CHRISTIAN REED - The Colonies Become New Nations, Lesson 2 Guided Reading Workbook

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Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

The Colonies Become New Nations

Lesson 2

Southeast Asian Nations Gain

Key Terms and People
Ferdinand Marcos leader of the Philippines who was elected but ruled as a
Corazón Aquino woman who defeated Marcos in the elections of 1986
Aung San Suu Kyi daughter of Aung San; winner of Nobel Prize for her fight for
democracy in Burma
Sukarno leader of Indonesian independence movement; first president of
Suharto leader who turned Indonesia into a police state

Before You Read

In the last lesson, you read about independence and conflict in India.
In this lesson, you will read about independence and the challenges
of self-rule in Southeast Asia.

As You Read
Use a chart to organize facts and details about Southeast Asian
countries after independence.

THE PHILIPPINES ACHIEVES From 1966 to 1986, Ferdinand Marcos

INDEPENDENCE led the country. He was elected president
What happened in the Philippines but after a few years ruled as a dictator.
after it gained independence? He then harshly put down dissent and
In 1946, the United States gave the stole millions of dollars from the
Philippines independence. The United country. When he lost an election to
States promised money to help the Corazón Aquino in 1986, he refused to
Filipinos rebuild their economy, leave office. A large public outcry forced
however, the Filipinos had to agree to a him to step down. Aquino’s son,
trade deal. For the next few decades, the Benigno S. Aquino III, later became
United States kept naval and air bases president, in 2010.
on the islands. Many Filipinos wanted For decades, Muslims known as
the bases closed. In 1992, the United Moros have tried to separate from the
States left the bases. government. At times, the Moros have
used violence to achieve their goals.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

Name ______________________________ Class ________________________ Date _____________

Lesson 2, continued

1. Who was Ferdinand Marcos? 2. What happened in Burma after it

gained independence?


Which Southeast Asian British FROM THE DUTCH
colonies won independence? What challenges did Indonesia face?
Burma was the first British colony in Sukarno led an independence
Southeast Asia to become independent. movement in Indonesia while Japan held
Nationalist leader Aung San helped that country. After World War II, he
drive the British out of Burma in 1948. quickly declared an independent
Burma changed its name to Myanmar in Indonesia. The Dutch at first tried to
1989. Since 1962, generals have ruled the regain control over their former colony.
country. Myanmar has been torn by But in 1949 they recognized Indonesia’s
conflict often. Aung San Suu Kyi won independence.
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her Indonesia is spread out. It has 13,600
opposition to this military rule. She has islands and includes people from 300
often been placed under arrest by the different groups that speak 250 different
military government. But in 2012, she languages. It has been difficult for
was elected to a government position. In leaders to unite the nation. In 1967, a
recent years the Myanmar military has general named Suharto took control. He
displaced Rohingya Muslims. Aung San ruled until 1998. Many criticized him for
Suu Kyi has been criticized for not taking over the island of East Timor
doing more to address this issue. and for corruption in his government. In
After World War II, the British the late 1990s Indonesia faced severe
moved back into the Malay Peninsula. economic problems. Sukarno’s daughter,
They tried to form a country there. But Megawati Sukarnoputri, was president
ethnic conflict between Malays and from 2001 to 2004. Since then, the large
Chinese who lived in the area stopped island country has made democratic
them. In 1957, independence was given reforms.
to Malaya, Singapore, and parts of two 3. Why has governing Indonesia proven
distant islands. diffcult?
Singapore later declared
independence as a city-state. Singapore
is one of the busiest ports in the world.
It is also a banking center. Its economy
creates a high standard of living. Today,
the government is trying to make health
care, housing, and education cheaper for
all of its citizens.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

Name _____________________________ Class _______________________ Date ____________

Lesson 2, continued

As you read about Southeast Asia, answer the questions that follow.

1. What was the Bell Act?

a. Why did the Filipinos object to this act? b. Why did they agree to sign it?

2. Why did the United States demand a long lease on its military and naval
bases in the Philippines?

3. Why does the Philippine constitution restrict the president to a single term
of office?

4. What role did each play in recent Burmese history?

a. General Ne Win b. National League for Democracy

5. What is the current political status of these former British colonies?

a. Singapore b. Malaya c. Sarawak and Sabah

6. What factors finally forced Indonesian dictator Suharto to step down?

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Guided Reading Workbook

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