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Name: Jewin F.

Nudo Course BEED II-A


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students may identify the:
1. Identify the different products in the Bicol region.
2. Identify the society and different cultures and life style in Bicol Region

II Subject Matter
Topic: Lifestyle and product in Bicol gegion
Materials: Map, Internet,

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student Activity

 Greeting They are welcoming and greet their teacher and
 Prayer Opening praying

Before we start our new topic today can anyone About natural resources
tell me what lesson we discussed last meeting?
What have you learned about natural resources?
Natural resources are materials from the Earth
Okay, very good. that are used to support life and meet
Today we have a new lesson that we are going to people's needs.
discuss and it's about the product in the Bicol
region. Are you ready for class?
Yes sir.
Can anyone tell me where in the Philippines is
located the Bicol region? (Students will be shown on the map where the
location of the Bicol region is.)
Now you know where the Bicol region is located,
we are in the provinces that make up the Bicol
region, do you know what places this is? (the answer may vary)
Now we are going to discuss what are the lifestyle
of the Bicolanos.
1. Farming refers to the work of planting and
studying plants for food and daily use.
In Bicol, many people living here are engaged in

2. Corn, Crops, and hemp are the main

products in Bicol. These are the famous plants in
the Bicol region.
3. Fishing is done by fishing and trapping in
Bicol. Alumuha, Pampano, Lapu-Lapu,
Galonggong, and Kanduli at Dilis are the most
commonly consumed fish by Bicolano,
comprising 26% of the total seafood
consumption per individual.
4. In the Bicol region, abaca is woven to
make sheer Sinamay sheaths, which are
used as material for shawls, hats, gift bag
wrappers, and other decorative objects. The
elegant piña cloth is made from a specific
pineapple species the Red Spanish
Pineapple, which has large leaves that result
in long fibers.

Aside from the lifestyle of the Bicolano

people, the Bikol region is also famous for
popular products such as pili nut candies,
custard pili pie, native baskets or woven
products. This region is also rich in coconuts,
jackfruit, bananas, corn and the rice. You can
say that this region is really rich and
abundant with the grace given by God that is
why the Bicolanos take care of it


Did you understand what the products in the Bicol

region are?

Now I Have a few questions regarding our topic, Yes sir.

and I want to raise your have if you know the
answer, okay?
Yes sir.
Direction: Answer the following question/
1. How can we cherish the product in the Bicol
2. What should the Bicolano do, to maintain the (Answer May vary)
quality of their products?
3. What do you think the government should do to
help to grow or develop the economy of Region

Choose any Product that you like in Bicol and
explain and discuss to your teacher and classmate
why you chose it. ( Answer may vary)

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