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I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Figures of speech in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" include simile, metaphor,

and personification. For example, the title and initial line of the poem is a simile,
using the word "as" to compare the speaker to a cloud.
What is the speaker's mood in lines 1–2 of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," and
how does it change when the speaker sees the daffodils?
In the first two lines of the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," the speaker
is, as he notes, "lonely as a Cloud." However, when he sees the daffodils, he no
longer feels lonely, since they appear as a "crowd," dispelling his loneliness and
making him feel "gay" again because of their "glee."
How are the daffodils described in the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"?
In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," the speaker describes the incredible beauty
of the daffodils that line the lake's edge by using various literary devices in main
themes in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" are the companionship of nature, the
endurance of memory, and the richness of sensation.
The companionship of nature: The speaker's initial state of solitude gives way to
a feeling of affinity with the beautiful lakeside scene.
The endurance of memory: The image of the daffodils endures in the speaker's
memory, and he can draw upon it in his mind after the fact.
The richness of sensation: The senses, particularly vision, enhance and inspire
the imagination, including personification and vivid imagery.

In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," the poet gives to the daffodils human
attributes having to do with dancing. He writes that they dance in the breeze,
toss their heads as dancers do, and even feel gleefulness and jocundity.
Sea fever
Q1. Wat kind of day does the poet prefer for sailing?
A windy Day with flying white clouds across the sky is the kind of day the poet
prefers for sailing.
Q2. What does the poet prefer to hear from a fellow rover?
The poet prefers to hear a merry yarn from a fellow rover>
Q3. hOw does the poet describe the call of the sea?
The poet has described the call of the sea as irresistible. It is a wild call that
cannot be ignored. The call has the ability to hypnotize.
Q4. What role would the star play on the ships journey?
A star always has a fixed position hence by looking at a bit a voyager may know
in which direction he is travelling. In the same way the poet is also being guided
in the directions he is moving by the stars.
Q5. What does the poet ask for when he is at sea?
The poet asks for a tall ship and a star to steer by. He asks for a merry yam and
good sleep after his long trip.
Q6. What message does the poet convey in the poem?
Through the poem, the poet wants to convey the message that the sea could be
a relief which he can use to take rest from his busy life. Also he has various
things that comfort him during the sea voyage.
Q7. Why is the poem titled sea fever?
Fever is the state of excitement and in this poem the poet is also feeling the
same urge to go to the sea and hence this poem is titled sea fever.
Q8. What does the poet mean by a tall ship?
Tall ship refers to a strongly built, big ship capable of withstanding stormy
weather in the sea.
Q9. how is the sea personified in the poem?
The poet has personified the sea by using the word ‘lonely’ and te phrase ‘ seas
face’ and ‘the call of the running tide’.

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