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23/03/2024, 21:35 How much does an abortion cost?

| 1800 My Options


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For information about contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health in Victoria

How much does an abortion cost?

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

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23/03/2024, 21:35 How much does an abortion cost? | 1800 My Options

Like most medical procedures, the cost of an abortion can vary greatly. The things that can
influence the cost of an abortion in Victoria include:

Whether you have a Medicare card, healthcare card or private insurance

Without a Medicare card or private insurance, medical care can be quite costly.
A healthcare/concession or pension card can help you access services at a discount.
What type of abortion you are having – medical or surgical
In general, medical abortions are more affordable than surgical abortions – as there
are more places that can provide it, and there is no anaesthetic fee involved.
How many weeks pregnant you are
In general, the more weeks pregnant you are, the more expensive it will be.
Where you are having the abortion done
In Victoria, abortions can be performed at private abortion clinics, some GP clinics
and some public hospitals. All private clinics will have a cost involved, GP clinics will
vary in price (some may do bulk billing), and public hospitals are free.
Most public hospitals that perform abortions will have some sort of referral
criteria, whether based on your postcode or your circumstances.
Many private clinics can offer additional services such as contraception,
counselling or imaging services as part of their paid packages
For most people with a Medicare card, abortion costs can range from fully bulk-billed (free), to
hundreds of dollars. This can be very confusing and stressful if you are trying to find a service.

If you need help finding a low-cost abortion provider, please contact 1800 My Options directly for
personalised support. We can link you to the lowest cost services that suit your needs.
1800 696 784 – weekdays, 9am – 5pm (

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We provide information on sexual and reproductive health services in Victoria.

The information on this website should not be treated as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice
from a qualified medical practitioner. Please speak to a qualified medical practitioner if you are considering an abortion, or if you have any questions relating
to information provided on this website.

1800 My Options acknowledges and pays our respects to the Traditional Custodians of the land that we are situated on, the peoples of the Kulin Nation. As a
statewide service, we also acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waters across Victoria. We pay our respects to them, their cultures and
their Elders past and present. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded and that we are beneficiaries of stolen land and dispossession, which began
over 200 years ago and continues today.

1800 My Options is a service of Women’s Health Victoria, supported by the Victorian Government.

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23/03/2024, 21:35 How much does an abortion cost? | 1800 My Options


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