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Veni Redemptor Gentium

Matins hymn for Advent 5th. century text. St. Ambrose

2. Non ex virili semine, 3. Alvus tumescit Virginis,

sed mystico spiramine claustrum pudoris permanet,
Verbum Dei factum est caro vexilla virtutum micant,
fructusque ventris floruit. versatur in templo Deus.

4. Procedat e thalamo suo, 5. Aequalis aeterno Patri,

pudoris aula regia, carnis tropaeo cingere,
geminae gigas substantiae infirma nostri corporis
alacris ut currat viam. virtute firmans perpeti.

5. Praesepe iam fulget tuum 7. Sit, Christe, rex piissime,

lumenque nox spirat novum, tibi Patrique gloria
quod nulla nox interpolet cum Spiritu Paraclito,
fideque iugi luceat. in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Nota bene: 1. Note the italicised words in verses 2 & 4 third line requires that the notes to be sung on la (A at pitch)
2. Original text for Nunn Komm Der Heiden Heiland—Saviour of the Nations Come

O COME, Redeemer of the earth, and manifest thy virgin-birth. Let every age in wonder fall: such birth befits the God of all.
Begotten of no human will but of the Spirit, Thou art still the Word of God in flesh arrayed, the promised fruit to man displayed.
The Virgin's womb that burden gained, its virgin honor still unstained. The banners there of virtue glow; God in his temple dwells below.
Proceeding from His chamber free that royal home of purity a giant in twofold substance one, rejoicing now His course to run.
O equal to the Father, Thou! gird on Thy fleshly mantle now; the weakness of our mortal state with deathless might invigorate.
Thy cradle here shall glitter bright, and darkness breathe a newer light where endless faith shall shine serene and twilight never intervene.

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