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Factors that may block/limit

the new literacies in

classroom instruction
Lack of teacher training
• Teachers may lack the necessary training
and knowledge to effectively incorporate
new literacies into their instructional
practices. This can result in a reluctance to
adopt new approaches and a continued
reliance on traditional teaching methods.
Digital skills of teachers
•Teachers need to possess adequate
digital competencies to effectively
teach and support e-literacies. Lack of
training or confidence in using digital
tools and platforms can hinder their
ability to integrate e-literacies into their
instructional practices.
Limited access to technology
•Access to technology and digital resources
can be a significant barrier to integrating
new literacies into the classroom. Without
access to devices such as computers or
tablets and a reliable internet connection,
students may miss out on opportunities to
develop digital literacy skills.
Resistance to change
• Teachers worry that incorporating
technology into their teaching will lead to
them being replaced by computers. They
also fear that changes in their teaching style
may be required to use technology
effectively and that they may not have the
training or resources needed to make these
Socioeconomic disparities
•Socioeconomic factors can impact the
incorporation of new literacies. For
example, students from disadvantaged
backgrounds may face limited access to
resources and technology, which can
hinder their exposure and development
of new literacies.
How to integrate new
literacies in classroom
Familiarize yourself with new literacies
• Educators need to understand what new
literacies are and why they are important.
New literacies refer to the skills and
competencies required to navigate and
critically engage with digital technologies
and media. This includes skills such as
digital literacy, media literacy, information
literacy, and critical thinking.
Stay updated on current trends
•Keeping up with the latest
advancements in technology, digital
tools, and media platforms. This will
allow you to better understand the new
literacies your students are engaging
with and incorporate them into your
Provide access to technology
• To make students more aware of technology in
their everyday life, educators can incorporate
technology into their lessons and assignments
and encourage students to use technology to
complete tasks and projects. It can also be
helpful to provide students with opportunities to
explore and experiment with different types of
technology, and to discuss the impact of
technology on society and everyday life.
There are many benefits of technology
literacy in education, including:
• Enhanced learning opportunities
• Improved organizational skills
• Improved communication skills
• Greater creativity and self-expression
• Enhanced problem-solving skills
• Improved coordination and motor skills
• Enhanced memory and concentration
• Increased exposure to different cultures
• Preparedness for the future
Provide ongoing support and
• Foster opportunities for students to reflect
on their use of new literacies and their own
learning processes. This can include
discussing the impact and ethical
implications of digital media, reflecting on
the credibility and bias of different online
sources, or thinking critically about the
effectiveness of their research strategies.
How do you provide feedback to
students on their progress?
• Be as specific as possible
• The sooner the better
• Address the learners advancement toward
a goal
• Present feedback carefully
• Involve learners in the process
Characteristics of a good
Flexible and Adaptable
• Teachers are regularly required to modify lessons,
restructure learning environments, and adjust content
to meet the diverse needs of students. Being able to
adapt to manage the novel and changing situations
that occur in these ever-changing environments is an
important capacity for thriving and effective teachers.
• A good teacher is flexible and adaptable in their
approach to instruction. They can modify their
lessons, activities, and assessments to integrate new
literacies in response to the needs and interests of
their students.
• A good teacher is open to new ideas and is
willing to explore and incorporate new
literacies into their teaching practices. They
embrace change and are open to learning
alongside their students.
• Open-mindedness creates opportunities to
rethink assumptions, identify misinformation,
and consider alternative ways to make
Continuous Learner
• As a teacher, it is our job to educate others.
But as a teacher, We should never stop
learning. The training refreshed not only
my academic skills, but also improved my
understanding of essential life skills. I
learned the importance of goal-setting, time
management, and self-confidence.
Technological Competence
• A good teacher understands that new literacies are constantly
evolving and seeks opportunities for professional development to
stay up-to-date. They are willing to learn new skills, explore new
technologies, and adapt their instructional strategies accordingly.
• Technology cannot be effective in the classroom without teachers
who are knowledgeable about both the technology itself and its
implementation to meet educational goals. While technology use in
the classroom is increasing, improving learning through its
application should remain the goal.
Cultural Competence
• A good teacher recognizes and respects the diverse
backgrounds and experiences of their students. They
incorporate culturally relevant content and perspectives into
their instruction to make new literacies more meaningful and
• Culturally competent teaching and learning demands respect
for others. Every student possesses a unique cultural
background. Experiences based on various traditions, norms,
and values inform ways of knowing and learning. Learning
communities with many ways of knowing and learning benefit
Reflective Practice
• A good teacher engages in reflective practice to evaluate
the effectiveness of their instructional strategies and
make necessary adjustments. They seek feedback from
students, colleagues, and their own self-reflection to
continuously improve their integration of new literacies.
• It allows teachers to adjust and respond to issues. It
helps teachers to become aware of their underlying
beliefs and assumptions about learning and teaching. It
helps teachers promote a positive learning environment.

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