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Academic Session __________________ : Planner Number _________________

Week: _________________________ Developed by: _____________________

Date: __________________________ Taught by: ______________________

Subject: English Class: VI Period: 2 (80min)
Unit & Title: 1, Mother to Son Topic: Comprehension Subtopic: Answer the Questions
Lesson Objective (s): The students will be able to comprehend the questions and answer
them in their own words.

Skills Focused on: Understanding the questions, Respond to the questions correctly in their
own words. Communication skills
Resources: White Board, Multimedia
Methodology:- Interactive
(a) Prior Knowledge: (Recap, Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, etc)
Video clip will be shown on the multimedia.
(b) Explanation: (Based on Cross-Curricular Links)
Summary of the poem will be given to the students and the questions will be explained. The
students will be asked to tell the answers in their own words.
(c) Activity: write the answers in the notebooks.
(d) Wrap-up:
All the main points will be revised to assist the students in writing their answers
C.W: Students will write their own answers in the supervision of teacher.
H.W: Revise and learn the answer of the questions.
AFL: The students will be asked to write down a few pieces of advice in the notebook given
by their mothers.
Above average: Share the experience of struggling life of anyone you know.
Slow Learners: Different questions will be asked and the students will share their views.
Critical Evaluation

Date: __________________ Signature: Subject Coordinator/HM _______________?

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