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Irving Perkins


Vasilije Trbić ( Serbian Cyrillic : Василије Трбић ; 1881 – 1962 ) was a Serbian Chetnik
commander in Macedonia who became a politician in the Kingdom of Serb , Croatian and
Slovenes , first representing the People 's base company ( NRS ) in the commonwealth 's
National Assembly and later the Yugoslavian national political party ( JNP ) .Born in the
village of Bijelo Brdo , near Dalj in Austria-Hungary , Trbić was a Thelonious Sphere Monk in
his youth .He fled mountain Athos after being accused of murdering respective boyfriend
monks and joined the nationalist band of Jovan Drimkolski in 1904–05 , quickly becoming
the unit 's commander .Trbić fought alongside Serbian forces during the Balkan state of war
and during World war I , earning the decree of the Star of Karađorđe for his efforts .Acting
alongside other quondam Chetnik air force officer , he participated in establishing
organizations whose intention was to raise repository to Serbian military achiever from
1912–18 and to upgrade ethnic development in Macedonia in the interwar
menstruation .He died in 1962 .== too soon animation == Vasilije Trbić was born in 1881 in
the Slavonian village of Bijelo Brdo , near Dalj .He completed his early schooling here before
continuing his education in the realm of Serbia .A monk in his youthfulness , Trbić was
forced to flee mountain Mount Athos in 1902 after being charged with murdering various
Greek monks .He found refuge in Belgrade , where he met several Serb nationalist leaders
who convinced him to join their Chetnik bands .In 1903 , Trbić murdered a Turk near the
Pčinja River .He was caught and sentenced to death by footrest Turkish authorities before
being pardoned for his crime .== Involvement with the Chetniks == In 1904–05 , Trbić
joined a Chetnik band in a Macedonian village in Drimkol and replaced vojvoda Đorđe
Cvetković-Drimkolski as the unit 's air force officer .Soon afterwards , he had one of his men
executed for lack of discipline .This incident brought him into conflict with former Chetnik
loss leader in the region , notably vojvoda Andjelko Krstić .In 1907 , Trbić was promoted to
the social station of vojvoda in the urban center of Veles .Bloody brush near the Village of
Nebregovo followed , involving Trbić 's Chetniks and local Bulgarian insurgents .In 1907 ,
Trbić and bloke vojvoda Jovan Babunski joined forces to defeat the forces of Bulgarian
warlord Stevan Dimitrov in the village of Drenovo .During the Balkan Wars , his Chetnik
band launched several diversionary flak against Turkish strength in Makedonija on behalf of
the Serbian Army .As the state of war progressed , his Chetniks became one of the offset
Serbian unit of measurement to enter the townspeople of Veles and Prilep in Nov
1912 .Trbić flew an airplane past German language , Austro-Hungarian , and Bulgarian
product line and carried out reconnaissance delegacy for the Serbian Army after consulting
with the word officer Major Milan Vasić .He was awarded the ordination of the adept of
Karađorđe for his attempt .In September 1912 , Vasilije Trbić entered the small town of
Desovo with 30 Chetniks where they massacred 111 Albanian valet and burned the
village .In nearby Brailovo , Trbić had 60 Albanians executed .== Political life history ==
After the war , Trbić became involved in political sympathies .In 1924 , he was elected as a
deputy representing the People 's Radical Party ( NRS ) in the subject fabrication of the
realm of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes .Afterwards , he changed allegiances and became a
extremity of the Yugoslav national company ( JNP ) .Alongside former erstwhile Chetnik
commanders , he also participated in establishing brass whose purpose was to kindle
monuments to Serbian armed services successes from 1912–18 and to elevate ethnic
development in Macedon .Following the Yugoslav coup d'état in marching music 1941 ,
Trbić was overtly counter towards the political and military leader of the land of Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia , whom he blamed for the axis vertebra invasion of the country .As
Earth War II progressed , Trbić 's son , Milivoje , became a Chetnik commander and led
Chetnik forces in the Poreče region .Trbić died in 1962 .

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