CHRISTIAN REED - The Colonies Become New Nations, Lesson 3 Guided Reading Workbook

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Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

The Colonies Become New Nations

Lesson 3

New Nations in Africa

Key Terms and People
Negritude movement African movement after World War II to celebrate African
culture, heritage, and values
Kwame Nkrumah leader in the Gold Coast independence movement
Jomo Kenyatta nationalist who helped lead Kenya to independence
Ahmed Ben Bella leader of the Algerian National Liberation Front who became
the first president and prime minister of Algeria
Mobutu Sese Seko ruler who took control of the Congo in 1965 and renamed
it Zaire

Before You Read

In the last lesson, you read about the struggle for self-rule in
Southeast Asian colonies.
In this lesson, you will read about new nations in Africa.

As You Read
Use a chart to list problems and reforms that followed independence
in Ghana, Kenya, Zaire, Algeria, and Angola.


Why did independence movements FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM
increase after World War II? What challenges did newly
During World War II, Africans independent nations face?
fought as soldiers along with Europeans. The British gave Africans a greater
After the war, Africans wanted part in the colonial government of its
independence. Many Africans took part Gold Coast colony. Kwame Nkrumah led
in the Negritude movement. The purpose a movement to push Britain to act more
of this movement was to celebrate quickly. The effort succeeded. In 1957,
African culture, heritage, and values. the Gold Coast colony became
1. What was the Negritude movement? independent. The new nation took the
name Ghana.
Nkrumah had big plans for building
the economy of Ghana. But these plans
were very expensive. Opposition grew.
Finally, the army seized power in 1966.
Since then, Ghana has shifted between

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

Lesson 3, continued

civilian and military rulers. There have 2. What problems did the new nations
been many economic problems. In 2000, of Ghana and Kenya face?
there were open elections in Ghana for
the first time, and these have continued.
The strong leadership of nationalist
Jomo Kenyatta helped Kenya achieve
independence in 1963. An uprising of
Africans called Mau Mau also helped. CIVIL WAR IN CONGO AND
Mau Mau aimed at frightening the ANGOLA
British settlers to leave. Kenyatta What happened in the Congo after
became president of the new nation. He independence?
tried to unite the many different people The Congo won its independence
in his country. from Belgium in 1960, but quickly fell
Ethnic conflicts and election disputes into civil war.
have often led to violence in Kenya. In 1965, Mobutu Sese Seko took
After a presidential election in 2007, control. He renamed the country Zaire.
more than 1,000 people were killed. In Zaire had rich mineral resources. But
recent years, an Islamic militant group Mobutu’s harsh and corrupt rule made
called al-Shababb has attacked Kenya. the country poor. He was overthrown in
There have been democratic reforms, a coup in 1997. The country’s name was
however, in Kenya. The current changed back to the Congo. Since then,
president is Uhuru Kenyatta, Jomo there have been elections and a new
Kenyatta’s son. constitution, and even a peace
A bloody conflict for independence agreement among rebel leaders. But
took place in Algeria. About 1 million ethnic fighting and corruption in the
French settlers lived there. They were government also remain.
unwilling to give up their property or The colonies of Portugal were the last
their control of the colonial to gain their independence. After an
government. independence movement broke out in
Violence broke out in 1945 and Angola in the 1960s, Portugal sent in
continued for many years. In 1954, the 50,000 troops. By the 1970s, the heavy
Algerian National Liberation Front, or cost of fighting had created opposition
FLN, announced its intention to fight in Portugal to the war. The Portuguese
for independence. In 1962, the French left Angolia in 1975.
finally granted independence to Algeria. Angolans then fought a long civil war,
Ahmed Ben Bella, a leader of the which ended in 2002. The war left
FLN, was the first prime minister and millions of people homeless and disease
then the first president of Algeria. From killed many others. Since the civil war,
1965 until 1988, Algerians tried to elected governments have worked to
modernize their country. These rebuild the country and keep the peace.
efforts failed. 3. How did Mobutu rule the Congo?
An Islamic party won elections in
1991. But the government rejected the
vote. Fighting between Islamic militants
and the government continues
in Algeria.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

Lesson 3, continued

As you read this lesson, write notes about each African nation.
Describe how each nation gained independence and the reforms and
problems that followed independence.

1. Ghana Nkrumah’s reforms: Problems:

Tactics used by Nkrumah:

2. Kenya Kenyatta’s reforms: Problems:

Tactics used by Mau Mau:

3. Zaire Mobutu’s rule: Problems:

How independence

4. Algeria Ben Bella’s program: Problems:

How independence

5. Angola Causes of civil war: Other problems:

How independence

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

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