Work Immersion

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Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High
School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to
the student's postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed
to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of
specialization to enhance their competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain
relevant and practical industrial skill sunder the guidance of industry experts and
workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their
skills in communications and human relations; and (v)develop good work habits,
attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and
challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.
Academic institutions are faced with challenges particularly on the skills they produced
which do not match the needs of the industry. A significant number of graduates today
are unable to fill the job openings due to job-skill mismatch. A great number of these
skills found lacking by companies are taught in the academe that is, technical, human
resource and conceptual skills. In addition to that, these same skills can also be
reinforced through on-the-job training programs. On-the-job training (OJT) programs
are course requirements providing an opportunity to apply the theories, principles and
ideas learned in the academe under supervision. These training programs expose the
students to work realities which will ideally hone their skills and prepare them once
they get out of the university or college.
A study conducted by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP)
in2006, emphasized the importance of an effective on-the-job training program.
Achievement of the OJT program objectives ensures the possibility of good performer
graduates. The opposite will most likely produce poor performer graduates thus,
promoting job-skill mismatch.
One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners the
competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or
joining the world of work. To achieve greater congruence between basic education and
the nation's development targets, Work Immersion, a required subject has been
incorporated into the curriculum. This subject will provide learners with opportunities:
(i) to become familiar with the work place; (i) for employment simulation; and iii) to
apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic work
As a student who needs to go under work immersion, it is very important to possess
work-related skills and values so that you may practice and internalize working under
real-time processes in your chosen profession. Some of the key values and attributes
that you need to portray are:
Professionalism - school can teach you how be work professionally by providing skills
that you need in a specific work but through work immersion, real-life situations and
stress will bring more experience to a student. Though the company may have a little
expectation from you, still you must possess how a professional should work. You may
learn this through adapting the work culture in that company, the work priorities of
your immediate superiors and top executives of the company. Learn by observing them,
listening well when being instructed, or coping up when unfavorable circumstances
arise. This will boost your morale and develop high sense of professionalism and job
acceptance. As days passes by, you'll notice that there will be changes in the way you
move and work within the department. Some companies offer vacancy slots to their
trainees if they notice above satisfactory performance during the work immersion.
Promptness - this pertains to coming on time, even going before the schedule is
expected from students who go in work immersion. It creates a sense of responsibility
and full acceptance of the job that he has to accomplish. In contrary, those who come
late may find themselves less favored because at some point, they cause delay to the
work production and processes. Being on time is very commendable and given special
recognition after the work immersion.
Accuracy - this pertains to the application of skills learned in classroom. The actual
processes done in workplaces may differ from what is taught in the school so it is very
crucial for the students to learn these alterations and variations. Also, some mentors are
critical if the students really know what they are about to do once they started their
work immersion. It is very important to listen to instructions during the orientation and
ask questions if confused. Proper communication is very important as well. Keep in
mind that work immersion is the best place to apply what you have learned but be
careful not to cause delay in the company's workflow.
1. To become familiar with the work place;
2. For employment simulation;
3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic
work environments,
4. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and the stories learned in
5. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
6. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
7. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.


The K to 12 Basic Education programs' purpose is to discover, improve and develop the
learners Learning Competencies and to guide the learners to pursue their chosen career.
And to develop a better nation. The work immersion is under the K to 12 curriculums. It
gives opportunities to the learners:1. To develop a better communication.2.To adapt a
new environment.. To improve, develop, and apply their competencies.4. To prepare
them for employment. Learners are distributed in different establishments, offices and
Laboratories as their work place for their work immersion/actual job. Through
company's partnership, they are expected to help the learners in their work immersion,
to give them the opportunities, to have or experience perform actual job, for new
learning's. To make the learners 1 Improve their knowledge and skills to be more
productive.2.To develop a good communication and good relationship towards
others.3. To build up work ethics, attitudes, and the value of works. During the work
immersion in Senior High School, the learners develop a good social interaction, that
will help them to build-up and maintain a good relationship towards others, work
immersion gives them a chance to apply what they have learned about their
specialization for their improvement and development of their skill and to increase
their knowledge and for the preparation of employment, for proceeding in the higher
education. The objectives written above was guided by policy to: 1. Create an adaptable
work immersion.2. Give an optional work immersion.3.Provide / give a safe and
comfortable work place.


FEBRUARY 7 , 2024
Marks the first day of our work immersion. On the first day, we are oriented about the
rules and regulations inside together with my co-ABM and CSS. Our schedule was
started at 8:00 am and
12:00 noon to 1:00 pm was our lunch break and we will end at
5:00 pm. 8 hours per day a total of 80 hours in 10 days. After the orientation, we are
assisted to our designated office. We are assigned at the Provincial Environment and
natural resources management Office, me and my classmate Nica Faye and Jonathan.
As we went inside we greeted Good mornings to everyone we met along the way with
a wonderful smile on our faces.
FEBRUARY 8 , 2024
Second day of our Work Immersion. But since we didn't work tomorrow because of
non-working holiday (February 09 2024), it feels like our first day. We arrived at their
facilities at exactly
8:00 am. Been there earlier than the workers at PENRMO
office. As soon as they open the office we wipe the floors in all areas of the office
including the mini kitchen, stored documents and the office of the head. When the head
came in he instructed us and discussed about what is the function of Provincial
Environment And Natural Resources Management Office. We are given a task to help
the workers in their facilities that is put in the plastic in machine and separate the
plastic and no plastic.
At 10:30am our admin visited us. Exactly 12 noon we finished our work and our. We
had first our lunch break at the canteen Went back to the office at 1:00 pm sharp and
continue our work.
We are able to use their machine to put in the plastic. We ended at exactly 5pm, our end
time. So we clean up our sorroundings first before we went out. We wipe the floors and
fix some messy things. And we headed to our home after. So glad and grateful to work
with wonderful and kind people in the office.

FEBRUARY 12, 2024

Every Monday the City Hall of Catbalogan gathers at 8am to have a flag ceremony. So
We arrived earlier than the usual arrival time. We attended the Flag Ceremony and
headed to our designated office after, Continued what we had left last week.
Then we just went back again to our area to work. There are a lot of snacks and heavy
foods in the office and we got a time to have a coffee break daily. It's nice to work with a
full tummy. Sometimes we felt dizzy sitting and putting scotch tapes in a bundles of
papers, but we still managed to sit properly, greeted every visitors who visits the office
and work properly Behaving like a professional worker awakens our soul. So we clean
every mess before we go out in the office.
FEBRUARY 13, 2024
Today was my fourth day of work immersion, Ma’am Ivy assigned us to start solve the
budget required, she taught us on how we do it, he gave us guidelines and ideas about
it. Later on he let us applied all this into our assign jobs. Then after that during lunch I
got to know my co-students from same schools it was fun having a small talk with
them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs,
Aside from work experience, this work immersion allows the trainee or the students
to get acquainted with the real professionals and to meet people having different
positions in the specific environment that we are in, either high or low. We the students
will be able to know how to adjust to other peoples personality and attitudes.

FEBRUARY 14, 2024

Today was my fifth day of work immersion in Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Management Office (PENRMO). As usual we always greet the people in the
office, specially the head. In the morning, we shared so much fun talking about the
dress codes in celebrating the valentine's.
After we've done talking to each other, we continued solving the fixed and cost. Then as
usual during lunch I got to talk to my co-students it was fun having a small talk with
them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs which is
And thankfully at the end of the day we did our assignment very well.
FEBRUARY 15, 2024
Today was my sixth day of work immersion in Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Management Office (PENRMO). As usual we always greet the people in the
office, specially the head. In the morning, before we start our work well gonna watch
some vlogs. After that we continued solving but this time it was variable cost and fixed
cost. Then during lunch time I got to talk to my co-students which is my schoolmates it
was fun having a small talk with them.
Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs which is solving.
And thankfully at the end of the day we did our assignment very well.

FEBRUARY 16, 2024

Today was my seventh day of work immersion in Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Management Office (PENRMO). As usual we always greet the people in the
office, specially the head. In the morning, before we start our work well gonna watch
some vlogs. After that we arrange a project for the meeting to be held. Then during
lunch time I got to talk to my co-students which is my schoolmates it was fun having a
small talk with them.
Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs which is solving.
And after that Sir Jemeias assigned us to edit the certificate that they will give to us,
when the work immersion is done and thankfully at the end of the day we did our
assignment very well.
FEBRUARY 19, 2024
Today was my eight day of work immersion,
Sir Elmo tell us to ready to travel from the main office of PENRMO to Nursery and their
facility , Later on he let us applied all this into our assign jobs. Then after that during
lunch I got to know my co-students from same schools it was fun having a small talk
with them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs and
thankfully at the end of the day we did each of our assignments very well, but before
going home, we attended the flag retreat at the Capitol ground.

FEBRUARY 20, 2024

Today was my ninth day of work immersion in Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Management Office (PENRMO). As usual we always greet the people in the
office, specially the head. In the morning, before we start our work well gonna watch
some vlogs. After that we continued Solving variable and cost fixed. Then during lunch
time I got to talk to my co-students which is my schoolmates it was fun having a small
talk with them .with them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back
to our jobs which is solving. And thankfully at the end of the day we did our
assignment very well.

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

Today was my last day of work immersion in Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Management Office (PENRMO). As usual we always greet the people in the
office, specially the head. In the morning, we shared so much fun talking with each
other. After we've done talking to each other, we continued Solving the variable and
fixed cost. Then as usual during lunch I got to talk to my co-students it was fun having
a small talk with them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to
our jobs which is solving. And thankfully our class adviser visited us, so that our
certificate will be given at the end of the day.
I just want to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation in the Provincial
Environment and Natural Resources Management Office (PENRMO) family who
significantly shared their support and efforts everyday in our work immersion. We
bade each other farewells and they gave us their congratulatory messages, advises, and
good lucks to us as we continue pursuing our best future.


During our work immersion at PENRMO, we had the incredible opportunity to gain
hands-on experience in environmental management and research. We are fortunate to
work with dedicated professionals who are passionate about protecting and conserving
our natural resources.

One of the highlights of our experience was learning about the various environmental
policies and regulations that govern our country. We had the opportunity to study and
understand the importance of these policies in maintaining a sustainable environment
for future generations.

Fieldwork was an important part of our immersion, allowing us to witness firsthand the
impact of human activities on our ecosystems. This experience gave us valuable insights
into the complexity of environmental monitoring and assessment.

above all, our work immersion at PENRMO was a transformative experience. This not
only allowed us to apply what we learned in the classroom to real world situations but
also instilled in our a sense of responsibility for environmental protection. We are
grateful for the opportunity to be a part of PENRMO and will take with us the lessons
and experiences we have gained throughout our career in environmental management.


My work immersion at PENRMO (Provincial Environment and Natural Resources

Management Office) was a transformative experience that provided me with valuable
insights into environmental management. Over the course of my immersion, I had the
opportunity to participate in various activities and work alongside professionals in the
One of the key highlights of my immersion was the hands-on experience I gained. I
actively participated in tree planting activities, conducted site surveys, and assisted in
environmental awareness campaigns. These experiences allowed me to apply my
theoretical knowledge and understand the practical challenges involved in
environmental conservation.
Collaborating with professionals at PENRMO was another significant aspect of my
immersion. Working alongside experts in environmental science, forestry, finance, and
other fields exposed me to a wealth of knowledge and allowed me to learn from their
experiences. They provided guidance, encouraged my active involvement in projects,
and broadened my perspective on environmental management.
During my immersion, I was exposed to various environmental projects managed by
PENRMO. This included reforestation initiatives, eco-tourism projects, and
environmental awareness campaigns. I learned about project planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the
complexities involved in managing environmental initiatives.
Networking opportunities were also a highlight of my immersion. I had the chance to
interact with professionals from other government agencies, NGOs, and community
organizations through meetings, workshops, and events. These networking
opportunities allowed me to build connections, learn from experienced individuals, and
explore potential future collaborations.
On a personal and professional level, my immersion at PENRMO contributed
significantly to my growth. I developed practical skills such as data analysis, report
writing, and financial management. Additionally, I honed my teamwork,
communication, and problem-solving abilities through my interactions with colleagues
and participation in project activities. This experience enhanced my confidence and
prepared me for future challenges in the field of environmental management.
Lastly, my immersion provided me with insight into the environmental challenges
faced by the local community and the efforts being made to address them. I gained a
deeper understanding of issues such as deforestation, waste management, and climate
change adaptation. This firsthand experience has motivated me to continue working
towards sustainable solutions and has reinforced my commitment to environmental
Overall, my work immersion at PENRMO was a rewarding and transformative
experience. It provided me with practical knowledge, skills, and a deeper appreciation
for environmental management. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to
PENRMO's initiatives and for the valuable lessons I learned during my time there.

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