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Introduction: Gender inequality means unfair treatment based on whether someone is a man or a woman. It’s a
big issue worldwide. We need to speak up and take action to make things fair for everyone. That means treating
boys and girls the same in school and at work, so everyone has a chance to do well and be happy. Is it acceptable
that in this society gender inequality is a fair treatment to all?

Body: Gender inequality is still an unfulfilled promise, despite overwhelming evidence showing how important it is
for us to be empowered in order to realize their rights, combat poverty, advance development, and take on the
world’s most pressing issues.

The social issue known as gender inequality occurs when people are not treated equally based only on their
gender. Both sexism and gender discrimination may be the root cause of this imbalance. Disparities in genetics,
psychology, or societal standards that are common may give birth to the treatment.

Prejudice that regularly favors or prioritizes one sex or gender over another on the basis of that sex or gender.
Discrimination based on gender breaches the fundamental human right to gender equality.

One of the biggest challenges we face is that many people still consider gender inequality to be a woman’s
problem. However, when we talk about gender, we are talking about all genders including men, women,
transgenders and others. When all genders, especially the marginalized genders, are empowered, they can live
their lives in freedom. However, gender inequality prevents people from speaking their minds. It impedes their
future and jeopardizes it. History has shown that gender equality has led to stable and secure societies. However,
because of gender inequality, there is a pay gap between men and women. Certain genders face violence and
discrimination in society. They are also objectified and suffer from socio-economic inequality. In addition, gender
inequality leads to severe anxiety and depression. It also lowers self-esteem and makes people feel like they don’t
deserve to live. We must all accept that gender inequality hurts all genders. We must all work together to prevent
these long-term consequences.

In the Philippines, gender inequality persists, hindering progress in various aspects. Biases in the workplace, where
men are often considered more skilled, limit women’s potential. Similar biases affect the LGBTQ+ community,
confining them to stereotypical roles, hindering their true potential and contributions.

In fact, only two women, Corazon Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, have held the highest office in the
Philippines. While their presidencies are milestones, they highlight persistent systemic challenges hindering women
from top leadership roles.

It’s concerning that stereotypes limit opportunities based on gender and sexual orientation, perpetuating
inequality. Traditional gender roles also burden girls with household responsibilities while steering boys towards
hazardous work. It’s time for us to challenge these stereotypes and work towards a more inclusive society.

Imagine a Philippines where talent knows no gender or sexual orientation, and every individual has equal
opportunities. Let’s break the chains of gender inequality for a brighter future. Thank you.

In conclusion, gender inequality affects everyone, and we need a world where both men and women are treated
fairly. When people are judged based on their gender, it creates problems for everyone. We want a society where
everyone has the same chances and is respected, no matter if they're a man or a woman. Achieving a better
balance and freedom from gender inequality will make our world a better and happier place for everyone. Let's
work together to create that kind of society.

“A better balance and freedom of gender inequality can lead to a

better society.”

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