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I. Identify the type of adverb of the underlined words in each sentence. Write AM for adverb of manner,
AT for adverb of time, and AP for adverb of place, on the space provided.

____________________1. The dog ran home quickly.

____________________2. I have nowhere to go tonight.

____________________3. Jane will bake a cake tomorrow.

8. Comparing and Contrasting

II. Compare and contrast the given pictures below.

Pizza Ice Cream

1. _____________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________

9. Making Inference

III. Read the following the sentences. Put an X in the box for the conclusion that makes the most sense.

1. Laura sat down beside her friend Allie and opened her lunchbox.

Laura is going to take a nap.

Laura is going to eat lunch.

2. The movie ended and everyone in the audience clapped.

They wanted to see another movie.

They all liked the movie.

3. Marco’s dad picked up his briefcase and went out to the car.

Marco’s dad is staying home from work that day.

Marco’s dad is leaving for work.

10. Cause and Effect

IV. Match each cause on the left with an effect on the right.

Cause Effect

_____1. Mom locked the car door. A. We pulled out an umbrella.

_____2. It was raining outside. B. We couldn’t get in the car.

_____3. The phone rang. C. She answered it.

11. Reality and Fantasy

V. Draw a if the sentence is real and if it is fantasy.

_____1. The tree has many leaves.

_____2. The apple pie ran away.

_____3. The farmer milked the cow.

12. Comparative and Superlative Adverbs

VI. Choose the correct degree of comparison of adverbs to complete each sentence. Use color green
crayon to shade your answer.

1. Sharon parked her bicycle the farther farthest among all of us.

2. Ezra speaks more softly most softly than Sally during their presentation

3. Leona is the best better runner in our PE class.

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