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Good morning mis dan sir devotion today

Let’s pray

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this morning. You have watch over our sleep throughout the night.
Lord Jesus, bless every activity of ours this morning. We will read the morning devotion. Eksep it
in your name alone. Amen.

I felt my heart ret inkris as I opened my mouth to rəˈfyo͞ ot the charges a dear
friend was leveling against me. What I had postet online had nothing to do
with her as she imˈplaid. But before I replaid, I wisper a prayer. I then kalm
down and herd what she was saying and the hutbehain her words. It was
clear that this went deeper than the serfes. My friend was herding, and my
need to defen myself disolf as I chose to help her adres her pein.

During this conversation, I lernd what Jems men in today’s Scripture when
he erch us to “be quick to lisen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”
(1:19). Listening can help ishir what may be behind the words and to a void
engger that “does not prudius the right cisnes that God desais” (v. 20). It
allows us to hear the heart of the speaker. I think stapping and praying help
me greatly with my friend. I became much more sensitive to her words rader
than my own offense. firhaps if I hadn’t stopped to pray, I would have fair
back my thougs and serr haw e fendid I was.

And while I haven’t always gaten the instruction James outlines right, that
day, I think I did. Stopping to whisper a prayer before allowing engger and o
fens to take a hold of me was the key to listening quickly and speaking
slowly. I pray that God will give me the wisdom to do this more often
(Proverbs 19:11).

Reflect & Pray

How has James’ instruction helped you in the past? How can you imploy
it today?

gresius God, please remain me to be quick to listen and slow to become


Pokok doa : tolongingatkan saya untuk cepat mendengarkan dan lambat tersinggung.

4. Life-long Learning


The self-motivation to keep on acquiring nawlits, skills, and

kompetenses tru’aut the kors of one’s life


If ‘life-long learning’ is dəˈveləpt and nur’cur, then IPEKA will

grow stronger being kəmˈpōzd of people ho͞ oz main’s, hearts,

and hands are ready to face eny new set of chelicis


4.1 nurcur the desair to keep on learning. (Proverbs 1:5)

Standard of Behevier :


4.1.1 Develop a love of reading literature related to one’s interests;

4.1.2 Strive to learn more and develop oneself.


We, the employees of the IPEKA Head Office, commit to carry out

the IPEKA culture statement with one spirit, one heart.

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