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Week 3 assessment

Total de pontos 12

Pergunta 1
We have introduced the concept of business ecosystem as a fundament to understand the
new competitive dynamics of financial service industries. The term business ecosystem is a
metaphor that emphasis that:

1 ponto

The digital transformation of finance give birth to a number of different niche players in the
financial service industries.

In today’s digital economy only the strongest survive.

Businesses in digital industries are typically dependent on other business organizations for
their success.

Pergunta 2
Which of the following dimensions are according to James Moore indicators of an
ecosystems health:

Select all that applies.

1 ponto





Niche creation


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Pergunta 3
What is a "coopetitive relation" between two business organizations?

1 ponto

A relation that builds on an digital inter-organizational system for which both parties have

A relation that has a tension between the organizations’ needs to compete and collaborate
at the same time.

A relation of long history and trust that enables intense collaboration on digital innovation.

Pergunta 4
Which TWO of the following applies to a Separation strategy to handle coopetitive

1 ponto

In a separation strategy, individuals are separated from the decision of collaboration or

competition by following predefined rules and regulations when interacting with coopetitive

In a separation strategy, individuals only have to focus on maintaining EITHER a

collaboration OR competition relation to another firm.

In a separation strategy, the company decides to exclusively focus on collaboration or

competition with respect to another company.

In a separation strategy, opportunities for collaboration or the need to compete may be

overlooked by individuals.

Pergunta 5
Which TWO of the following statements applies to an Integration strategy to handle
coopetitive tensions?

1 ponto

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In an integration strategy, the balancing act typically remains suboptimal because
individuals struggle with the balance despite training and support.

In an integration strategy, the coopetitive tension is commonly address by forming a shared

unit – a joint venture – that take part of questions relevant to both organizations.

In an integration strategy, individuals are trained to handle the tension between

collaboration and competition in their daily work.

In an integration strategy, the main risk is that decision-making takes time as individuals
needs to evaluate the consequence of their action.

Pergunta 6
When we discussed ecosystem governance, we stressed the importance of understanding
the origins of power to govern a business ecosystem. Which of the following statements
about a business ecosystem are true?

Select all that apply.

1 ponto

Power can come from a particular resource that is fundamental to the ecosystem, such as
a patented technology, a customer base or a brand name.

An appropriate use of power is to maximize the own revenue on behalf of less powerful
ecosystem members.

Control of a platform core is a particular critical and power-generating resource.

Pergunta 7
When Apple develops new iPhone features, API’s and development kits for app developers
to build new apps, and allows app developers to make a healthy profit, Apple is acting as

1 ponto

Keystone organization

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Value dominator

Pergunta 8
Twitter has been accused of acquiring innovative complementors, then to turn off the
external API’s and make their recent acquisition having a monopoly position in that specific
niche. The other complementors in the same area go out of business. Twitter is acting as

1 ponto

Value dominator

Keystone organization

Pergunta 9
When governing ecosystem, a keystone organization needs to manage ecosystem
evolution and stability. Which TWO of the following statements are correct regarding
ecosystem evolution.

1 ponto

The best way to foster new innovation is to leave the ecosystem partners without tools that
steers and restrict their creativity, such as APIs and reference libraries.

Through enabling innovation, the keystone organization also enables the ecosystem to

Too much focus on evolution with unrestricted innovation can make it difficult to integrate
and consolidate the products produced by the ecosystem.

Pergunta 10
Which TWO of the following statements are correct regarding ecosystem evolution and

1 ponto

A partner program that regulates what partners can and cannot innovate is a good way to
ensure secure and stable core components.

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Ecosystem stability is critical for compatibility and quality of the combined output of the

Customers will value stability over innovation, so when a trade-off is needed ecosystem
governance should always focus on stability.

Pergunta 11
Finding the right balance between ecosystem evolution and stability is done by managing
three tensions that may pull the ecosystem to either the evolution or stability side. Which
are the THREE tensions that needs to be managed?

1 ponto

Output tension: Standardization vs Variety in offering.

Identification tension: Collective vs. Individual identification of ecosystem members.

Modularity tension: Holistic vs. Component-based products.

Design tension: Generic vs. Individual graphical design in the ecosystem.

Actor tension: Control vs. Autonomy in actor behaviour.

Pergunta 12
Which of the following statements are true regarding technology ecosystem?

Select all that apply!

1 ponto

A decision about compatibility is also a business strategy decision as it defines the market
position in which we aim to compete.

Digital technologies are more valuable as part of interoperable ecosystems than as stand-
alone entities.

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It is easy to identify the boundaries of a technology ecosystem by connecting technologies
and see if they work together.

Technology ecosystems consists of compatible technologies.


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