English Fatwa Curse Prayer

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A mawlana said curse prayer was shirk and that led the brothers in South Africa to
question a mufti and alhamdu lillah the answer is totally positive and now we even
have the exact daleel:
So the simple answer is that in nafl and sunnah salaah you can repeat any ayaat.

Here's mufti salajees view:

Q: Is it permissible to read the same ayaat of the Quran in ones Salaah? E.g. A
person learnt sabak, and wants to make it strong, would it be permissible to read the
same sabak in all four rakaat of Sunnats?

A: The namaz will be valid.

And Allah Ta'ala (‫ )ا تعالى‬knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)


Abu Dhar Ghifaari (RA) narrated that once Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam
performed Salaat (Tahajjud). The whole night in his Salaat he recited a single aayat
until the morning. The aayat is:

"(O Allah!) If You punish them, they are your servants (i.e. You have all the authority
over them). If You forgive them (it is within Your Power), for You are All-powerful and
the One of Wisdom."

(Nisaai and Ibn Majah)

The 'curse salaah' is what we call it but actually it’s tahajjud(8) and witr(3)

In bukhaari:
Volume 2, Book 21, Number 241:
Narrated 'Aisha,
The Prophet (p.b.u.h) used to offer thirteen Rakat of the night prayer and that
included the Witr and two Rakat (Sunna) of the Fajr prayer.
So we are not saying it’s a sunnah to read curse namaaz as we read it, but that it’s a
sunnah to read tahajjud and witr, and that in your tahajjud and witr salaah beg Allah
to help you against the enemies and punish them, by reading
‫ب َوا ْل َع ْن ُه ْم َلعْ ًنا َك ِبيرً ا‬ ِ ‫َر َب َنا آت ِِه ْم ضِ عْ َفي‬
ِ ‫ْن م َِن ا ْل َع َذا‬
Yes the methods we use are mostly from Sunnah but don't forget that ruqyah is not
tawqeefiyah so as long as it doesn't involve shirk or anything opposed to Islam it’s ok,
the 'curse salaah' would fall under that catagory and like the Almighty said: 'seek
(Allah’s) help through patience and salaah'
Allah knows best.

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