Second Quarter Exam2023 - 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tomas A. Turalba Memorial Elementary School
China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna


SY 2023 – 2024


R U Ap An E C
Note down relevant information from text 5 5 13
1,3 2 5 4
Note significant details of informational 5 5 12
6,8 7 9 10
Respond appropriately to the messages 5 5 13 11, 15,
12 13 14
of the different authentic texts
Identify the purpose, key structure and 5 5 12 20 16,
language features of various types of 18,
information/factual texts EN6-LC4 19
Recognize evaluative word choice to 5 5 13 22,23 24,25
detect biases and propaganda devices
used by speakers EN6-LC5
React on the content of the material 5 5 12 26,27,
presented 30

Infer purpose of the visual media and 5 5 13 23 31,32,

the target audience 35
Compare and contrast content of 5 5 12 36 37 38 39,40
materials viewed to other sources of
information (print, online and
broadcast) VC6
TOTAL 40 40 100 24 12 4
SCORING 1 1 1 1 1 1
NUMBER OF POINTS 9 15 3 9 2 2

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher II


School Head

Noted by:

Public Schools District Supervisor

Telephone: (049) 523-3390

Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tomas A. Turalba Memorial Elementary School
China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna


SY 2023-2024

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ____________

Teacher: _____________________________________________ Section: ___________

I. Directions: Read the story carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Write the
letter only on your answer sheet.

The Passion Fruit Drink Stand

It was a very hot day so Adam and Justin decided to set up a passion fruit drink stand.
Adam had planted a purple passion fruit vine while Justin had planted the yellow ones.
They made a jug of juice by mixing two pot-spoons of white sugar in some warm water,
with the passion fruit seeds.
Firstly, Adam mixed the warm sugar water and put it in the blender. Secondly, Adam cut 2
passion fruits, for every jug of juice. Next, using a teaspoon he scooped out seed. Then,
Justin put the seeds in the blender with the warm sugar water. Lastly they strained out the
juice into a jug, after blending it. They kept the jug of juice in an ice cooler.
When a customer came they put 3 ice cubes into large cup and poured some juice.
They sold a cup of juice five pesos per cup. By the end of one hour they easily made one
thousand pesos.
Choose one correct answer for each question:
1. What ingredients did they need to make 1 jug of juice?
A. lemons, sugar and warm water
B. a pot of boiling water and sugar
C. warm water, white sugar, passion fruits
D. three ice cubes into large cup and poured some juice
2. Why did they boys sell passion fruit juice?
A. To make only Php 1000.00
B. To use the fruits they had grown themselves.
C. People were thirsty on a cold and stormy night.
D. Sold the juice for the 2 cups of passion fruit juice.
3. Do you think they will sell more passion fruit juice on another day?
A. Unsure
B. No, they already made enough money.
C. Yes, they would use out the fruits they had grown.
D. All of the answers are wrong because they don’t have explanation.

4. Which one do you think they did not use in making the juice?
Telephone: (049) 523-3390
Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
A. An ice box and an oven.
C. A kettle, a blender and a strainer.
B. A pot spoon, a tea spoon, a jug and some tall glasses.
D. All of the answers are wrong because they don’t have explanation.
5. Why do you think they strained the juice after blending it?
A. To get most of the seeds out.
B. To mix the ingredients well together.
C. To get some of the white sugar out.
D. To get most of the stones in the fruit.

II. Directions: Read and analyze each passage then choose the letter of the answer write it
on your answer sheet.

6. What features might an author use when writing an informational text?

A. Diagrams, graphs, and charts
B. Table of contents and glossary
C. Large fonts, headings, or bullets
D. All answers are correct with explanation.

7. If an author writes on Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, this would be an example of
which informational text pattern?
A. Description
B. Cause and effect
C. Comparison and contrast
D. Any pattern would be correct.

8. Arlene and Airene are twins. They both love swimming. Arlene loves to swim in the pool
but Airene loves to swim in the sea. What type of text is this?
A. Description
B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution
D. Comparison-and-Contrast

9. There is still no cure for Covid19 according to World Health Organization or WHO. In
spite of all the research done. Because of this, researchers are now focusing on
prevention rather than cure. Doctors advise drinking a lot of liquids, taking vitamins C,
and rest on top of eating only healthy foods, regular exercise and rest are important.
Practicing proper hygiene is very important, too.
A. shows process
B. shows cause and effect
C. shows compare and contrast
D. presents the problem and solution

10. “Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and
exhaust fumes mixed with fog. To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been
passed. Smoke belching vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce
fumes emanating from them.”. How is the text type written?
A. It shows the reason of air pollution in the cities.
B. It starts with a problem and ends with a solution.
C. It informs the reader about cause of air pollution.
D. It shows comparison about air pollution and smog.

11. Jake's family went on a camping trip. They went to a park by the ocean. They rode their
bikes around the park and cooked their food over a fire outside. They saw some deer.
Telephone: (049) 523-3390
Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
They came home Sunday afternoon. What is the main idea?
A. They saw some deer
B. Jake's family likes to camp
C. They cooked their food outside
D. Jake's family went on a camping trip

12. Hummingbirds love pink or red flowers. They guard their favorite flowers and try to
keep other birds away. They fight one another for food. Their wings make a whirring
sound when they hover over flowers to sip nectar. The tiny birds fly long distances to go
to a warmer climate for the winter. They make their tiny nests in shrubs or trees. What
is the main idea?
A. They guard their favorite flowers
B. Hummingbirds are interesting birds
C. They hover over flowers to sip nectar.
D. They fly long distances to travel to warmer climates in the winter

13. What does Inference mean?

C. Using what I know
B. Giving a reason for your answer
A. Use clues and what you already know to come up with an idea
D. To fly over the high mountain sky across the blue sky and above the trees

14. What information should you gather when you preview a text?
A. Details about the life of the author
B. A general idea of what the text is about
C. The names of every character in the work
D. Information about where, when, and how the book was published

15. When's the best time to stop and reread a piece of text?
A. When you are halfway through the text
B. After you've already read it several times
C. When you are finished with the entire text
D. When you come across something you don't understand

III. Identification: Directions: Identify the text structures that being described in each
sentence. Choose the answer from the word bank and write it on the answer sheet.

___________________16. It describes or present a statement, event or items in order, and

enumerates procedure or steps in doing something.

___________________17. It describes a person, place, thing idea or concept by explaining its

characteristics or by giving examples.

___________________18. It refers to what happened and why it happened.

___________________19. It shows or presents how two or more things are alike and different.

___________________20. It tells about the problem and the possible solutions to it.


Problem and Solution Cause and Effect Description Comparison and


IV. Directions: Complete the chart about propaganda devices by answering the given
questions inside the boxes: (Think of your favorite commercials on the television).
Telephone: (049) 523-3390
Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
21.What is the name of the product?

22.How much does it cost?

23. What are the benefits that the

product can provide?

24. Is the endorsed product better

than any products? Why and why not?

25. What propaganda device or

technique was used in endorsing the

V. Directions: Encircle the materials that does not belong to the group.

26. A. daily TV news B. reference books C. textbooks D. workbooks

27. A. E- book B. radio comedies C. TV commercials D. TV documentaries
28. A. blogs/vlogs B. Web-pages C. written diary D. videos
29. A. book B. Email C. mobile legends D. online shop
30. A. Magazines B. newspaper C. portfolio D. social media app

VI. Directions: Study the pictures and answer the questions after. Write your answer on
the answer sheet.

31. What feeling or emotion does the picture showed?

A. calm and peaceful B. Envious and gloomy
C. Cheerful and energetic D. sadness and anxiousness
32. What do you think is the purpose of the advertiser in the poster?
A. to inform people about the company
B. to remind the people to buy the product
C. to persuade people to buy the product
D. to warn the people about the harm of the products

33. Who are the target consumers of the poster?

A. children B. doctors
Telephone: (049) 523-3390
Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
C. farmers D. politician
34. What idea does the poster or advertisement give to the people?
A. The new store management
B. The new location of the stores
C. The new product of the company.
D. The new price adjustments of the company.
35. What phrase ask people to buy the products?
A. new B. collect all 8 toys
C. enjoy D. Got joy in every jolly box.

VII. Directions: Answer the following questions by choosing the correct letter of your
answer and write it on the answer sheet.

36. Which of the following is most likely true about the word “compare and contrast?”
a. It is effective for English subject only.
b. To see what is wrong with the texts presented.
c. To group ideas in order of similarities and differences
d. It is a reading comprehension skill only for students who love reading
37. In comparing and contrasting we need at least:
a. 1 subject b. 2 subjects
c. 5 subjects d. 8 subjects
38. The following are considered effective sources of information EXCEPT.
a. Academic journal b. Educational articles
c. Internet d. Unverified news
39. Below are examples of textual aids EXCEPT:
a. Bolder words b. highlighted words
c. Italicized d. None of the above
40. Using this diagram enable students to see the relationship between 2 or 3 sets of

a. Flowchart b. Tree diagram

c. Network diagram d. Venn diagram

Key to Corrections

Telephone: (049) 523-3390

Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna
1. C 16. Sequence 36. C
2. B 17. Description 37. B
3. A 18. Cause and effect 38. D
4. A 19. Comparison and contrast 39. D
5. A 20. Problem and solution 40. D
6. D 21-25 Teacher’s Discretion
7. D 26. A
8. D 27. A
9. D 28. C
10. B 29. A
11. D 30. D
12. B 31. C
13. A 32. C
14.B 33. A
15.D 34. C
35. B

Telephone: (049) 523-3390

Address: China St. Town & Country Southville Subd. Brgy. Sto. Tomas Biňan City, Laguna

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