Sexual Behavior

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~cmgst ORB’16~
3. Inadequate Personality – a person, who does not fit a particular purpose; one who may see himself as a
loser or as someone who always fail.
4. Manic-Depressive – characterized by alternating accounts of mania and depression.

Human Life Phase

1. Prenatal Life – this is the interval of life between conception and birth; in humans, usually divided into
embryonic and fetal periods.
2. Infancy – this refers to the earliest part of childhood. It is the period from birth through age 1.
3. Toddler Year – this occurs during ages 2 to 3 and is the end of early childhood.
4. Childhood – this takes place from ages 4 to 8.
5. Puberty – the period from ages 9 to 13, which is the beginning of adolescence.
6. Older Adolescence – the stage that takes place between ages 14-18.
7. Adulthood – the period from adolescence to the end of life and begins at age 19.
8. Middleage – The period from adulthood that stretches from 31-50.
9. Senior Years/Old Age – Extend from age 51 until the end of life.

~Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development~

A. Oral stage (0-18 months)
-The infant’s pleasure is believed to center around gratification from using his mouth for sucking and
satisfying hunger. Feeling and activities are focused on and expressed by the mouth and are orally
dominated. Meaning a child can lead to fixation if not handled correctly. Fixation can lead to oral
activities in adulthood.
B. Phallic stage (3-6 years old)
-Increased curiousity regarding genitals, questioning and self-stimulation or masturbation. Focus of
pleasure shifts to the genitals. This is when sexual attraction to the opposite sex begins.
-Boys cope with incestuous feelings toward their mother and rival feelings toward their dad. (Oedipus
-Girls identifies with and tries to mimic the same sex parent to learn gender identity. (Electra Complex)
C. Latent stage (6-12 years old)
- The child realizes that desires directed to the parent of opposite sex are not possible, and become
occupied with socializing with peers, refining roles and relationships.
- Sexuality is repressed (latent means “hidden”).
-Children participates in hobbies, school and same-sex friendships that strengthen their sexual identity.
D. Genital stage (12-20 years old) – adult sexuality
- Develops awareness of body and sexual parts.
-Incestuous sexual feelings re-emerge, but being prohibited by the superego, are redirected towards
others who resemble the person’s opposite sex parent.
- Healthy adults find pleasure in love and work, fixated adults have their energy tied up in earlier stages.

~cmgst ORB’16~
Causes of Deviant Behavior
 The Primary Cause – The main reason of the existence of the disorder.
 The Predisposing Cause – a condition that comes before and paves the way for a possible later occurrence
of disorder under certain conditions.
 The Precipitating Cause – a condition that proves too much for the individual and triggers the disorder.
 The Reinforcing Cause – a condition that tends to maintain maladaptive behavior that is already occuring.
~Different Deviant Sexual Behaviors~
1. Masochism – sexual gratification by inflicting pain on self.
2. Exhibitionism – sexual fulfilment by exposure of private’s organs or entire body.
3. Voyeurism – sexual indulgence seeing nude people (Peeping Tom).
4. Sadism – sexual pleasure by inflicting pain upon the victim.
5. Transvestitism – sexual gratification by cross-dressing.
6. Fetishism – substitution with an inanimate object of human love object (ex. Panty, Bra, Brief)
7. Lesbianism – sexual intercourse between women.
8. Homosexuality – sexual stimulation with the same gender.
9. Incest – sexual intercourse between close relatives.
10. Pedophilia – child molestation by sexual intercourse.
11. Bestiality – sexual gratification with a living animal. (Zoophilia)
12. Necrophilia – sexual intercourse with a dead body or cadaver.
13. Paraphilia – sexual gratification by typically extreme or dangerous activities.
14. Sadomasochism – sexual indulgence by giving or receiving of pleasure through pain or humilitation.
15. Erotomania – a morbid propensity to love or make love; uncontrollable sexual desire by members of either

~General Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse~

1. Disrespect to authorities and violation of school norms, for working adults frequent absences are manifested,
less work output due mainly to lack of concentration with work.
2. Definite and marked changes in personality and behavior, such as unusual emotional flare-ups and animosity
and ill-feelings towards family and friends.
3. Significant change in physical looks and grooming. Drug users are often unable to tidy themselves due to loss
of interest in their appearances. Uncut hair, shabby clothing, and lack of hygiene are common signs seen on
drug dependents.
4. The habit of wearing long sleeved clothing to hide injection marks, and the morbid craving to weak black or
dark-colored clothes.
5. Wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times usually to hide constricted or dilated pupils and unusually big
eye bugs due to altered sleep patterns.
6. Many drug users frequent odd places such as basement, storage rooms, closets and other similar isolated or
close compartments. They begin to develop extreme paranoia becoming suspicious of every person around
7. Association of persons who are known drug pushers.
8. Unusual spending of money, leading to borrowing cash with no apparent sensible reason or need.
9. Fugitive behavior regarding possession at first selling their personal properties, while stealing small items
from home, school or work, later turning to more valuable materials.
10. A drug user always jumps out from reality and always day-dream.
11. Frequent sneezing and rubbing of the nose because of the craving for illegal drugs.
12. Resorting to lying just to gain financial capacity to support his vice of using illegal drugs.

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