Spelling Test

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English Year 7

Year 7 Vocabulary List 1

1. aeronautical
of or pertaining to aeronautics

2. elaborate
marked by complexity and richness of detail

3. gorge
a deep ravine, usually with a river running through it

4. attenuate
become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude

5. formidable
extremely impressive in strength or excellence

6. clamber
climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

7. confer

8. trajectory
the path followed by an object moving through space

9. chutzpah
unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity

10. immerse
cause to be submerged

11. conjure
summon into action or bring into existence

12. personnel
group of people willing to obey orders

13. procurement
the act of getting possession of something

14. inventory
a detailed list of all the items in stock

15. disseminate
cause to become widely known

16. fuselage
the central body of an airplane holding crew and passengers
English Year 7

17. nimble
moving quickly and lightly

18. deluge
a heavy rain

19. lucrative
producing a sizeable profit

20. rebuff
a deliberate discourteous act

21. charismatic
possessing an extraordinary ability to attract

22. indefatigable
showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality

23. cranny
a small opening or crevice

24. diminutive
very small

25. sweltering
excessively hot and humid; marked by sweating and faintness

26. restaurateur
the proprietor of a restaurant

27. itinerant
traveling from place to place to work

28. sanctuary
a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept

29. counterpart
a person or thing having the same function as another

30. simultaneously
at the same instant

31. reignite
ignite anew, as of something burning

32. loiter
linger, remain, or wait around for no apparent reason

33. reimbursement
compensation paid for damages or money already spent
English Year 7

34. prioritize
assign a status in order of importance or urgency

35. boom town

a town enjoying sudden prosperity

36. happenstance
an accidental event that seems to have been arranged

37. desegregation
incorporation of a formerly excluded group into a community

38. integrate
make into a whole or make part of a whole

39. explicitly
in a clearly expressed manner

40. exploit
use or manipulate to one's advantage

Year 7 Vocabulary List 2

1. disembark
exit from a ship, vehicle, or aircraft

2. retreated
people who have retreated

3. berth
a place where a sailing vessel can be secured

4. sprint
run very fast, usually for a short distance

5. prefabricate
produce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally

6. multitude
a large indefinite number

7. agitator
a political troublemaker

8. fervently
with strong emotion or zeal

9. provenance
where something originated or was nurtured
English Year 7

10. colonial
relating to a body of people who settle far from home

11. homestead
the house and adjacent grounds occupied by a family

12. endeavor
attempt by employing effort

13. camouflage
an outward semblance misrepresenting the nature of something

14. cumulative
increasing by successive addition

15. percussion
the act of exploding a detonator that explodes when struck

16. smoldering
showing scarcely suppressed anger

17. meritocracy
a social system in which power goes to superior intellects

18. anodyne
capable of relieving pain

19. empowerment
the act of giving authority or legality to

20. menacing
threatening evil or danger

21. pragmatic
concerned with practical matters

22. aloft
at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship

23. fierce
marked by extreme and violent energy

24. contender
the contestant you hope to defeat

25. pledge
a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something

26. offensive
unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
English Year 7

27. bedraggled
limp, untidy, and soiled

28. cower
crouch or curl up

29. skulker
someone waiting in concealment

30. staunch
firm and dependable especially in loyalty

31. equilibrium
a stable situation in which forces cancel one another

32. appraisal
the classification of something with respect to its worth

33. perplexed
full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

34. reconnaissance
the act of scouting, especially to gain information

35. commotion
a disorderly outburst or tumult

36. gregarious
temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others

37. dreary
lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

38. plausible
apparently reasonable, valid, or truthful

39. indignantly
in a manner showing anger at something unjust or wrong

40. inconspicuous
not prominent or readily noticeable

Year 7 Vocabulary List 3

1. afterlife
life after death

2. weaponry
weapons considered collectively
English Year 7

3. potentially
with a possibility of becoming actual

4. ferocious
marked by extreme and violent energy

5. serenity
the absence of mental stress or anxiety

6. waltz
music composed in triple time

7. intensive
characterized by a heightened level or degree

8. fundamental
serving as an essential component

9. aerodynamics
the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases

10. computation
the procedure of calculating

11. rate
a quantity considered as a proportion of another quantity

12. frugal
avoiding waste

13. exploit
use or manipulate to one's advantage

14. propaganda
information that is spread to promote some cause

15. mortify
cause to feel shame

16. subversive
in opposition to an established system or government

17. supersede
take the place or move into the position of

18. corroborate
give evidence for

19. attrition
the act of rubbing together
English Year 7

20. incipient
only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

21. rollicking
given to merry frolicking

22. formula
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement

23. employee
a worker who is hired to perform a job

24. dissertation
a treatise advancing a point of view resulting from research

25. antebellum
belonging to a period before a war

26. unrelenting
not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

27. oscillation
a complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon

28. segregation
the act of keeping apart

29. equalization
the act of making equal or uniform

30. entrepreneur
someone who organizes a business venture

31. constricting
tending to narrow or restrict freedom

32. temptation
the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire

33. intervene
be placed or located between other things

34. propulsion
the act of moving forward

35. acknowledgment
the state or quality of being recognized

36. commotion
a disorderly outburst or tumult
English Year 7

37. irrational
not consistent with or using reason

38. provoke
provide the needed stimulus for

39. terra cotta

a hard unglazed brownish-red earthenware

40. irrepressible

impossible to control

Year 7 Vocabulary List 4

1. intrinsic
belonging to a thing by its very nature

2. antebellum
belonging to a period before a war

3. accommodate
have room for; hold without crowding

4. formula
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement

5. dissertation
a treatise advancing a point of view resulting from research

6. clandestine
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

7. unflappable
not easily perturbed, excited, or upset

8. tutelage
attention and management implying responsibility for safety

9. assiduously
with care and persistence

10. nexus
the means of connection between things linked in series
English Year 7

11. rollicking
given to merry frolicking

12. incipient
only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

13. industry
the action of making of goods and services for sale

14. attrition
the act of rubbing together

15. arcane
requiring secret or mysterious knowledge

16. imperative
requiring attention or action

17. corroborate
give evidence for

18. engineering
applying scientific knowledge to practical problems

19. diatribe
thunderous verbal attack

20. hiatus
an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

21. de facto
existing, whether with lawful authority or not

22. promulgate
state or announce

23. rendition
a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role

24. supersede
take the place or move into the position of

25. subversive
in opposition to an established system or government

26. antithetical
sharply contrasted in character or purpose

27. firebrand
a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
English Year 7

28. mortify
cause to feel shame

29. propaganda
information that is spread to promote some cause

30. pylon
a large steel tower supporting high-tension power lines

31. electrocute
kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair

32. flashback
a transition in a story to an earlier event or scene

33. monotone
an unchanging intonation

34. solemn
dignified and somber in manner or character

35. rehearse
engage in a rehearsal (of)

36. bleak
unpleasantly cold and damp

37. aforesaid
being the one previously mentioned or spoken of

38. lame
disabled in the feet or legs

39. smother
deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

40. ravenous
extremely hungry

Year 7 Vocabulary List 5

1. linchpin
a central cohesive source of support and stability
English Year 7

2. rational
consistent with or based on or using reason

3. forthright
directly and without evasion; not roundabout

4. retrofit
provide with parts not in use in the original manufacture

5. fuselage
the central body of an airplane holding crew and passengers

6. esoteric
understandable only by an enlightened inner circle

7. circumvent
surround so as to force to give up

8. eschew
avoid and stay away from deliberately

9. gambit
a chess move in which the player sacrifices minor pieces

10. incisive
demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

11. contentious
showing an inclination to disagree

12. dote
shower with love; show excessive affection for

13. intently
with strained or eager attention
English Year 7

14. interpretation
the act of expressing something in an artistic performance

15. synecdoche
using part of something to refer to the whole thing

16. moot
of no legal significance, as having been previously decided

17. innate
present at birth but not necessarily hereditary

18. dulcet
pleasing to the ear

19. ineffable
defying expression or description

20. oscillation
a complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon

21. equipoise
equality of distribution

22. affliction
a cause of great suffering and distress

23. dictum
an authoritative declaration

24. fulfillment
the act of consummating something, as a desire or promise

25. sate
fill to contentment
English Year 7

26. decrepit
worn and broken down by hard use

27. intransigent
impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason

28. august
profoundly honored

29. squander
spend thoughtlessly; throw away

30. credential
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

31. behest
an authoritative command or request

32. bequest
a gift of personal property by will

33. dilapidated
in a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration

34. phalanx
any closely ranked crowd of people

35. subjugation
forced submission to control by others

36. belligerent
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

37. umbrage
a feeling of anger caused by being offended
English Year 7

38. weed
any plant that crowds out cultivated plants

39. windfall
a sudden happening that brings good fortune

40. stereotypical
lacking spontaneity or originality or individuality

Year 7 Vocabulary List 6

1. adhere
stick to firmly

2. revolution
a single complete turn

3. obscure
not clearly understood or expressed

4. spectacular
sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect

5. induce
cause to act in a specified manner

6. hurtle
move with or as if with a rushing sound

7. sundown
the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon

8. guardian
a person who cares for persons or property

9. predict
make a guess about what will happen in the future

10. coordinated
dexterous in using more than one set of muscle movements

11. esoteric
understandable only by an enlightened inner circle
English Year 7

12. recommendation
praise of a person or thing as worthy or desirable

13. failure
an act that does not succeed

14. convinced
having a strong belief or conviction

15. exasperated
greatly annoyed; out of patience

16. bounty
the property of being richly abundant or plentiful

17. opulent
rich and superior in quality

18. editorial
an article giving opinions or perspectives

19. occasional
occurring from time to time

20. persistent
stubbornly unyielding

21. betrayal
the quality of aiding an enemy

22. judgment
the act of assessing a person or situation or event

23. determined
having been learned or found especially by investigation

24. attack
an offensive against an enemy

25. ambition
a strong drive for success

26. equation
a mathematical statement that two expressions are the same

27. mediocre
moderate to inferior in quality
English Year 7

28. bureaucracy
a government administered primarily by nonelective officials

29. intercontinental
extending or taking place between or among continents

30. inadequacy
a lack of competence

31. segregation
the act of keeping apart

32. unseasonably
not in accordance with the season

33. launch
propel with force

34. admiration
a feeling of delighted approval and liking

35. humiliation
depriving one of self-esteem

36. successfully
in a manner marked by a favorable outcome

37. achievement
the action of accomplishing something

38. supersonic
greater than the speed of sound in a given medium

39. admonish
scold or reprimand; take to task

40. arguably
as can be shown by a process of logical reasoning

Year 7 Vocabulary List 7

1. scrutinize
examine carefully for accuracy

2. intuition
instinctive knowing, without the use of rational processes
English Year 7

3. aerodynamic
of or relating to aerodynamics

4. humdinger
something or someone of remarkable excellence

5. axle
a shaft on which a wheel rotates

6. whizbang
a small high-velocity shell

7. ingenuity
the power of creative imagination

8. tinker
do random, unplanned work or activities; spend time idly

9. exhort
spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

10. derby
a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim

11. tantamount
being essentially equal to something

12. recruit
cause to assemble or enlist in the military

13. petite
very small

14. embodiment
a concrete representation of an otherwise cloudy concept
English Year 7

15. converge
be adjacent or come together

16. smoldering
showing scarcely suppressed anger

17. incipient
only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

18. advocacy
active support of an idea or cause

19. herd
a group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals

20. alumnus
a person who has received a degree from a school

21. ascendance
the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

22. momentous
of very great significance

23. array
an impressive display or assortment

24. prerequisite
something that is needed or obligatory in advance

25. inaugurate
commence officially

26. suborbital
having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit
English Year 7

27. christen
administer baptism to

28. embolden
give encouragement to

29. skyrocket
shoot up abruptly, like a rocket

30. ballistic
of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum

31. catastrophic
extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin

32. cosmonaut
a person trained to travel in a spacecraft

33. kibosh
the event of something ending

34. affix
attach to

35. doggedly
with obstinate determination

36. plummet
drop sharply

37. rendezvous
a meeting planned at a certain time and place

38. providence
prudence and care exercised in the management of resources
English Year 7

39. labyrinth
complex system of paths in which it is easy to get lost

40. unprecedented
novel; having no earlier occurrence

Vocabulary List 8

1. proclaim
declare formally

2. simulator
machine that models an environment for training or research

3. commemorate
call to remembrance

4. emancipation
freeing someone from the control of another

5. resonance
the characteristic of having a loud deep sound

6. peninsula
a large mass of land projecting into a body of water

7. mesmerizing
attracting and holding interest as if by a spell

8. lectern
desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text

9. contemporaries
all the people living at the same time or of the same age

10. paraprofessional
a trained worker who is not a member of a profession but who assists a professional
English Year 7

11. ambassador
a diplomat of the highest rank

12. parishioner
a member of a parish

13. coalesce
fuse or cause to come together

14. perch
an elevated place serving as a seat

15. roulette
a gambling game in which players bet on which compartment of a revolving wheel a
small ball will come to rest in

16. superimpose
place on top of

17. intolerable
incapable of being put up with

18. sorority
a social club for female undergraduates

19. antique
made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age

20. nomadic

21. plunge
dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity

22. predatory
living by preying on other animals
English Year 7

23. idealism
belief that the best possible concepts should be pursued

24. zenith
the highest point of something

25. legislator
someone who makes or enacts laws

26. rupture
the act of making a sudden noisy break

27. nuance
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

28. effusive
uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm

29. lieutenant
a commissioned military officer

30. triumph
a successful ending of a struggle or contest

31. vulnerability
the state of being exposed

32. discernible
perceptible by the senses or intellect

33. serendipitous
lucky in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries

34. citation
an official award usually given as formal public statement
English Year 7

35. honorary
given as an award without the normal duties

36. inkling
a slight suggestion or vague understanding

37. co-author
be a co-author on (a book, a paper)

38. pericynthion
the point at which a spacecraft launched from earth into a lunar orbit is nearest the

39. coauthor
a writer who collaborates with others in writing something

40. janitress
a woman who is a janitor.

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