Chapter 1 - Assignment 2

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Ch 1 – Work, Livelihood and Career

(Work, Age and Gender, Attitude and Approaches to Work, Life Skills for Livelihood and
Essential Soft Skills at Workplace, Ergonomics, Entrepreneurship)

Short answer Questions

Q1. How does sex differ from gender?

Q2. ‘Gender is a social construct.’ Comment.

Q3. Why are life skills important?

Q4. What is ergonomics?

Q5. What are the other names of ergonomics?

Q6. “Ergonomics is adjustment of human and machine.” Elaborate

Q7. What are the important aspects that must be considered?

Q8. Name the pillars on which science of ergonomics is set?

Q9. What is the need for ergonomics?

Q10. What are the Benefits of Ergonomics?

Q11. How is entrepreneur different from businessmen?

Q12. Write any ten characteristics of Entrepreneurs?

Long Answer Questions

Q1. Enlist and elaborate initiatives taken by the government to protect the rights of the

Q2. Briefly explain about ‘Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya’ (KGBV)?

Q3. Briefly explain about ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ (BBBP)?

Q4. How does attitude and approaches impact work?

Q5. What are life skills. Enlist ten core sets of skills that have been identified by
Q6. Briefly explain the six essential soft skills one requires at workplace.

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