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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option.

0 Dad’s really annoyed / annoying with his job at
the moment so he’s in a bad mood.
1 I thought your acting was amazed / amazing.
You could be a professional!
2 Why do you look so depressed / depressing?
What can I do to make things better?
3 These end-of-year test results are very
disappointed / disappointing, Thomas. You must
try harder.
4 This horror film is frightened / frightening. I can’t
watch it any more.
5 Are you excited / exciting about our trip to
Krakow this weekend? I am.
___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the missing

adjective. The first three letters are given.
0 This job is boring. Maybe I should look for
something else.
1 Patrick was very sur___________ when he saw
me with my new hair style.
2 I’m str___________ about this Maths exam.
I hope I do OK.
3 Why do you look so mis___________?
Did something bad happen?
4 Joseph feels anx___________ before he goes
on stage but he always acts well.
5 You must be del___________ with your new
tattoo. It looks really cool.
___ / 5

3 Make adjectives from the verbs in the box

and complete the sentences.

worry relax please interest bore exhaust

0 This book is boring so I’m going to return it to

the library this afternoon.
1 Why are you ___________, John? Is it about
this visit to the dentist?
2 The Natural History Museum in London is
incredibly ___________. I could spend days
there looking at the exhibits.
3 I didn’t sleep at all last night so I’m
___________ this morning.
4 I’m ___________ you’ve decided to come with
us on holiday. It’ll be great fun.
5 This hot bath is very ___________. I feel
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 15

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