Presented By:-Aman Trivedi (Auditor, Ministry of Defence)

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Presented by:- Aman Trivedi

(Auditor, Ministry of defence)

Clandestine Pronunciation- /klænˈdestɪn/,

◎ Clandestine (Adj.,)- done

secretly or kept secret​
◎ Synonym- Fraudulent, hidden
◎ Antonym- Honest, authorised
◎ Example- The group held
weekly clandestine meetings in
a church.

Sr. no. Words Meaning
1 Penury Poverty
2 Vicarious Secondhand
3 Ephemeral Impermanent
4 Euphemism Circumlocution
5 Badinage Banter
6 Bovine Placid; Stolid; Cowlike
7 Nostalgia Homesickness
8 Cacophony Harsh noise
9 Carnivorous Meat- eating
10 Clandestine Secret
Session 40
Origin and
related words
penuria- need, neediness

Penurious (Adj.):- very poor

Synonym cheap, chintzy, close,
closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly
Antonym- bounteous, bountiful,
charitable, generous
Example: But he presents himself
as self- effacing and penurious.
noun:- penuriouness
penuria- need, neediness

Parsimonious (Adj.):- extremely unwilling

to spend money
Synonym mean, cheap, chintzy, close,
Antonym- generous, liberal, munificent,
openhanded, unsparing
Example: They blamed the ailing state
education system on a series of
parsimonious governments.
noun:- parsimony
penuria- need, neediness

Penury (n):- the state of being

very poor
Synonym destitution,
impoverishment, indigence,
Antonym- affluence, opulence,
Example: He died in penury.
Indigence (n):- a state of extreme
Synonym poverty, penury,
Antonym- affluence, opulence,
richness, wealth
Example: There are various state
and federal programs to help
relieve indigence.
Adj.:- indigent
Destitution (n):- the fact of
having no money, food and the
other things necessary for life
Synonym: privation,
indigence, Ruin
Antonym- opulence, richness,
wealth, wealthiest
Example: Destitution has
become a major problem in the
Adj.:- destitute
fluo- to flow Ad-(af-)- to,

Affluence (n):- the state of

having a lot of money and a
good standard of living
Synonym prosperity, wealth,
income, inflow
Antonym- outflow, outpouring
Example: The 1950s were an
age of affluence in America.
Adj.:- affluent
opulentus- wealthy

Opulence (n):- a display of

great wealth
Synonym assets, capital,
fortune, means, riches,
Example: The room was
decorated with stagy
Adj.:- opulent
fluo- to flow
Fluid (n, Adj.):- a liquid; a
substance that can flow
Synonym flowing, fluent, liquid
Antonym- hard, nonliquid, solid
Example: The doctor told him to
drink plenty of fluids.
fluo- to flow

Influence (n,v):- a power to

affect persons or events
Synonym(n)- authority, clout,
Synonym(v)- affect, impact,
impress, move, reach
Example: His wife has had a
civilizing influence on him.
fluo- to flow
Confluence (n):- a coming or flowing
together, meeting, or gathering at one
Synonym conjunction, convergence,
Antonym- divergence
Example: This picture shows the
confluence of the Blue Nile and the
White Nile.
Vicarious (Adj.):- felt or
experienced by watching or
reading about somebody else
doing something, rather than
by doing it yourself
Example: He got a vicarious
thrill out of watching his son
score the winning goal.
Adv- vicariously
ephemera- mayfly

Ephemeral (Adj.):- lasting or used

for only
a short period of time
Synonym passing, short-lived,
temporary, transient, transitory
Antonym- lasting, long-lived,
permanent, perpetual, timeless
Example: It is a critic’s job to follow
every ephemeral fashion.
noun:- ephemerality
vanesco- to vanish -escent:- begin to

Evanescent (Adj.):- disappearing

quickly from sight or memory
Synonym brief, deciduous, ephemeral,
flash, fleeting, fugacious
Antonym- ceaseless, dateless,
deathless, endless, enduring
Example:Talk is evanescent, writing
leaves footprints.
noun:- evanescence
Verb:- evanesce
pheme- voice Eu(prefix)- good

Euphemistic (Adj.):- that

makes something
embarrassing or unpleasant
seem more acceptable than
it really is
Example: ‘We’re letting you
go’ is a euphemistic way of
saying ‘You’re fired.’
pheme- voice Eu(prefix)- good

Euphony (n):- ​the quality in

words or sounds of being
pleasant to listen to
Antonym- cacophony
Example: Such euphony is
hard to resist.
Adj:- euphonic, euphonious
logos- word, speech Eu(prefix)- good

Eulogy (n):- a speech or piece

of writing praising
somebody/something very
Antonym: homage, hymn,
paean, panegyric,
salutation, tribute
Example: He gave the eulogy at
Aunt Louise’s funeral.
Adj- eulogistic
logos- word, speech Eu(prefix)- good

Eulogist (n):- an orator who

delivers eulogies
Example: Eulogists of the
market economy usually
assume that it works on
perfect information.
verb- eulogize
logos- word, speech

Philology(n):- the scientific study of the

development of language or of a
particular language

Monologue(n):- a long speech by one

person during a conversation that stops
other people from speaking or
expressing an opinion
logos- word, speech

Dialogue(n):- a conversation
between two persons
Epilogue(n):- a speech, etc. at
the end of a play, book, or film
that comments on or acts as a
conclusion to what has
Eu(prefix)- good

Euphoria (n):- an extremely strong

feeling of happiness and excitement
that usually lasts only a short time
Synonym: paradise, rapture,
rhapsody, seventh heaven, swoon
Antonym: depression
Example: I was in a state of
euphoria all day.
Adj- euphoric
thanatos- death Eu(prefix)- good

Euthanasia (n):- the practice

of killing without pain a
person or animal who is
suffering from a disease that
cannot be cured
Example: Euthanasia of
people is illegal in most
Badinage (n):- friendly joking
between people
Synonym backchat, banter,
chaff, give-and-take,
Example: Mr. Goreng was in
no mood for intellectual
Persiflage (n):- comments and
jokes in which people laugh at
each other in a fairly unkind but
not serious way
Synonym: jesting, joshing, raillery,
Example: Everyone thought the
persiflage between the actor and
his wife was a hilarious
Cliché (n):- a phrase or an idea
that has been used so often that
it no longer has much meaning
and is not interesting
Synonym banality, bromide,
chestnut, commonplace,
Example: It has become a
cliché to say that Prague is the
most beautiful city in Europe.
Bromide (n):- a chemical which
contains bromine, used
especially in the past, to make
people feel calm
Synonym: homily, platitude,
shibboleth, trope, truism
Example: He took a/some
bromide to calm his nerves.
Adj- bromidic
platus- broad, flat

Platitude (n):- a comment or

statement that has been made very
often before and is therefore not
Synonym banality, bromide,
chestnut, cliché, commonplace,
Example: A political speech is full of
platitudes and empty promises.
Adj.- platitudinous
platus- broad, flat

Plateau (n):- an area of flat

land that is higher than the
land around it
Synonym altiplano, mesa,
table, tableland
Example: A plateau covering
hundreds of miles.
platus- broad, flat

Plate (n):- a sheet of metal

or wood or glass or plastic
Synonym lamella, lamina,
Example: The plate is kept in
a locked cupboard.
platus- broad, flat

Plate (v):- to cover a metal

with a thin layer of another
metal, especially gold or
Example: She purchased a
silver ring plated with gold.
platus- broad, flat

Platter (n):- a large plate that

is used for serving food
Synonym disc, disk
Example: I'll have the steak
and chicken combo
odyne- pain An- negative prefix

Anodyne (Adj.):- ​unlikely to

offend anyone or cause them
to disagree; not expressing
strong opinions
Synonym- gentle, innocent,
harmless, non toxic
Antonym- injurious, adverse,
Example: Old songs are
anodyne for me.
Sr. Words Meaning Sr. Words Suffix
No. No.

1 Penuria Need; Neediness 1 -Ent Adective

2 Fluo To Flow 2 -Ence Noun

3 Opulentus Wealthy 3 -Ism Noun
4 Ephemera Dayfly
4 -Ic Adective
5 E-, Ex- Out
5 -Ous Adective
6 Vanesco To Vanish
6 -Ize Verb
7 -Esce Begin To
Sr. Words Prefix
8 Eu- Good No.
9 Pheme Voice 1 An- Negative
10 Phone Sound
Sr. Words Suffix
Sr. Words Meaning No.
1 -Ent Adective
11 Logos Word, Speech
2 -Ence Noun
12 Thanatos Death
3 -Ism Noun
13 Platys Broad Or Flat
14 Odyne Pain 4 -Ic Adective

5 -Ous Adective

6 -Ize Verb

Sr. Words Prefix


1 An- Negative
Session 41
Origin and related
-ine:- like,
bovis- ox, cow
similar to

Bovine (Adj.):- dull and slow-

moving and stolid; like an ox.
Example: She stared at us
with a stupid, bovine
-ine:- like,
leo- lion
similar to

Leonine (Adj.):- characteristic

of or resembling a lion.
Example: His goat-like lower
body, however, had hooves
and a long leonine tail.
canis- dog -ine:- like,
similar to

Canine (Adj.):- connected with

Synonym dog, doggy (or
doggie), hound, pooch, tyke
(also tike)
Example: She's a specialist in
canine psychology and
-ine:- like,
felis- cat similar to
Feline (Adj.):- ​like a cat; connected
with an animal of the cat family
Synonym agile, featly, graceful,
gracile, light, light-footed
Antonym- awkward, clumsy, gawky,
graceless, klutzy
Example: She walks with feline
porcus- pig -ine:- like,
similar to

Porcine (Adj.):- ​like a pig;

connected with pigs
Synonym gross, hoggish,
piggish, piggy, swinish
Example: The porcine children
continued to fight over the
leftover soup like a trough of
-ine:- like,
vulpus- fox
similar to
Vulpine (Adj.):- of or like a
Synonym natural, noble,
Example: He is back with
vulpine intent and
determined to win where he
was forced to retreat before.
-ine:- like,
ursus- bear
similar to

Ursine (Adj.):- connected

with bears; like a bear
Example: He discovered at
that moment a bond
between himself and his
ursine brothers and decided
to devote his life to
protecting them.
lupus- wolf -ine:- like,
similar to

Lupine (Adj.):- like a wolf;

connected with a wolf or
Example: He looked even
more lupine than before, old
and grizzled with no
-ine:- like,
equus- horse
similar to

Equine (Adj.):- connected

with horses; like a horse
Example: He has a long
equine face.
piscis- fish -ine:- like,
similar to

Piscine (Adj.):- of or
related to fish
Example: Some people
cannot stand the smell of
piscine foods.

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