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1/9/24, 12:27 PM Duas for Rizq- Sustenance

Duas for Rizq- Sustenance

  

Basics Baqiyatus-Salehat Sahifas-Other Misc Hadith/Actions

Arabic Transliteration Translation

Baqiyatussalehat- the prayers for sustenance are as follows:

First: Mu`awiyah ibn `Ammar has reported the following: I once asked Imam al-Sadiq (`a) to teach me a supplicatory prayer for more
sustenance. He therefore taught me a supplicatory prayer that I have never seen more effective than it. It is the following:

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‫َالَّلُهَّم ٱْر ُزْقيِن ِمْن َفْض ِلَك ٱْلَواِس ِع‬

allahumma irzuqni min fadlika alwasi`i
O Allah, (please) provide me out of Your all-inclusive,

‫ٱَحْلَالِل ٱلَّط ِّيِب‬

alhalali alttayyibi
legal, and pleasant sustenance

‫ِر ْزقًاَواِس عًا‬

rizqan wasi`an
with sustenance that is expansive,

‫َح َالاًل َط ِّيبًا‬

halalan tayyiban
legally gotten, pleasant,

‫َبَالغًاِللُّدْن ا ٱآلِخ ِة‬

‫َي َو َر‬
balaghan lilddnya wal-akhirati
covering all this-worldly and other-worldly demands,

sabban sabban
pouring, torrential,

‫َهِنيئًاَمِر يئًا‬
hani'an mari'an
enjoyable, and wholesome,

‫ِمْن َغِرْي َكٍّد‬

min ghayri kaddin
without exhaustive affairs

‫َوَالَمٍّن ِمْن َأَح ٍد ِمْن َخ ْلِقَك‬

wa la mannin min ahadin min khalqika 1/10
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and without the favor of any of Your creatures;

‫ِإَّالَس َعًة ِمْن َفْض ِلَك ٱْلَواِس ِع‬

illa sa`atan min fadlika alwasi`i
rather, with a favor out of Your all-inclusive favors.

‫ « ٱ َأُلوٱ ٱ ِمْن َفْض ِلِه‬: ‫َفِإَّنَك ُقْلَت‬.»

‫َو ْس َهَّلل‬
fa'innaka qulta was'alu allaha min fadlihi
You have said, “Ask Allah of His grace.”

‫َفِم َفْض ِلَك َأ َأ‬

‫ْس ُل‬ ‫ْن‬
famin fadlika as'alu
Thus, from Your grace only do I ask,

‫ِم ِط َّيِتَك َأ َأ‬

‫ْس ُل‬ ‫َو ْن َع‬
wa min `atiyyatika as'alu
from Your gift only do I ask,

‫ِم ِد َك ٱ َأل َأ َأ‬

‫َو ْن َي َمْل ٰى ْس ُل‬
wa min yadika almal'a as'alu
and from Your abounding donation do I ask.

Second: Imam al-Baqir (`a) is reported to have said to Zayd al-Shahham: For sustenance, you may say the following supplicatory prayer in
the obligatory prayer while you are in the position of prostration:

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‫ا َخ ٱ ُؤ وِل‬
‫َي َرْي َمْلْس َني‬
ya khayra almas'ulina
O best of all those whom may be besought

‫َيا َخ ٱ ْعِط‬
‫َو َرْي ُمْل َني‬
wa ya khayra almu`tina
and O best of all those who may give,

‫ٱْر ُزْقيِن َوٱْر ُزْق ِع َيايِل ِمْن َفْض ِلَك‬

urzuqni warzuq `iyali min fadlika
(please) provide me and my dependants with sustenance out of Your grace,

‫َفِإَّنَك ُذو ٱْلَفْض ِل ٱْلَعِظ يِم‬

fa'innaka dhu alfadli al`azimi
for You verily the Lord of great favoring.

Abu-Basir is reported to have said: I complained to Imam al-Sadiq (`a) about poverty and asked him to teach me a supplicatory prayer for
sustenance. He therefore taught me a supplicatory prayer after which I have never needed anything. Precisely, the Imam (`a) instructed
me to say the following supplicatory prayer in the Night Prayer while I am in the position of prostration:

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‫َيا َخ َرْيَمْدُعٍّو‬ 2/10
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ya khayra mad`uwwin
O best of all those whom may be besought,

‫َوَيا َخ َرْيَمْس ُؤ وٍل‬

wa ya khayra mas'ulin
O best of all those whom may be begged,

‫ْع‬‫َيا َأ َس َع َمْن َأ‬

‫ٰىَط‬ ‫َو ْو‬
wa ya awsa`a man a`ta
O most ample-giver of all those who may give,

‫َوَيا َخ َرْيُمْر جَت ًٰى‬

wa ya khayra murtajan
and O best of all those whom may be pleased,

‫ٱْر ُزْقيِن َوَأْوِس ْع َعَلَّي ِمْن ِر ْزِقَك‬

urzuqni wa awsi` `alayya min rizqika
(please) provide me with sustenance, grant me liberal sustenance,

‫َوَس ِّبْب يِل ِر ْزقًاِمْن ِقَبِلَك‬

wa sabbib li rizqan min qibalika
and cause me to receive sustenance from Your Presence,

‫ِإَّنَك َعٰىَلُكِّل َشْي ٍء َقِد يٌر‬

innaka `ala kulli shay'in qadirun
for You have power over all things.

Referring to the same supplicatory prayer, Shaykh al-Tusi, in his book of Misbah al-Mutahajjid, has mentioned that this supplicatory prayer
may be said in the second prostration of the eighth unit of the Night Prayer.

Fourth: The Holy Prophet (s) is reported to have instructed that this prayer might be said for asking for

‫َيا اِز َق ٱ ِقِّل‬

‫َر ُمْل َني‬
ya raziqa almuqillina
O Sustainer of the impoverished,

‫َوَيا َر اِح َم ٱَمْلَس اِك ِني‬

wa ya rahima almasakini
O Compassionate to the poor,

‫َيا َّيِلٱُمْلْؤ ِمِن‬

wa ya waliyya almu'minina
‫َو َو‬
O Patron of the believers,

‫َوَيا َذا ٱْلُقَّوِة ٱَمْلِتِني‬

wa ya dha alquwwati almatini
and O Lord of power and strong,

‫ِّل َع َحُمَّم ٍد َأْه ِل َبْيِتِه‬

‫َص ٰىَل َو‬
salli `ala muhammadin wa ahli baytihi 3/10
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(please) send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household,

‫َوٱْر ُزْقيِن َوَعاِفيِن‬

warzuqni wa `afini
provide me with sustenance, grant me wellbeing,

‫َوٱْكِفيِن َما َأَّمَه يِن‬

wakfini ma ahammani
and save me from what has distressed me.

Fifth: Reporting this supplicatory prayer for seeking sustenance from Imam al-Sadiq (`a), Abu-Basir added that
Imam al-Sadiq (`a) ascribed this prayer to Imam `Ali ibn al-Husayn (`a):

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‫ٱ ِعيَش ِة‬ ‫ُلَك‬‫َالَّل َّم ِإيِّن َأ َأ‬

‫ُه ْس ُحْس َن َمْل‬
allahumma inni as'aluka husna alma`ishati
O Allah, I beseech You for excellent livelihood;

‫َمِعيَش ًة َأَتَقَّوٰى ِبَها َعٰىَلِمَجيِع َح َواِئِج ي‬

ma`ishatan ataqawwa biha `ala jami`i hawa'iji
such livelihood by which I can be competent enough to settle all of my needs

‫َوَأَتَوَّص ُل ِبَها يِف ٱَحْلَياِة ِإٰىَلآِخ َر يِت‬

wa atawassalu biha fi alhayati ila akhirati
and by which I can pave my way to my otherworldly life by means of this life,

‫ْط‬‫ِم َغِرْي َأ ُتِرْت َفيِن ِفي ا َفَأ‬

‫َه ٰىَغ‬ ‫ْن ْن‬
min ghayri an tutrifani fiha fa'atgha
but do not make me so luxurious that I may be inordinate

‫ْش‬‫َأ ُتَق ِب ا َعَلَّي َفَأ‬

‫ٰىَق‬ ‫ْو َرِّت َه‬
aw tuqattira biha `alayya fa'ashqa
and do not straiten my means of life that I may be miserable.

‫َأْوِس ْع َعَلَّي ِمْن َح َالِل ِر ْزِقَك‬

awsi` `alayya min halali rizqika
Rather, You may grant me expansive and legally gotten sustenance

‫َوَأْفِض ْل َعَلَّي ِمْن َس ْيِب َفْض ِلَك‬

wa afdil `alayya min saybi fadlika
and endue me kindly with the torrential favors of You,

‫ِنْعَم ًة ِمْنَك َس اِبَغًة‬

ni`matan minka sabighatan
such pleasant graces,

‫َوَعَط اًءَغَرْيْمَمُنوٍن‬
wa `ata'an ghayra mamnunin
and enduring gifts. 4/10
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‫ُثَّم َالَتْش َغْليِن َعْن ُش ْكِر ِنْعَم ِتَك‬

thumma la tashghalni `an shukri ni`matika
Then, (please) do not cause me to be distracted from thanking Your graces

‫ِبِإْكَثاٍر ِمْنَها ُتْلِهييِن َبْهَجُتُه‬

Bi'iktharin minha tulhini bahjatuhu
through granting me excessive sustenance whose joy may divert me

‫َتْفِتُنيِن َزَهَر اُت َزْه ِتِه‬

wa taftinuni zaharatu zahwatihi
and whose vainglory may lead me astray

‫َوَالِبِإْقَالٍل َعَلَّي ِمْنَها‬

wa la bi'iqlalin `alayya minha
or through giving me very little amount of sustenance

‫ُّد‬ ‫َك‬ ‫ي‬‫ْق ِب ِل‬

‫ُه‬ ‫َي ُص ُر َعَم‬
yaqsuru bi`amali kadduhu
due to which my painstaking efforts fail to meet my needs

‫َوَْمَي ُألَص ْدِر ي ُّمَهُه‬

wa yamla'u sadri hammuhu
and due to which my heart is filled with grief.

‫َأْعِط يِن ِمْن ٰذِلَك َيا ِإِهٰلي‬

a`tini min dhalika ya ilahi
(Please) give me, O my God, an amount

‫ِغ ًٰىنَعْن ِش َر اِر َخ ْلِقَك‬

ghinan `an shirari khalqika
that makes me dispense with Your evil creatures

‫َوَبَالغًاَأَناُل ِبِه ِر ْض َواَنَك‬

wa balaghan analu bihi ridwanaka
and makes me attain Your pleasure.

‫َوَأُعوُذ ِبَك َيا ِإِهٰلي ِمْن َشِّر ٱلُّدْنَيا‬

wa a`udhu bika ya ilahi min sharri alddunya
I pray Your protection, O my God, against the evil of this world

‫َوَشِّر َما ِفيَها‬

wa sharri ma fiha
and the evil therein.

‫َوَالْجَتَعْل َعَلَّي ٱلُّدْنَيا ِس ْج نًا‬

wa la taj`al `alayya alddunya sijnan
Do not cause this world to be like prison for me 5/10
‫َوَالِفَر اَقَها َعَلَّي ُح ْز نًا‬
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wa la firaqaha `alayya huznan

and do not cause my departure from it to be grief for me.

‫َأْخ ِر ْج يِن ِمْن ِفْتَنِتَها َمْر ِض ًاَعيِّن‬

akhrijni min fitnatiha mardiyyan `anni
(Please) take me out of it while You are pleased with me

‫َمْقُبوًَالِفيَها َعَم ِلي‬

maqbulan fiha `amali
and my deeds are accepted by You

‫ِإٰىَلَداِر ٱَحْلَي اِن َوَم اِك ِن ٱَألْخ اِر‬

‫َي‬ ‫َو َس‬
ila dari alhayawani wa masakini al-akhyari
to the habitat of true life and the abode of the virtuous ones.

‫َأْبِد ْليِن ِبٱلُّدْن ا ٱْلَفاِن ِة‬

‫َي َي‬
wa abdilni bilddunya alfaniyati
Give me in exchange for this terminating life

‫َنِعي ٱلَّداِر ٱْل اِق ِة‬

‫َب َي‬ ‫َم‬
na`ima alddari albaqiyati
the bliss of the everlasting abode.

‫َالَّلُهَّم ِإيِّن َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِمْن َأْزَهِلا َوِز ْلَزاَهِلا‬

allahumma inni a`udhu bika min azliha wa zilzaliha
O Allah, I pray for Your protection against this world’s hardships and tribulations

‫َوَس َط َواِت َش َياِط يِنَها َوَس َالِط يِنَها َوَنَكاَهِلا‬

wa satawati shayatiniha wa salatiniha wa nakaliha
and against the sways of its devils, rulers, and chastisement

‫َوِمْن َبْغِي َمْن َبٰىَغَعَلَّي ِفيَها‬

wa min baghyi man bagha `alayya fiha
as well as against the oppression of whoever has oppressed me in this world.

‫َالَّلُهَّم َمْن َكاَديِن َف ُه‬
allahumma man kadani fakid-hu
O Allah, (please) frustrate whoever intends to deceive me,

‫ِر‬‫َأ ا يِن َفَأ‬

‫َوَمْن َر َد ْدُه‬
wa man aradani bisu'in fa'arid-hu
thwart whoever intends evil to me,

‫َوُفَّل َعيِّن َح َّد َمْن َنَص َب يِل َح َّد ُه‬

wa fulla `anni hadda man nasaba li haddahu
break off the sharp edge of whoever has targeted at me,
‫َأ‬ 6/10
‫َأْط ِف‬
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‫و‬ ‫ُق‬ ‫يِل‬ ‫َش‬ ‫ا‬‫َن‬ ‫يِّن‬

‫َو ْئ َع َر َمْن َّب َو َدُه‬
wa atfi' `anni nara man shabba li waqudahu
extinguish the fire of whoever has collected its wood against me,

‫ٱْكِفيِن َمْك ٱَمْلَك ِة‬

‫َر َر‬
wakfini makra almakarati
save me from the trickeries of the cunning ones,

‫ٱْفَقْأَعيِّن ُع و ٱْلَكَف ِة‬

‫ُي َن َر‬
wafqa' `anni `uyuna alkafarati
gouge out the eyes of the disbelievers,

‫ُه‬ ‫َّمَه‬ ‫َل‬

‫َّي‬ ‫َع‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َخ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫ْن‬‫َم‬ ‫َّم‬ ‫َه‬ ‫يِن‬ ‫ِف‬‫َوٱْك‬
wakfini hamma man adkhala `alayya hammahu
save me from the grief of whoever has grieved me,

‫ٱ َفْع َعيِّن َشَّر ٱ َدِة‬

‫َحْلَس‬ ‫َو ْد‬
wadfa` `anni sharra alhasadati
defend me against the evil of the envious ones,

‫ٱْعِص يِن ِم ٰذِلَك ِبٱلَّس ِك ي ِة‬

‫َن‬ ‫َو ْم ْن‬
wa`simni min dhalika bilssakinati
protect me against all that through tranquility,

‫َوَأْلِب ْس يِن ِدْر َعَك ٱَحْلِص يَنَة‬

wa albisni dir`aka alhasinata
dress me Your invulnerable armor,

‫َوَأْح ِييِن يِف ِسِرْت َك ٱْلَوايِق‬

wa ahyini fi sitrika alwaqi
cause me to live under the shade of Your protective covering,

‫َوَأْص ِلْح يِل َح ايِل‬

wa aslih li hali
set aright all of my affairs,

‫َوَص ِّد ْق َقْويِل ِبِفَعايِل‬

wa saddiq qawli bifi`ali
make congruous my words and my deeds,

‫َوَباِر ْك يِل يِف َأْه ِلي‬

wa barik li fi ahli
and bless my family members for me.

Prayer for More Sustenance -Baqeyatus salehat

It is reported that a man came to the Holy Prophet (s) and said, “I have many dependants and I am suffering too much because of debts.
Therefore, instruct me a supplication by which Almighty Allah will provide me sustenance so that I can settle my debts and cover the
needs of my dependants.” The Holy Prophet (s) taught him to do the following: You may do the ritual ablution very accurately and then
offer a two unit prayer with accurate genuflection and prostration. Upon accomplishment, you may say the following supplication: 7/10
‫َيا َماِج ُد َيا َواِح ُد َيا َكِر‬
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‫ُم‬ ‫ي‬
ya majidu ya wahidu ya karimu
O Glorious! O One an Only! O All-generous!

‫َأَت َّج ِإَل َك َّم ٍد َنِب ِّيَك َنِبِّي ٱلَّر َمْحِة‬

‫َو ُه ْي ُمِبَح‬
atawajjahu ilayka bimuhammadin nabiyyika nabiyyi alrrahmati
I turn my face towards You in the name of Muhammad, Your Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy,

‫َص ٱ َعَل ِه آِلِه‬

‫ٰىَّل ُهَّلل ْي َو‬
salla allahu `alayhi wa alihi
Allah’s blessings be upon him and his Household;

‫َيا َحُمَّم ُد َيا وَل ٱِهَّلل‬

‫َر ُس‬
ya muhammadu ya rasula allahi
O Muhammad! O Allah’s Messenger!

‫ِإيِّن َأَت َّج ُه ِبَك ِإ ٱِهَّلل‬

‫ٰىَل‬ ‫َو‬
inni atawajjahu bika ila allahi
I turn my face in your name towards Allah,

‫يِّب ِّبَك ِّب ُكِّل َش ٍء‬

‫ْي‬ ‫َر َوَر َوَر‬
rabbi wa rabbika wa rabbi kulli shay'in
my and your Lord and the Lord of all things.

‫َأ َأُلَك ٱلَّلُهَّم َأ ُتَص ِّل َع َحُمَّم ٍد َأْه ِل َبْيِتِه‬

‫ْن َي ٰىَل َو‬
wa as'aluka allahumma an tusalliya `ala muhammadin wa ahli baytihi
‫َو ْس‬
I thus beseech You, O Allah, to send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household,

‫َوَأْس َأُلَك َنْفَح ًة َكِر يـَم ًة ِمْن َنَفَح اِتَك‬

wa as'aluka nafhatan karimatan min nafahatika
and I beseech You to grant me one of Your generous gifts,

‫َوَفْتحًاَيِس ريًا‬
wa fathan yasiran
an easy opening,

‫َوِر ْزقًاَواِس عًا‬

wa rizqan wasi`an
and expansive sustenance

‫َأُلُّم ِبِه َشَعِثي‬

alummu bihi sha`athi
by which I can put together my scattered things,

‫َوَأْقِض ي ِبِه َدْييِن‬

wa aqdi bihi dayni
settle my debts,
‫َأ‬ 8/10
‫َوَأْس َتِعُني ِبِه َعٰىَلِع َيايِل‬
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wa asta`inu bihi `ala `iyali

and have the ability to cover the needs of my dependants.

Another Prayer for More Sustenance -Baqeyatus salehat

Before you go to your shop (or place of work), you may go to the mosque to offer two or four units of prayer after which you may say the
following supplication:

‫َغَد ُت َحِب ِل ٱِهَّلل ُقَّوِتِه‬

‫ْو ْو َو‬
ghadawtu bihawli allahi wa quwwatihi
I begin this day by Allah’s might and power.

‫َغَد ُت ِبَالَح ٍل ِميِّن َالُقَّوٍة‬

‫ْو َو‬ ‫َو ْو‬
wa ghadawtu bila hawlin minni wa la quwwatin
I begin it by no might or power of mine;

‫َولِكْن َحِبْوِلَك َوُقَّوِتَك َيا َر ِّب‬

wa lakin bihawlika wa quwwatika ya rabbi
rather, by Your might and power, O my Lord.

‫الَّلُهَّم ِإيِّن َعْبُد َك‬

allahumma inni `abduka
O Allah, I am verily your servant.

‫َأْلَتِم ُس ِمْن َفْض ِلَك َكَم ا َأَمْر َتيِن‬

altamisu min fadlika kama amartani
I am seeking Your favor, as You have ordered me to do.

‫َفَيِّس ْر يِل ٰذِلَك َوَأَنا َخ اِفٌض يِف َعاِفَيِتَك‬

fayassir li dhalika wa ana khafidun fi `afiyatika
So, (please) make it easy for me while I am enjoying wellbeing that You confer upon me.

Another Salat/ Prayer for More Sustenance -Baqeyatus salehat

You may offer a two unit prayer; in the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and repeat Surah al-Kawthar (No. 108) three times.
In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Fatihah once and repeat Surah al-Falaq and Surah al-Nas each three times.

Twenty-first: In addition to sustenance, this prayer, which is quoted from Sayyid Ibn Tawus’s book of al-Mujtana, may be used for other

‫َالَّلُهَّم ِإَّن ُذُنويِب َلْم َيْبَق َهَلا ِإَّالَر َج اُء َعْفِو َك‬
allahumma inna dhunubi lam yabqa laha illa raja'u `afwika
O Allah, nothing has indeed left for my sins except my hope for You pardon

‫َوَقْد َقَّد ْمُت آَلَة ٱِحْلْر َماِن َبَنْي َيَدَّي‬

wa qad qaddamtu alata alhirmani bayna yadayya
although I have done things due to which I deserve deprivation of Your pardon.

‫َفاَنا اْس اُلَك َما َالاْس َتِح ُّقُه‬

fa'ana as'aluka ma la astahiqquhu
Therefore, I beseech You for what I do not deserve,

‫َواْدُعوَك َما َالاْس َتْوِج ُبُه‬ 9/10
1/9/24, 12:27 PM Duas for Rizq- Sustenance

wa ad`uka ma la astawjibuhu
I seek from You what I do not merit,

‫َواَتَض َّر ُع ِإَلْيَك َمِبا َالاْس َتا ُه‬
wa atadarra`u ilayka bima la asta'hiluhu
and I implore You for what I do not earn.

‫َوَلْم ْخَيَف َعَلْيَك َح ايِل‬

wa lam yakhfa `alayka hali
My situation is not concealed from You

‫َوِإْن َخ ِفَي َعٰىَلٱلَّناِس ُكْنُه َمْعِر َفِة اْمِر ي‬

wa in khafiya `ala alnnasi kunhu ma`rifati amri
although the actual knowledge of my manners is hidden from people.

‫ْط‬‫ِب‬ ‫ْه‬‫ا‬‫َف‬ ‫َالَّل َّم ِإ َكا ِر ْزيِق يِف ٱلَّس اِء‬

‫ُه‬ ‫َم‬ ‫ُه ْن َن‬
allahumma in kana rizqi fi alssama'i fa'ahbithu
O Allah, if my sustenance in the sky, then (please) send it down to me,

‫َوِإْن َكاَن يِف ٱالْر ِض َفاْظ ِهْر ُه‬

wa in kana fi al-ardi fa'azhirhu
if it is in the earth, then (please) show it to me,

‫َوِإْن َكاَن َبِعيدًاَفَقِّر ْبُه‬

wa in kana ba`idan faqarribhu
if it is far off, then (please) draw it near me,

‫ِإ َكا َقِر يبًاَفَيِّس‬

‫ْر ُه‬ ‫َو ْن َن‬
wa in kana qariban fayassirhu
if it is near, then (please) make it easy for me to reach it,

‫ِإ َكا َقِليًَالَفَكِّث‬

‫ْر ُه‬ ‫َو ْن َن‬
wa in kana qalilan fakaththirhu
and if it is little, then (please) multiply it for me

‫َباِر ْك يِل ِفيِه‬

wa barik li fihi
and grant me its blessings. 10/10

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