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Tapping into the GOD inside of you

Understand this shit carefully because this is the 60% of Game

The reality you are living in right now is just a culmination of your beliefs

Most of your beliefs are formed by reference experiences your social conditioning
the place you have been born & stuff like that

The beliefs which are baseless & anchoring you down are your limiting beliefs

And they have been not tested for a hell of a lot of time

Over time what has happened is you have accepted them in your reality

You believe that you can walk because you have been doing that thing for almost
every day of your life that it is your fucking reality

So what has happened is

Because of your social conditioning society Music video & dumb movies, you

Have acquired some limiting beliefs about women that are anchoring you down

Here are some of them

1. The shit you see in movies is fake - The scene where they show that the

Girl makes the move or She'll be waiting for you because you are her
soulmate is fucking bullshit

its all lie

She waiting for no one

She'll get fucked by the guy who thinks that he deserves her

And make the move fast that's it

2. I am the savior- Fighting for a girl or thinking that I'll fucking save her
from bad guys or shitis a fucking trap

She'll not like you after you have saved her from the bad guys

There are no bad guys

There are criminals

But the concept of savior in college is bullshit

Girls are well equipped to save themselves

3. Women like guys who have money , six-pack abs , celebrity-like

lifestyle -

Again this is a limiting belief

Superficial traits never matter to them

Like It will rarely happen that someone will reject you based on your looks

If you think that you are not good enough for her because you

are big, fat, small. balding . have grey hair or shit

that thing doesn't fucking matter

If you are the guy with confidence you'll get fucking laid

There might be some girls who can get crazy for money ( gold diggers )

Leave the fuck out of them

These are the most dominant limiting beliefs

Now the thing is

there can be 100s of them

So Here is the recipe

How to Crush your Limiting beliefs

Step 1: Being aware

First, you have to become aware of the fact that

why you believe what you believe

Let's take an example

Suppose you believe that “girls don't like your accent

And because of this, you don't talk to the girls”

Step 2: Identification

You have identified the belief

And in past, you have some experiences which led you to this belief

But now it is stopping you from meeting hot girls

Step 3: Creating a new belief

So the new belief which you want to Imbibe is

" Your accent is the sexiest thing about you & girls get crazy over it "

Step 4: Getting shit loads of references


What you have to do is

Go out talk to 100 girls

( we are taking the worst-case scenario here )

and 1 girl gets crazy over your accent & falls in love with you

Now You will say fuck what the 99 girls said about your accent

And you'll hold on to this 1 reference experience

Because it is helping you out

Step 5 : Repeating it again & again

Keep stacking references of positive beliefs

Until they become your new reality

And keep starving the negative beliefs

Until they don't exist in your reality

This right here is the truest piece of gold you will ever find

Just by this piece of information, you can be whatever the fuck you want

I have used this to be a player

To be a businessmen

I am using it right now

This is the secret of the Fucking Universe

Your task is to take a piece of paper

Write down all of your limiting beliefs

The stuff you belief about yourself

About the world

Why you are the way you are

Every fucking thing


Beliefs that are coming from 0 reference experiences and are limiting you in any

Start starving them

How ?

I gave you the process

By collecting negative reference experiences

I have told you some stuff that only Red Pilled man knows in the limiting belief


Now you ll start seeing them in your reality

Manning the Fuck Up

Creating your new reality

These are some Beliefs which you have to imbibe

How ?

No reading in the morning or writing at night

Just record this complete module in your voice

Play it in a LOOP

And listen to it before you go to sleep

And after you wake up

As you progress through this program you ll use the techniques & develop the
skill of attracting the girls

And you ll build more hardcore refrences of these beleifs

BELIEF #1 I am complete in myself

She might be the last woman on this whole planet

I want her energy but I don't need her

I am happy with myself

I am not needy

I am complete in myself

NO girl can complete me

BELIEF #2 I validate myself

I know who I am

I am self-aware

I don't have to qualify for anything to anyone

BELIEF #3 I believe in Abundance

There is no single girl in this world

I can get any number of girl

If she leaves

She leaves
I can get another one in no fucking time

BELIEF #3 I am on my own

As a Man, I have some needs

and I know at some point in time

I'll be alone with myself

I believe in taking responsibility of myself

BELIEF #4 I am a sexual being

I accept my sexuality

having sex is a life process there is nothing taboo in it

BELIEF #5 I operate with a killer instinct

Once I have acknowledged desire of mine

I act on it with full force

There is no looking back from it

BELIEF #6 I am fulfilled in everything

If my heart is beating right now

there is nothing in this world I can not achieve

We are all equals as human beings

NO one is better than me or no one is worse than me

If it can be achieved by a human

I can do it as well

There is no need to pedestalizing anyone

Now there will be 2 type of people

One who ll think this the Fluffy Duffy stuff

And other who will take action

If you are fucking serious about getting results

DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more thing

For reprogramming your subconscious

For Next 30 days straight

8 HOUR - BE A BADASS! Binaural Affirmations Subconscious Reprogram…

Listen to this while sleeping

Not on speakers

But on earphones

The body Language Manifesto


Eye Contact - A strong contact conveys dominance

It conveys that you have a strong FRAMe

When you Flirt with a girl you have to get into the habit of making a good

Flirty eye contact with her

Being comfortable - A closed body shows nervousness & low confidence

An open body shows high confidence

Always try to take as much space as possible that makes you comfortable

Shoulders back - When you are walking make sure that your chin is up &
Shoulders are back
The stance - whenever you are talking to someone stand at a place where
You can make direct eye contact with them

Smooth movements - When you walk slowly

You scream confidence

You are not in hurry

You are fully complete in yourself

So try to make your movements slow

We ll be covering the body language & touch in great depth in coming module as

The path of becoming congruent

Understand this

The answer never lies in copying something ,The answer always lies in
being it

Initially you have to copy a lot of stuff

-Verbal game lines

-A good body language

-Touching routines

You have to bring it into your conscious awareness

That I am not doing X or Y thing and I have to improve it

After some time

You ll develop your own style your own way of doing things

Thats when

You ll shit from copying to being

This is the path to being Congruent

This is the path to authenticity

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