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Quickie #2A

Put the questions to your partner who answers them. (S)He has got
some for you, too.

 What three things would you tell about yourself it you meet a
person for the first time?
 What do you do to keep fit?
 How did you celebrate your birthday when you were a kid?
 Explain how to make a burger.
 What do you do to prevent pollution?
 Would you join the army? Why/ why not?
 What do you find good about going to school?
 What is the name of the American president?
 What is Italy known for?
 What was Michael Jackson good at?
 Who is your favorite entertainer?
 Mention as many birds as you can.
 Did you ever shoplift? Why/ why not?
 How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink? What
was it and how did you like it?
 What is the job of your dreams?
 Describe the picture/photograph.
Quickie #2B
Put the questions to your partner who answers them. (S)He has got
some for you, too.

 Describe the clothes your teacher is wearing right now.

 Give me three countries with a monarch.
 What qualities should a good friend possess?
 What makes a teacher a good teacher?
 Do you think we should have death penalty in our country?
Why/ why not?
 Describe the best party you ever went to.
 Do you like tattoos? Why/ why not?
 What do you think will be tomorrow’s news story?
 What is the best smell you know?
 What would you suggest to tourists to see in your country?
 Describe the climate in your country!
 What did you like to play when you were young?
 What is a butterfly?
 How many children would you like to have?
 What is your favorite piece of clothing? Why?
 Describe the picture/photograph:

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