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Stewart Wescott


Wiñ oy Tripantu is the Mapuche solemnization that marks the return of the sunshine , often
referred to as the Mapuche New year .It occurs on the June solstice , which is the inadequate
day of the year in the Mapuche homeland in the Southern Hemisphere .Sometimes , the term
We Tripantu is used interchangeably with Wiñ oy Tripantu , but some Mapuche language
speaker use We Tripantu for the Gregorian calendar New twelvemonth ( Jan 1 ) and reserve
Wiñ oy Tripantu for the June solstice celebration .There are various variations of the
terminus Wiñ oy Tripantu , including Wiñ ol xipantu , Wvñ ol xipantu , Wiñ ol Txipantu , and
Wü ñ oy Tripantü .This celebration is like to the Inti Raymi in Mapuche culture .As the sun
begins to return to Earth after the farsighted night of the yr ( the winter solstice ) ,
Pachamama ( mother Earth in Quechuan language ) or nuke Mapu ( in Mapudungun ) starts
to bloom , from the Andean superlative to the southern gratuity .The sun , known as Antü in
Mapuche , Inti in Aymara , or Rapa in Rapa Nui , brings life back to the land , and everything
begins to flourish again .Wiñ oy Tripantu is observed with a ceremony on the shortest
twenty-four hour period of the year , where family unit and communities gather to
celebrate together .Everyone in the residential district plays a purpose in the ceremony ,
which includes call , terpsichore , a communal repast , and offerings to the land .A
traditional wood fire is fall and kept burning until sunrise the next day .Elders plowshare
narration with ethnic , philosophical , and political signification , passing down Mapuche
acculturation and chronicle to the younger generations .The ceremony concludes with a
communal breakfast .While Wiñ oy Tripantu has been a longstanding custom in Wallmapu
( southern Argentina and Chile ) , it has experienced a revival in recent decades , coinciding
with a broader revitalisation of Mapuche cultural practices and acres right advocacy .==
consultation ==

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