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EsPCEx Prof: Otacílio Barreto

(Eear) Read the text to answer questions 1 – 3. 6. In “The crew did everything they could (...)”, the
Grounding modal “could” is used to indicate
Grounding is a common form of punishment for young
people who disobey their parents. Grounding means a) ability c) permission
that they are not allowed to go out, after school or on b) obligation d) prohibition
weekends, for a certain period of time. This could be
from one day to ____ month or more, depending upon (Eear) Read the text to answer questions 7 – 11.
the gravity of the offense. During that time, though, they To tip, or not to tip?
must continue to go to school, to work if they have a job, The word tip comes from an old English slang.
and do other errands approved by their parents. ____ Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants,
term “grounding” is ____ aviation term. A plane is airports, hotels, and hair salons. People who work in
grounded when it is not allowed to fly for any reason. these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that
Similarly, pilots or other flying personnel are grounded the customer is pleased with service. Sometimes it’s
when they are not allowed to fly because of illness or for hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually
disobeying the rules. depends on the service. People such as parking valets
1. Choose the best alternative to complete the text: or bellshops usually get (small) __________ tips. The tip
for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses
a) the / the / an c) a / the / an is usually (large) _________. When you’re not sure
b) an / the / a d) a / a / the about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t
have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big)
2. The word “must”, underlined in the text, is used to __________ tip for a very good service. Remember,
express: though, your behavior is (important) __________ than
your money. Always treat service providers with respect.
a) advice c) obligation 7. Choose the alternative that completes the text with
b) possibility d) lack of necessity the correct comparatives.

3. The sentence “Grounding means that they are not a) smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
allowed to go out, after school or on weekends, for a b) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
certain period of time”, in bold in the text, is in the: c) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most
a) Simple Past c) Simple Present d) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most
b) Future Perfect d) Present Perfect important.

(Eear) Read the text to answer questions 4 – 6. 8. According to the text, we can infer that:
The cabin crew battled to save the passenger
Shocked passengers watched as doctors and cabin crew a) The tips depend on someone’s behavior.
tried to save the life of a critically ill passenger on a b) Even if the service is very good, tips don’t change.
Qantas flight to Sidney on Friday. A Qantas c) People demonstrate their satisfaction tipping for the
spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger _____ service.
received tratment during the medical emergency couldn’t d) People who works as parking vallets or bellshops get
survive. The flight from London, via Singapore, was no tips.
forced to land in Adelaide because of the incident. No
passengers got off the flight while it was in Adelaide. A 9. In (...) “you are not sure” about how much (...)”, the
witness on board told that everything started with a cabin underlined words are closest in meaning to “you ___”.
announcement asking for any doctors on board. There
were two passengers with medical training, but nothing a) know c) are uncertain
could be done to save the passenger. The crew did b) are certain d) have no doubt
everything they could, including performing CPR with a
doctor on board, but unfortunately the passenger has 10. According to the text, choose the best response. In
passed away. “Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants,
4. Fill in the blank with the correct relative pronoun. airports, hotels, and (...)”, the word “TIP” is closest in
meaning to
a) who c) which
b) what d) whose a) take some money.
b) pay for the service.
5. Choose the correct verb to replace the phrasal verb c) ask for extra money.
“passed away”, in bold type in the text: d) give an amount of additional money.

a) died c) fainted 11. “low wages”, in bold type in the text, is closest in
b) choked d) collapsed meaning to

a) large tips. c) small salary.

INGLÊS: Revisão JB Curso
b) small tips. d) a high amount of money. Nazis, while "aliens" are in fact just visitors from the
subterranean areas.
(Eear) Read the text and answer questions 12 and 13. Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse
The lion and the four bulls Amazing as it may seem, given that it can't do
Clarke, M. anything else you actually ask it to do, Siri can predict
A lion used to walk about a field in which four the apocalypse. When asked "What day is 27th July
bulls lived. Many times he tried to attack them, but 2014?", Apple's assistant replied, "The opening of the
whenever he came near, they turned their tails toward gate of Hades", aka⁸ The End Of The World. That date
one another so that whichever way the lion tried to has now passed without issue. Say what you like about
attack, he would have to face the horns of one of them. the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at least he didn't
At last, however, the bulls started arguing with scaremonger⁹ that the end was near.
each other, and each went off to a different part of the We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires Want
field by himself. Then the lion attacked them one by one To Break Us Out Of It
and soon had killed all four. The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many
12. The messsage of the text can be summarized as: people in Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea that
we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are
a) Necessity is the mother of invention. taking that obsession a stage further: “Two tech
b) You must take the bull by the horns. billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage
c) United we stand, divided we fall. scientists to work on breaking us out of the
d) Only the strong survive. simulation.”Here's hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The One',
13. In the fragment “At last, however, the bulls...”, the Hitler Is Still Alive
word HOWEVER means the same as: "Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated since the
1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony Josef Mengele
a) Nevertheless c) In addition hid in South America. Stories like this one, however,
b) Furthermore d) Therefore speculate the 125-year-old Hitler has been responsible
for various world disasters, including 9/11 and the 2010
(EPCAR) Text for questions 14 – 27. Gulf oil spill, which happened on his birthday. Other
SOME OF THE INTERNET'S CRAZIEST theories say he died in 1984 in Brazil, aged 94. Or in
CONSPIRACY THEORIES Argentina, aged 73.
Michael Jackson Is Still Alive 14. We can deduce from the first paragraph that
The advent of the internet hasn't just cooked up¹ new
conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated existing ones. a) the new conspiracy theories were created to
If you refuse to believe that it was the Iranians that killed reinforce the advent of the internet.
him, perhaps you'll be convinced that MJ is actually still b) conspiracy theories are reliable speculations.
alive. Proof? His own daughter Paris Jackson took a c) technology spread the existence of conspiracy
photo of him. Seriously. What do you mean you don't see theories.
him? He's right there in the back seat, stacked² under d) the internet convinced people to be against
that pile of clothes wearing his iconic hat. Believe, man. conspiracy theories.
Thriller Vol.2 to drop next year.
The Moon Doesn't Exist 15. “The advent of the internet hasn’t […] cooked
It's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon up new conspiracy theories”. Mark the correct
doesn't exist. It's a hologram, put there by persons option to make the sentence above
unknown. Of course, serial conspiracy theorist David interrogative.
Icke has a theory. There are also countless YouTubers
keeping an eye out, one of whom has gone as far as a) Doesn’t the advent of the internet cook up new
"looking at it regularly for a year". conspiracy theories?
Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire b) Hasn’t the advent of the internet cooked up new
There are vast regions of the internet devoted to conspiracy theories?
explaining why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati. Hence³ c) Didn’t the advent of the internet cook up new
when this photo, which was taken in New York in 1939, conspiracy theories?
appeared last year, he was accused of being a d) Haven’t the advent of the internet cook up new
timetraveller. And a vampire. This video lists other old- conspiracy theories?
time celebrity lookalikes⁴, as well as suggesting that
Hollywood stars don't age because they're the immortal 16. Mark the option that shows the appropriate
bloodsucking undead. Not because they're stuffed⁵ with question tag for the sentence.
botox, then? “He’s right there in the back seat”, ______?
The Earth Is Hollow
Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through this a) isn’t he c) isn’t there
list. We can make it to the end. Dig⁶ deep. Well, not too b) hasn’t he d) is he
deep. You see, the Earth is hollow⁷ and accessible via
portals at the north and south poles. Luckily though, it's 17. According to the second paragraph, the moon
quite habitable down there, providing excellent living
quarters for the lost Viking colonies of Greenland and the a) is not real.
b) was created by YouTubers.
INGLÊS: Revisão JB Curso
c) is just one among countless moons. a) some people still consider this hypothesis.
d) is an hologram created by David Icke. b) it’s an old belief that is not accepted anymore.
c) it was a rumour that occurred in 1970.
18. “Hollywood stars don’t age”. It means that d) Hitler has been alive since 1970.

a) famous actors don’t celebrate their birth. 27. The main purpose of the text is to
b) stars age is not countable.
c) these people don’t look older. a) alert people to the possibility of unexpected
d) some stars never die. events.
b) inform about conspiracy theories.
19. According to paragraph 3, conspiracy theories c) justify how dangerous conspiracy theories are.
DON’T consider that d) make people believe in true facts.

a) Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati. (Eear) Read the text to answer questions 28 – 30.
b) Hollywood stars are vampires. Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast
c) The singer was alive in 1939. More than 200,000 people ____ evacuated as a typhoon
d) Hollywood stars don’t age because of botox. made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say.
Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly
20. The sentence “Don’t give up” in the affirmative before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to
form is 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing
provincial flood control headquarters. A total of 204,949
a) giving up. c) I gave up. people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and
b) I give up. d) give up. Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000
fishing boats called back to port, it said. The storm will
21. Mark the alternative that CANNOT replace the also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it
word “too” in the text. moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said.
Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties
a) Extremely. c) Very. ___ minimized in recent years by early government
b) Also. d) So. planning and evacuations from potential danger zones.
28. Complete the text with the correct alternative.
22. Mark the alternative that can answer the
question below according to the text. a) has been – had been c) has been – have been
Why can Siri predict the apocalypse? Because b) had been – had been d) have been – have been

a) it mentions a date that has a specific meaning. 29. According to the text, we can infer that
b) the tool opened the gate of Hades.
c) it is responsible for the end of the world. a) heavy rain is forecast for China’s typhoon season.
d) the tool created a new conspiracy theory. b) more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port.
c) the bad weather condition was caused by a wind
23. Mark the option that can replace the sentence shear.
below without changing its meaning. d) typhoon Yagi has hit China’s Zhejiang province just
“It can’t do anything else” after noon.

a) It cannot do nothing else. 30. According to the text, we can infer that
b) It can do nothing else.
c) It can’t do something else. a) Zhejiang is the Chinese who forecast the storm.
d) It can do anything else. b) Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds.
c) Taizhou and Zhoushan are some countries in China.
24. “We all live in the matrix and billionaires want to d) China has been facing typhoon for a long time during
break us out of it” is its all seasons.

a) an important governmental action to set us free. (Eear) Read the text to answer questions 31 and 32.
b) the new version of the movie Matrix starring Celebrity Doubles
Mark Zuckerberg. A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in
c) another conspiracy theory. Manchester, England. Many of ____ have cameras and
d) the slogan of the new Matrix-like simulation. are looking in the shop window. ____ want to see the
movie star Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like
25. The expression “further” introduces an idea of Radcliffe, but _____ isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew
Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk. Walker isn’t
a) Exemplification. c) Conclusion. surprised by the teenagers. People often stop _____ on
b) Contrast. d) Comparison. the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk,
but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today,
26. The sentence “Hitler is still alive rumours have many companies work with celebrity doubles. They look
circulated since the 1970s” means that like famous athletes, pop singers, and actors. The
companies pay doubles to go to parties and business
INGLÊS: Revisão JB Curso
meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspapers
ads. Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One
double in the USA says, “I can make good money. I also
make a lot of people happy”.
31. Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns:

a) they – them – him – he c) he – him – they – them

b) them – they – he – him d) them – they – him – he

32. According to the text, we can infer that, EXCEPT:

a) Doubles are paid to go to social events and business 35. The boy in the comic strip is disappointed because
b) The young clerk was amazed by the young people in a) he wants to play with his friend Anne Frank.
the shop. b) his father is reading the news to him.
c) Some people like to have a very similar appearance c) he can go outside to play.
to celebrities. d) he mustn’t go out.
d) Many companies work with people who take the
place of famous actors for some purposes. 36. The negative form of the sentence “I’ve been inside
forever!” is:
Part of New Bicycle Path Collapses in Rio de
Janeiro Leaving Two Deaths a) I not have been inside forever!
The Rio Fire Department says two people died __ b) I haven’t been inside forever!
Thursday, April 21, after a part __ the recently c) I have been inside forever!
inaugurated bicycle path on Niemeyer avenue, __ the d) I’m not inside forever!
south zone of Rio de Janeiro. The path was named after
Brazilian singer Tim Maia and is located between 37. The modal verb “can’t” represents the idea of:
Niemeyer avenue and a cliff, hanging over the sea. The
path is a connection between Leblon beach and São a) prohibition. c) future.
Conrado, both in the city’s south zone. The bike path was b) obligation. d) advice.
inaugurated earlier this year, on January 17, and cost R$
44,7 million. (Eear) Read the text and answer questions 38, 39
33. (Eear) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate and 40.
prepositions to complete the text. Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third
of heat deaths’
a) in – on – of c) of – in – on More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the
b) on – of – in d) in – of – on world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to
human-induced global heating, research has found.
The city of Curitiba, Brazil, has one of the most Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from
convenient and modern bus systems in the world, called wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise,
Bus Rapid Transit. Very large buses for up to 300 people more intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately
travel on major roads all around the city. Passengers affect elderly people and those with underlying chronic
board the buses __(I)__ comfortable glass tube stations. conditions such as asthma, making them more
If they don’t have a pass or a ticket, they pay their fare in vulnerable to disease and premature death.
the station, so everyone gets on the bus very quickly A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change,
when it arrives. They can transfer to another route used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to calculate
__(II)__ paying again. the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher
Where different bus routes connect, there are than the ideal temperature for human health, which
comfortable terminals, __(III)__ telephones, small shops, varies across locations. The researchers examined past
and rest rooms. The system is efficient and very popular weather conditions simulated under scenarios with and
with the people of Curitiba. More than 70 percent of the without emissions triggered by human activity – allowing
commuters there travel __(IV)__ bus every day. them to separate the warming and related health impact
34. (UPE) Considerando o contexto e a gramática, linked with human activity from natural trends. Overall,
marque a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the locations
as lacunas I, II, III e IV quanto ao uso das preposições. studied were attributable to human activity – but the
largest climate change-induced contributions (more
a) without – of – with – in than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran and
b) by – without – from – on Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand)
c) over – with – without – by and Central and South America.
d) from – without – with – by 38. The opposite of “higher” in bold in the text is:
e) from – around – without – of
a) more expensive c) cheaper
(Eear) Read the text and answer questions 35 – 37. b) extreme d) lower

39. The adjective “largest” in bold is in the:

INGLÊS: Revisão JB Curso
hashtags are placed in almost every social media post
a) comparative form c) neutral form out there. But why?
b) superlative form d) inferior form Hashtags act as a label for the content users
post on social media. Their job is to place these posts
40. According to the first paragraph, we can infer that under a certain category, making it easier to find content
that shares the same topic. And with how cluttered most
a) the world’s population is responsible for more than a of our feeds are, hashtags definitely come in handy.
third of heat-related deaths around the world between However, are hashtags important for anything
1991 and 2018. besides making your posts easier to find? Well, any
b) 50% of heat-related deaths are due to human-induced digital branding company will tell that the answer to that
global heating. question is yes.
c) the research is the main cause of human-induced The Importance of Hashtags
global heating. 1. Hashtags grab attention
d) global heating has no connection with human 2. Hashtags increase visibility
practices. 3. Hashtags give you insights into your
(Eear) Text for questions 41 and 42. 4. Hashtags give you insights into your audience
5. Hashtags increase engagement
All in all, hashtags shouldn’t be treated as an
afterthought. They are as important to social media as
keywords are to Search Engine Optimization. If you use
them properly, hashtags can increase visibility and help
you reach a wider audience.
With that said, to make the most out of your
hashtags, you’ll first need to research both your audience
and your competitors extensively. That will allow you to
find out what your audience is most interested in and
understand how your competitors are engaging with the
This extra long word (that approximately means said audience.
“fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins
43. According to the text, we can affirm that
and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you
probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer
a) hashtags help people find things related to the same
— yes longer — than this one.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a
b) engagement decreases the use of hashtags.
type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go
c) there is no need to know your audience.
ahead and try pronouncing that!
d) hashtags have no effect in social media.
41. The word LONGEST, in the picture, and LONGER,
in the text, are in the ____________ and 44. The word “them” in the text, refers to:
____________ forms, respectively.
a) hashtags c) social media
a) comparative / superlative
b) visibility d) Search Engine Optimization
b) superlative / comparative
c) comparative / imperative (Eear) Text for questions 45, 46 and 47.
d) superlative / imperative
How many kisses?
You must remember this: you were going in for a double
42. According to the text we can affirm that
European - style greeting kiss with a friend who was
expecting only a single cheek peck. It’s an awkward
a) Mary Poppins had a lung disease.
question that constantly creates trouble for traveleres:
b) long words are easy to pronounce.
How many times should you pucker up? Here’s a handy
c) the longest word in English means fantastic.
d) the longest word in English is a type of lung disease.
One: A single buss is acceptable in the U.S., but it’s
mostly a big-city, phenomenon. Women will give a brief
(Eear) Read the text and answer question 43 and 44.
hug, while men shake hands. In the Middle East, one kiss
The Power of Hashtags in Social Media
on the lips is a normal greeting, but not between men and
Although hashtags were first used on Twitter Two: Double up in Spain, Austria, Sweden, Hungary
back in 2007, they soon became a social media and, more recently, in Britain.
phenomenon, being integrated into most platforms like Three or more: Triple kisses will work in Egypt, Russia,
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc. Switzerland and the Netherlands. Business in Belgium?
So what exactly are hashtags, and how can your Three kisses are a sign of respect for those at least 10
business benefit from them? Well, let’s go ahead and years older than you. Pack your lip balm in France; many
take a look. people still insist on four kisses.
What are Hashtags? Keep your lips to yourself: Germans rarely greet with
Put simply, hashtags are the “#” symbols a kiss. In Chile, opt for a handshake. Skip the kiss and
followed by a string of words. As you’ve probably seen,
INGLÊS: Revisão JB Curso
bow or shake hands instead when visiting Japan, China 50. The sentence “Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe
and Korea. to get the baby eskimo but was not successful”, from the
Time, March 15, 2004, p.63. text could be rewritten without changing the verb tense,
45. The text informs that kissing a friend’s face: like this:

a) Is a sign of respect with olders in Netherlands. a) The baby eskimo had attacked by Diego, the tiger.
b) In Austria, means triple kisses. b) The baby eskimo was attacked by Diego, the tiger, but
c) Is not a habit in Japan. was not successful.
d) Is okay in Chile. c) The tribe had been ambushed by Diego, the tiger, but
the baby had not been successful.
46. According to the text, choose the alternative that is d) The tribe had been attacked by Diego, the tiger, in an
NOT correct. unsuccessful attempt to get the baby.

a) In the U.S: women give a brief hug, men shake hands.

b) Greeting kiss is an easy task for travelers.
c) In Switzerland, triple kisses will work.
d) Germans seldom greet with a kiss.

47. According to the text, one kiss on the lips is a normal

greeting in:

a) The Middle East. c) Russia.

b) Switzerland. d) Spain.

(Eear) Read the text and answer questions 48 – 50.

Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took
place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I)
everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the
path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after
they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it
from the cold and other animals. (II) Diego, the tiger, had
attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not
successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego
because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now
with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth.
Eventually the three animals get together, although with
very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while
taking care of the human baby. The movie also features
a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without
success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality
that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie
48. Choose a sentence in which the word “agenda” is
used correctly and with the same meaning it has on the

a) She told me the travel agency will give the travelers

an agenda describing the different places they will go
and things they will see.
b) I got a very beautiful blue agenda as a gift from my
c) There were several important items on the agenda.
d) There’s no hidden agenda, I’m just trying to help.

49. The sentences that are underlined in the text are in


a) I Simple Past - II Simple Past - III Future Perfect

b) I Past Perfect - II Simple Past - III Simple Future
c) I Simple Past - II Past Perfect - III Simple Future
d) I Past Continuous - II Present Perfect - III Future

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