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NAME : Boisman Bu’ulolo

SCHOOL : SMP Negeri 2 Ulugawo


Honorable distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

Honorable the head of the Education Board of Nias Regency,
Honorable distinguished all the committees and judges who have provided all things
needed in order to succeed this English speech contest.
I am Boisman Buulolo. I am the representative from Junior High School 2 Ulugawo.
Let me greet us with our iconic cultural greeting as Nias, Ya’ahowu.
First of all, I would like to thank our Almighty God for his blessing that has
been existed in our life in the past, now and forever. Much obliged for the
opportunity given to me to be the participant of this speech contest to elaborate my
idea about an outstanding topic worldwide nowadays, the Influence of Technology
and Social Media on Education.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The existence of technology carries so many impacts on the aspects of
humans’ life; politics, economics, medical study, education, and so on. The
development of technology has always been coherent with the fast growth of
humans’ need. Social media becomes one of the types of technology which is mostly
used nowadays, like; Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Youtube and Tiktok. It shapes
the world smaller by connecting people anywhere and anytime. News can be spread
all around the world in a few seconds.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Nowadays, synchronous and asynchronous online learning systems have been
implemented in order to conduct the teaching and learning process. In the
synchronous one, teacher and students will attend the class virtually in a regular
session, but in the asynchronous method students can study a particular learning
material anytime and anywhere through LMS or Google Classroom. These methods
involve both technology and social media.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In relation to the situation above, I can identify some positive influences of
technology and social media on education, they are;
1. Provide students with multiple opportunities to study and broaden their
2. Enlarge students’ chances to find their talents and skills which are useful to
strengthen their personal motivation in learning.
3. Last but not least, help students to achieve the new experience in learning, where
we have to keep moving and enlarge our knowledge by surfing in various digital
learning sources.
On the other hand, the significant usage of technology and social media can
negatively affect students’ academic progress. Various game platforms and
entertainment on social media deliberately decrease students’ ability to focus and
concentrate on our studies. It is essential and important to balance between using
technology and social media and avoiding its negative impacts.
Ladies and gentlemen,
To sum up this speech, both sides between the positive and negative
influences of technology and social media on education are undeniable. They have
brought a great change on the ways students learn and provide abundant access to
the new knowledge. The responsibility in using technology and social media will
enable students to maintain themselves from the negative impact. So, let’s develop
our critical thinking skill to select the good things for us provided on technology and
social media. Never give up, live the technology and social media to get a better
That’s all my speech, thank you for your warm attention. Ya’ahowu.

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