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another from France analyzed meteorites and reached the same conclusion: The final phase of Earth’s

formation, the separation of its metallic core from its silicate-based mantle, occurred about 30 million years
earlier than previously thought.
The ages of more than seventy meteorites have been measured using radiometric dating techniques. The
results show that meteorites, and therefore presumably Earth, formed about 4.5 billion years ago. These
findings also push back the origin of Earth’s moon because most scientists believe that the Moon formed
from material ejected when a Mars-sized planet collided with Earth. The fact that these conclusions about
the age of the Earth were reached by two independent groups of scientists increases the weight of the
76. What strengthens the claim made in this passage about Earth’s age?
A. Earth and meteorites are the same age.
B. Two separate research studies had the same results.
C. Geologists have found Earth’s original rocks.
D. The moon is older than previously thought.
77. What conclusion did the French and German scientists reach?
A. Meteorites have radioactive elements.
B. Plate tectonics does not occur on asteroids.
C. The Earth is older than was believed in the past.
D. The Moon is older than the Earth.
78. According to the passage, what is involved in “radiometric dating techniques”?
A. using radioactivity to restore an object to its original state
B. measuring the radioactive elements in an object
C. calculating how many times Earth’s rocks were recycled
D. subjecting an object to crushing forces
79. How did scientists date the Earth?
A. directly, by analyzing plate tectonics
B. directly, by measuring Earth’s metallic core
C. indirectly, by dating the Earth’s Moon
D. indirectly, by dating meteorites
80. What indicated the last stage in the Earth’s formation?
A. a reduction in the crushing force of plate tectonics
B. the separation of Earth’s core from its mantle
C. a shower of seventy meteorites falling to Earth
D. the collision of a Mars-sized planet with Earth

I. CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the texts below and complete each space with ONE
suitable word.
Passage A
Fallingwater is recognized as one of the most unique and innovative (1) ______ of American architecture of
the 20th century. Designed in 1935 by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, this beautiful house in western
Pennsylvania is actually built over a waterfall. Wright placed the house above the waterfall by anchoring it to
the (2) ______ next to the falls with concrete “trays,” (3) ______ mimic the natural shape of rock ledges. As
a(n) (4) ______, the house appears to be suspended above the waterfall, which cascades underneath it.
Wright took much care in (5) ______ Fallingwater as harmonious with nature as possible by linking the
house to its natural surroundings. He placed large windows on opposite sides of the main rooms so that the
breeze and (6) ______ of the water could flow through the house (7) ______ hindrance. Wright also
proposed covering the building in gold leaf in (8) ______ to imitate the color of dying plants, and thereby
connect the house to the (9) ______ of seasons and the passage of time. Furthermore, he added a
(10)______ of outdoor terraces where people could enjoy the cool air of the wooded valley.
Today, Fallingwater is open to the public with its original setting, furnishings, and artwork
intact. Passage B
Global warming may be threatening one of the world’s most important crops: rice. Increased nighttime
temperatures are associated with significant declines in crop (11) ______, according to a study conducted
by researchers at the International Rice Institute. The researchers analyzed twelve years of rice production
along with twenty-five years of temperature data. This study, a direct measurement of yields produced
under normal field conditions, using (12) ______ that good farmers normally employ, has confirmed
previous simulations and suggests that (13) ______ increases due to global warming will make it
increasingly difficult to feed the Earth’s growing population. Average (14) ______ temperatures, which
increased 0.35 degrees Celsius over the (15) ______ of the study, have little effect on rice production.
However, a strong correlation exists between warmer nighttime temperatures, which have risen an average


of 1.1 degrees, (16) ______ decreasing rice yields. Although the underlying (17) ______ of this relationship
is unknown, researchers speculate that plants work harder to maintain themselves in (18) ______ to the
warmer nights and consequently divert energy from growth. Thus, an average (19) ______ of just one
degree Celsius can (20) ______ in a ten percent reduction in yields. Similar findings have been reported for
corn and soybean yields in the United States.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. They were in search of ______ archaeological remains. (DATE)
2. He always gets ______ aggressive when he’s drunk. (RESTRAIN)
3. The drop in share prices in March was a ______ of the financial crash that followed in June. (RUN)
4. She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse ______. (COMPANY)
5. I really didn't mean to offend her - I just said it ______. (THINK)
6. They were accused of ______ in their treatment of the hostages. (HUMAN)
7. Alcohol is a ______ factor in 10% of all road accidents. (CONTRIBUTE)
8. He had to face up to his own ______ as a father. (ADEQUATE)
9. It was ______ a step in the right direction. (QUESTION)
10. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically ______. (EXIST)

PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate forms from the words given in the box.
One of the most lethal poisons on Earth, ten thousand times more deadly than cyanide, is tetrodotoxin,
more concisely known as TTX. Its potency is well known in East Asia, where it regularly kills (11)______
who have braved the capricious (12) ______ known as puffer fish. This toxin has a (13) ______ method of
operation: twenty-five minutes after (14) ______, it begins to paralyse its victims, leaving the victim fully
aware of what is happening. Death usually results, within hours, from suffocation or heart failure. There is
no known antidote. If lucky patients can (15) ______ the symptoms for twenty-four hours, they usually
recover without further (16)______. It is no ordinary poison. What is strange about its (17) ______ is that it
is found in such a wide range of creatures, from algae to angelfish spanning entire kingdoms of life. It is
rather unlikely that such an unusual toxin evolved (18) ______ in so many unrelated animals. Marine
biologists have discovered that the poison is produced by bacteria living in the gut of its host. The best
explanation is that a symbiotic relationship exists between host and the not (19) ______ guest, where
microbes exchange poison for nutrients, providing a valuable (20) ______ weapon for its host.
III. ERROR CORRECTION: (10PTS) The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify
and correct them.
1 Vitamins are good for our health, aren't they? Perhaps not. New research suggests that rather
than ward off disease, high doses of certain vitamins may make more harm than good and
could even put you in an early grave. Some recent studies suggest that far from improving
health, these vitamins, when taken at very high doses, may actually increase the risks of
5 cancer and a range of debilitating diseases, a discovery that has sent the medicinal world into
a spin. Scientists are unsure as to when vitamins, so essential to health, can be toxic in high
doses. The most likely explanation is that the body is only equipped to deal with the levels
found naturally in the environment. If the intake is too far for the normal range, then the
body's internal chemistry must be shunted out of alignment. What this means is that the
10 commercially sold vitamins and those provided by nature is not always compatible. The
commercial forms may interfere with the body's internal chemistry by “crowding out” the
most natural and beneficial forms of the nutrients. The vitamins obtained in food are also
allied with a host of other substances which may moderate or augment its activity in the
body. The latest advice is to eat a balance diet to ensure you get all the nutrients you need,
15 and if you must take supplements make sure you take the lowest recommended dose and
follow the instructions on the bottle.

IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (20 PTS) Rewrite the following sentences using the words
1. People know more about my novels than the plays I write.
(BETTER) I'm ___________________________________________.
2. The staff hated his new policies intensely and so went on strike. (HATRED) So
intense ______________________________________________.


3. Your attitude to life would be greatly improved by regular exercise.
(WONDERS) Regular exercise would __________________________________.
4. There is someone in the office twenty-four hours a day. (STAFFED)
The office ____________________________________.
5. Do you think her grandmother was offended by what I said? (EXCEPTION) Do
you think ________________________________________?
6. His behavior at the conference gave him the bad reputation he now has.
(CONDUCTED) The way _________________________________________________.
7. Unless we can obtain more information, we can't process your claim.
(FORTHCOMING) Unless further ___________________________________________.
8. Our teacher thinks it would be better to get on as quickly as possible.
(MUCH) Our teacher would prefer us ________________________________.
9. I had to wait for the manager for almost an hour before he would see me.
(BEST) The manager kept ___________________________________________.
10. They remain close friends despite having had many arguments. (FALL)
Frequently as ________________________________________.


Họ và tên thí sinh: ................................................................................................................................
Số báo danh: ........................................................................................................................................


TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN Môn thi: Anh văn - Khối: 11
LÊ HỒNG PHONG Ngày thi: 06/04/2019
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Đề này có 08 trang.

 Thí sinh làm phần trắc nghiệm (MULTIPLE CHOICE) trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm và
 phần tự luận (WRITTEN TEST) trên phiếu trả lời tự luận.
 Trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm, thí sinh tô thêm 2 số 00 vào trước số báo
danh (bằng bút chì).
Phần mã đề thi trên phiếu trắc nghiệm, thí sinh tô vào ô 002.


I. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5PTS): Choose the best options to complete the
following sentences.

1. He has done things he ought not to have done and ______ undone things he ought to have done.
A. leaving B. will leave C. left D. leave
2. The team ______ be the same without him.
A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
3. Suppose she ______ that outrageous story circulating around the office, she'd be furious!
A. has heard B. heard C. would hear D. had heard
4. I'd rather you ______ a noise last night; I couldn't get to sleep.
A. wouldn't make B. didn't make C. hadn't made D. haven't made
5. The teacher has gone home, so you ______ her at the library.
A. can’t have seen B. mustn't have seen C. weren't able to see D. couldn’t see
6. I didn’t get home until well after midnight last night. Otherwise, I ______ your call.
A. returned B. had returned C. would return D. would have returned
7. –“Did the kids enjoy the circus?”
–“Absolutely! The clown got them ______ all the time.”
A. laugh B. to be laughing C. to laugh D. laughing
8. –“Have you heard, Samuel has just been awarded his PhD?"
–“Yes, but intelligent ______ he is, he has no basic common sense."
A. although B. though C. however D. while
9. My sister is left-handed, ______ no one else in our family is.
A. which B. who C. that D. for which
10. ______ they couldn’t have told us all that we were likely to lose our jobs because the business was
failing is beyond me.
A. When B. Why C. How D. Whether

II. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (5 PTS) Choose the best options to complete the
following sentences.

11. I was prepared to back ______ her story because I knew it was the truth.
A. up B. down C. on D. for
12. My brother has a flair ______ languages and can speak more than six.
A. about B. with C. on D. for
13. A local hotel has been found guilty of ______ incidents of food poisoning.
A. holing up B. shutting off C. covering up D. tucking away
14. How would you set ______ teaching a dog to perform tricks?
A. about B. on C. for D. up
15. He was led ______ by her flattery but soon discovered how insincere she was.
A. away B. on C. out D. up
16. We had to queue ______ before we could get into the cinema last night.
A. up B. on C. along D. in


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