DI Session Guide

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SESSION TITLE: Differentiated Instruction

No. of participants: ____ Male: ____ Female: _____
PARTICIPANTS’ PROFILE: Supervisors, School Heads, Teachers
DURATION: 3 hours

I. OBJECTIVES: The 3 hour-session should enable the participants to understand and appreciate Differentiated Instruction as a teaching philosophy that embodies inclusive education, one of
the key principles of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. Specifically, the participants should be able to:
1. explain the what and why of differentiated instruction
2. relate the role of teachers in a differentiated classroom
3. identify elements in learning and teaching process that can be differentiated
4. name approaches and strategies to carry out differentiated instruction
5. prepare a brief lesson plan applying differentiated instruction in developing competencies in English Grade 2.


1. Relevance of Differentiated Instruction in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
2. Differentiated Instruction as a philosophy
3. Role of teachers in a differentiated classroom
Differentiate instruction in terms of
a. Content b. Product c. Process d. Learning Environment
5. Approaches and strategies in Differentiated Instruction

Diaz, L. ( 2015). Power Point Presentation during the NTOT Grade 4 Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum
Hall, T. (2002). Differentiated Instruction. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved
October 22, 2008 http://www.cast.org/publications/ncac/ncac.diffinstruc.html
Kozleski, E. (2003). Guidelines that make differentiation possible for teachers to attain. Retrieved November 1, 2008
Nunley, K. (2008). Layered Curriculum. Retrieved November 1, 2008 from http://helpforteachers.com/
Tomlinson C. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners
Tomlinson, C. (2000). Differentiated Instruction in the Elementary Grades. Retrieved October 1, 2008 from http://www.ericdigest.org/2001.2/elementary.html

Gretel Laura M. Cadiong April 12, 2018

participants SLIDE NO. DURATION
should be able to:
The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum is 2 Ensure that the room has been arranged based
anchored on the principle of inclusive education (DO 72, on the design and all conditions are observed (sound system,
s. 2009) where diversity in the schools and in the presentation materials, etc.).
classrooms is valued. It pushes the principle of relating
the curriculum to a particular setting, situation or area of DO: Greet the participants and make them comfortable.
application to make the competencies relevant, Form 4 groups and have each group choose a leader and a
meaningful and useful to all learners. (DO 32, s. 2015) reporter.
3 minutes
Show the title slide Slide No. 1

Introduce the topic to be discussed.

Show slide No. 2

Slide 2
DO: Show the objectives of the session and explain to the
participants what is expected from them after the session.

Show Slide No. 3

DO: Explain to the class the activity “Bare it Out”
45 minutes
Show Slide No. 4
SAY: Slide 3
Think of an appropriate teaching instruction to the learning
situation given to your group.
What appropriate actions should you do?
Brainstorm in 25 minutes how you will show the situation in slide 4
a 5-minute role play.

Group 1 Based on your assessment, your pupils have

different learning styles. To catch their attention, you need to
present the lesson in varied ways. Your competency is: Read
with understanding grade level texts (MT2PWR-Ia-d-7.5)
Group 2 You want your pupils to concretize through a
project, their understanding of the competency: Give the
correct sequence of 3-5 events in a story. (MT2RC-Ic-d-2.1.1)
Your pupils have varied intelligences or interests.
Group 3 You have a problem dealing with your rowdy Grade
2 pupils. However you notice that they learn better when you
bring them to different classroom setting. So you thought of
a way how to teach this competency: Correctly spell grade
level words (MT2PWR-Ia-i-6.3)
Group 4 Your lesson competency is: Read a large number of
Gretel Laura M. Cadiong April 12, 2018 regularly spelled multi-syllabic words (MT2PWR-Ia-b-7.3)
You have discovered that your students have
varying levels of this competency. A few can recognize letter

For Slide 23
During your pre-assessment to gather information about your learners, you discover that some of your students already have a solid foundation of the content to be taught. To
maintain interest for these students, enrichment activities related to the application or extension to more advanced content should be developed. In addition, the original content you had in
mind should be taught to the other students who do not yet have a good grasp on the content. Flexible grouping strategies or learning stations could allow these different learning
opportunities to occur simultaneously.
By assessing your students, you discover how they can best express what they have learned in both their in-class and homework assignments. Then, give students a menu of options
for demonstrating their learning, some of which may be required while others may be student-choice. Examples could include writing a letter or song; creating artwork; making a video;
creating a performance; working alone; and working in a team. Guidelines, expectations, and/or a rubric for each type of product must be available to the learners so they know how the
product will be evaluated before beginning the task/activity.

For Slide 34
1. Numbered Heads together
a. Divide the students into groups of 4 ( or more, depending on the class size, but not more than 10). Students each given a number.
b. The teacher poses a question or a problem.
c. Each individual in the group has to contribute an idea or solution.
d. The group then agrees which idea or solution will be their group answer.
e. The teacher calls out a number randomly. ( 1 -4 or depending on the number of individuals in each group)
f. The student with that number raises his hand and when called, gives the answer for his team.
2. Stand up, Hand up, Pair up
a. Teacher instructs the students to stand up.
b. When everyone is standing, the teacher says “hands up” and “go”.
c. Students hold up a hand while going around the classroom.
d. When the teacher says “stop” students do a high five to the closest person then put their hands down.
e. The pair is then given a task to do. Partners may interact using Think-Pair-Share or Rally Robin.

Slide 52
Lock step progress – students take the same learning tasks and use the same graded textbook where the high achiever and rapid learner gets bored and the slower learner gets
overwhelmed, confused and depressed.

Prepared by:
Education Program Supervisor
Division of Tacloban City, Region 08

Gretel Laura M. Cadiong April 12, 2018

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