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Quiz: Environment

 What is Economic Development?
 The Objective of the Development Process: Man
 Increase in Real Income

What is the primary focus of economic growth?

A. Changes in technical and institutional arrangements
B. Changes in output or production
C. Increase in efficiency
D. Evolution of social institutions

How does economic development differ from economic growth?

A. Development involves physical growth
B. Development includes changes in attitudes and habits
C. Growth is purely physical in nature
D. Growth is only about changes in output

What is an example of economic development in a country's economy?

A. Increase in physical output
B. Changes in the technical and institutional arrangements
C. Growth without any changes
D. Stability in economic structure

What characterizes the growth and development of a child?

A. Physical growth only
B. Changes in attitudes and habits
C. Purely physical changes
D. Changes in technical arrangements

What does economic development involve according to the text?

A. Changes in output or production
B. Changes in economic structure
C. Increase in efficiency
D. All of the above

In the context of a country's economy, what is considered development?

A. Changes in physical output
B. Changes in attitudes only

C. Changes in social conditions
D. Changes in output and production along with technical and institutional

How is economic development shaped according to the text?

A. Solely by economic factors
B. Primarily by non-economic factors
C. Through technological advancements only
D. By changes in output and production

What are the characteristics of economic development?

A. Sustained increase in output, spread of changes, and efficiency
B. Short-term output increase and structural changes
C. Limited growth and minimal changes
D. Decrease in efficiency over time

What is the objective of building roads and bridges in the development

A. To increase income
B. To facilitate the flow of goods
C. To improve technology
D. To create opportunities for conflict

How does better technology benefit a farmer?

A. By decreasing efficiency
B. By reducing income
C. By increasing harvest per hectare
D. By limiting opportunities for growth

What is the purpose of social overhead capital like roads and bridges?
A. To benefit only a few greedy men
B. To deprive the majority of the people
C. To serve the interests of the individual
D. To provide more goods and opportunities for the benefit of man

What does an increase in real income represent?

A. Decrease in opportunities
B. Availability of more goods and opportunities
C. Stagnation in development
D. Enrichment of a few greedy men

What is the central point about the process of development?
A. It must serve the interests of the individual
B. It must focus on increasing output only
C. It must benefit only a few individuals
D. It must involve exploitation of resources

What must the development process be directed toward?

A. The welfare of the individual person
B. Enrichment of a few greedy men
C. Exploitation of resources
D. Stagnation in development

What happens if the development process enriches only a few individuals?

A. Increase in real income
B. Permanently eradicated poverty
C. Exploitation phenomenon
D. Availability of more goods and opportunities

Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. C


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