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Once upon a time, there was a curious and adventurous girl named Lily.

She lived in a
small, peaceful town in the Philippines, surrounded by lush green hills and the calming
sound of the ocean.

One warm night, as the moon hung high in the sky, Lily went to bed and drifted into a
deep sleep. That night, she had a dream like no other. It was a long, vivid dream that felt
like a whole other life.

In her dream, Lily found herself in a magical kingdom filled with vibrant colors and
enchanting creatures. She was exploring this extraordinary world when she met another
girl, named Rose. Rose had sparkling eyes and a contagious laugh that made Lily feel
instantly at ease.

Rose and Lily embarked on countless adventures together in this dream world. They
danced with the stars, swam with mermaids, and even had a tea party with talking
animals. They shared stories, laughed, and created beautiful memories. Their bond grew
stronger with each passing dream day, and Lily felt a sense of belonging she had never
experienced before.

However, one day, Lily woke up. She found herself in her own bed, with the morning sun
peeking through her window. The magical kingdom, the enchanting creatures, and most
importantly, Rose, were all gone. It was just a dream, but it felt so real to Lily.

She spent her days yearning to return to the dream world, to see Rose again. She
realized that even if it was just a dream, the feelings and experiences were very real to
her. Lily learned that dreams could be a source of joy, inspiration, and even friendship.

From then on, Lily cherished her dream and the friendship she formed with Rose. She
understood that sometimes, dreams can hold a special place in our hearts, even if
they're not part of our waking reality.

And so, Lily continued her real-life journey, carrying the memories of her dream
adventure and her friend Rose in her heart, reminding herself of the magic that exists

within our dreams. 🌙💫

My feelings for you was like a
A chair rolling nonstop in the stairs
Continuously beating with a few dozen air,
Whispering to call you mine.

I couldn’t imagen why, seeing you was

Like a thousand soldiers, planning my heart,
With billions of explosions. My eyes were full
Of joy that I couldn’t blink one at a time.

Never would I have expected that my feelings for you,

Just blooms right in the eye, as the world were spinning
Around you and me. Together hoping of us someday
in the dance of light

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Philippines, there lived a young girl named Amara.
She was a girl of many interests, but the one thing that truly captured her heart was the
art of poetry.

Amara was not like the other girls her age. While they were out playing and laughing
under the sun, she would find a quiet corner under a tree, a notebook in her hand and a
pen poised between her fingers. The world around her would fade away as she poured
her thoughts and feelings onto the crisp white pages of her notebook.

Every experience, every emotion, every dream, was a potential poem for Amara. She
could find poetry in the simplest of things: the way the sunlight filtered through the
leaves, the sound of raindrops against her window, the laughter of her little brother. She
had a unique way of seeing the world, and she captured it all in her verses.

Amara's poems were not just words on a page, they were windows into her soul. They
were filled with emotion and depth, and anyone who read them could feel what she was
feeling. Her words had the ability to touch hearts and move people.

But Amara was not content with just writing poems. She wanted to share her poetry
with the world. She started a blog where she posted her poems. At first, only her close
friends and family knew about it. But slowly, word spread about the young poet from
the Philippines whose words could stir emotions.

One day, a renowned poet came across Amara's blog. He was deeply moved by her
poems and decided to mentor her. Under his guidance, Amara honed her skills and her
poetry became even more profound.

Amara's love for poetry didn't just stop at writing. She started hosting poetry slams in
her town, providing a platform for other young poets to share their work. She also
started a poetry club in her school, inspiring her peers to explore the world of poetry.

In the end, Amara's fondness for poetry didn't just remain a hobby. It became her life.
She became a beacon of inspiration for young poets, proving that age is no barrier
when it comes to expressing oneself through the beautiful art of poetry. And all this,
because a young girl chose to follow her passion and share it with the world.
This is the story of Amara, the girl who found poetry in everything and used it to touch

the hearts of many. 🌸

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