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Nour Mohamed Raouf

Route N86 N126bis ras elma.

Tel: 00213 555166767
Email :

Career summary:
With more than a decade of specialized experience in exploration geophysics, I have
navigated seamlessly within both contractor and client environments, with the majority of my
focus directed towards field acquisition. My expertise covers a broad spectrum of
responsibilities, from quality control (QC) to the supervision of final processing for 2D and
3D land data. I have overseen onboard 3D processing and assumed the crucial responsibility
of infield processing for 2 D and 3D surveys in diverse locations, including Algeria, Tunisia,
and Libya. My proficiency extends to extensive experience in processing within transition
zone areas characterized by mixed sources and receivers.
05/ 2018:Master Degree in Management Strategic and Information System
(HighNational School of Management kolea)
06/ 2018: Master 2 Degree in Geophysics (University of Science and Technology Houari
05/ 2011: Geophysical Engineer degree (University of Science and Technology Houari
07/2023 until 09/2023: Head department of QC &QA at BGP international (lybia):
 Assisting and managing of the different crews for the start-up of the project:
Observer, Topographer, Bullputsher, front and back crews for advance party of the
project to estimate the duration of the project.
 Preparing the design for the project.
 Establishment list of needs for the mission for this project to reduce logistic
procurement coast
 Establishment the list of personnel for the department of QC and the IT material for
the project.
09/2022 until 01/2023: QC consultant at Geoseis Tunisia: Hazoua and Waha Tunisia area
for Hunt company
 Supervising and controlling the: vibroseis, grapes of receivers drilling machines
bulldozers base-camp parc vehicles procedure of work that is conform as the contract
and safety
 Supervising the start-up test of the project concern sweep, GPS coordinate, vibroseis,
test instruments, HSE procedures
 Checking and visualizing vibroseis sweep test of the start-up
 Meeting with mission manager concern the procedure of work as is mentioned in the
contract and with head department QC, Topo and observer, HSE concern the
deliverable of files and data
 Managing daily weekly and monthly meeting concern the field operation to optimize
the productivity and the risk operation.
 Daily visit of the operation in field to supervise the respect of the procedure and the
 Quality control of mix data dynamite and vibroseis
 Planning and supervising drilling team (geometry and drilling depth)
 Managing the loading and the shooting team to unsure the daily target
 Generation and controlling sps file from Bomb box
 Controlling labo files (Fut Tables, Markers, AVQC) generated from continuous record
and wings geophone.
 visualizing Brut stack and preparing the shipment
 Assisting daily and weekly meeting with different department.
 Visualizing the seismic cube.
02/2020 until 10/2021: Technical support at Smart Seismic Solution: HBAN 3D Ouargla
 Supervising Hpva process and controlling acquisition parameters
 Controlling seismic Data with more than 10000Vps/day
 Managing the quantity, efficiency and conformity of work in order to ensure it is
executed as agreed
 Establishment of action points list in the crew (safety, procedure, material, contract)
 Running daily and monthly report of the project
 Collaborating in daily week box meeting with head department
 Supervising operation in field between recording crew, topographer and vibtech to
optimize tasks and production
 Participation in the best practice of the company
07/ 2015 until 05/2019: Senior QC at Company General of Geophysics CGG:
 Acquisition High shot density blinded seismic data WAZ for (Sonatrach company ) in
the area of Illizi Timelouline 3_D 2019 project using continuous record with
emphaseis clean sweep with more than 12000 Vps/day production,2-D acquisition in
the area of Illizi Timelouline 2_D 2017 for Dragon-Oil,3_D acquisition in the area of
Berkine 3-D 2015 for Sonatrach using HPVA process.
 Real time QC during recording ,Control of all vibrator attributes & real time display
 Positioning (X,Y,Z) & tolerances. Distortion, phase, amplitude (mean – min/max).
Timebreaks (GPS time).
 Control & management of super-spread. Observer logs: VAPS, COG, RPS files +
Extended QC
 Listing of continuous raw SEGD records and control of TB0 (start time of continuous
records – synchronization control) Cross-check between continuous records and
individual records
 Generation of provisional SPS files (individual records) – Production FFID, Seismic
attribute QC maps (conducted after correlation & chunking), Geometry QC: Line
crossings to control spread assignation, Generation of raw stack sections and raw
PSTM stack sections
 Maintain and realization with the project manager, the planning engineer in the
preparation of the different project planning (Sonatrach, Dragon oil companies in
Algeria) by reducing logistic procurement coast.
 Maintaining the work progress and time schedule of each section with the concerned
section (topography, bullputsher, vibroseis section) engineer and provide the look
ahead planning so the target could be met.
 Monitor Developing communication with different department and adjust productivity
rate and daily targets, by reduce the conflict and miss understanding using my
communication skills and provide them the necessary support to maximize the daily
production with the application HSE norms of safety.
 Supervising continuously the execution of work and forecast the need resources
(people, material equipment's) in order to boost productivity while optimizing the
related coast budget.
 Negotiating with the client and solving arising problems, oversee and manage the
quantity, efficiency and conformity of work in order to ensure it is executed as agreed
and take all necessary measures to develop and maintain a mutually beneficial
partnership which has a lead for big discovery of potential reserve of oil for the two
projects that company has realized. .
10/2017to 05/2018: Intern for Master in management strategic and information system:
 Developing sourcing and methodology, management strategic and techniques,
marketing and financial analyses using simulation project
 Applying different strategic watch on costumers need using different source
information in order to make strategic decision for the simulation project
 Application and using RSO concept for simulation project and analyzing
 Maintain the control of the brand image on the web.
 Cartography of information system and its security
04 to 07/ 2015: National Agency of Valorization the Resources of Hydrocarbon
 Managing the different types of contracts sharing and our own company (Sonatrach)
in term of productions and exploration in oil and gas
 Controlling, and negotiating different realizations made it by the contracting party in
production and exploration
 Preparations and update the database of the new prospects for next bid round.
04/ 2012 to 03/2015: National Company of Geophysics (ENAGEO): Position: Engineer in
quality control of seismic data Area: Hassi Messaoud and Illizi area (AKRS, AGRAB,
LKSAR), Algeria
 Assisting and managing of the different crews for the start-up of the project:
Observer, Topographer, Bullputsher, Front and back crews for advance party of the
 Quality control of onshore 3D seismic data acquisition and processing Loading
seismic, well and geometry data velocity analyses, realization of preprocessing
seismic data, Visualization of the seismic cube
 Realization of row stack cube, Designing and preplanning of seismic 2D/ 3D using
mesa software, I/O script files (SPS, RPS, XPS) using Mesa software.
08/2022 Training from 15/08/2022 to17/08/2022 BOSIET certificate at SMTC GLOBAL
09/2016:Training from 17/09/2016 to19/09/2016 HSE-OMS of senior staff at CGG university
07/2016: Training from 10/07/2016 to17/07/2016 geoland and geovation softwere CGG
06/ 2014: Training from 08/06/2014 to14/06/2014 in IAP Boumerdes about the concept and
the system of work of the vibroseis Schlumberger training.
11/ 2013: Training from 10/11/2013 to 15/11/2013 IAP Boumerdes about seismic signal and
its processing
08/ 2012: Training from 09/09/2012 to 15/09/2012 in ENAGEO Company of safety, health
and the environment
Computer skills & software: Petroleum: Petrel 2009.2 and improved version
2010(Geophysics package: Mapping, and structural complex modeling) Tec-
log2015.3(Geophysics package : data preparation, QC plot, delta processing) Geophysics:
Geovation,Geoland, HPVA, Spsprecheck ,Merge, Concorde, Chunck ,Mesa (Gx technology),
Promax, Surfer, Grapher, Segy viewer, ARCgis Linux, Windows: Microsoft office
Languages: English: Fluent, French: Fluent, Arabic: Mother tongue,
Other information & Interests: swimming, football reading books, Teamwork, dynamic, like
to improve interpersonal and communications, passport and driving license valid

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