down
2. (So more) amino acids absorbed;
3. (Because) protein/food passes again through stomach/ileum;

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