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KEBS 2021‐08‐24


KS EN 1991


by Muthomi Munyua

University of Nairobi

August 2021

EN 1990 gives guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability,
durability and quality control. It is based on the limit state concept
and used in conjunction with the partial factor method.

EN 1990 is used with every Eurocode for the design of new structures.

KS EN 1990(Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design) is the head key

code for the harmonised Structural Eurocodes. 1
KEBS 2021‐08‐24

KS EN 1990(Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design) is the head key
code for the harmonised Structural Eurocodes.

KS EN 1991-1-1:

This is different to the

current BS system.
BS 8110
BS 5950
BS 5268

KS EN 1991-1

by Muthomi Munyua 2
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EN 1991 (Eurocode 1) provides comprehensive information and

guidance on all actions that is normally necessary to consider in the
design of buildings and civil engineering works.
The EU initiated the preparation of EN 1991 in 1985. All parts have the
UK National Annexes.
EN 1991 comprises of 10 parts.
EN 1991-1-1: Densities, self-weight and imposed loads
EN 1991-1-2: Actions on structures exposed to fire
EN 1991-1-3: Snow loads
EN 1991-1-4: Wind actions
EN 1991-1-5: Thermal actions
EN 1991-1-6: Actions during execution
EN 1991-1-7: Accidental actions due to impact and explosions
EN 1991-2: Traffic loads on bridges
EN 1991-3: Actions induced by cranes and machinery
EN 1991-4: Actions in silos and tanks
24 August 2021 5

Definition of actions in EN 1990

In EN 1990 and EN 1991, actions are classified by their:

a. Variation in time – permanent, variable or accidental
b. Origin – direct or indirect
c. Spatial variation – fixed or free
d. Nature or structural response – static or dynamic

The table below shows the classification of actions with regard to

variation in time.

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Definition of actions in EN 1990

The self-weight of a structure can be represented by a single

characteristic value (Gk), provided the variability of G is small, and it
can be calculated on the basis of the nominal dimensions and the
mean unit mass.

24 August 2021 7

Representative values

A variable action has the following representative values

a. Characteristic value, Qk.
b. The combination value 0 Qk
c. Frequent value 1 Qk
d. Quasi-permanent value 2 Qk

The combination value 0 Qk takes account of the reduced probability

of simultaneous occurrence of the most unfavourable values of several
independent variable actions. It is used for the verification of ultimate
limit states and irreversible serviceability limit states.
The frequent 1 Qk is used for the verification of ultimate limit states
involving accidental actions and reversible limit states.
The quasi-permanent value 2 Qk is also used for ultimate limit state
verification involving accidental actions and for reversible
serviceability limit states.

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Factors for buildings

Information on combining Actions for particular design situations

is given on EN 1990 for both ultimate and serviceability limit

24 August 2021 9

KS EN 1991-1-1 Eurocode 1: Part 1.1: Densities,

self-weight and imposed load

by Muthomi Munyua 5
KEBS 2021‐08‐24

Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-1 covers the assessment of actions for use in structural

design due to:
a. The density of construction materials and stored materials.
b. The self-weight of structural elements and whole structures and
some fixed non-structural items.
c. Imposed loads on floors and roofs of buildings (but excluding

24 August 2021 11

Densities of construction and stored


Nominal densities of materials can be treated as the characteristic

values when determining self-weights.
The guidance in EN 1991-1-1 on densities is generally similar to that
contained in BS 648 which was withdrawn.

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Self-weight of structural elements

Methods are provided for assessing the self-weight of construction

elements in buildings, e.g. floors, walls, partitions, roofs, cladding,
finishes and fixed services.
As in BS 6399-1, loads due to movable partitions are treated as
imposed loads but in a slightly different way as there is no minimum
load on floors for offices.
Provided that a floor allows a lateral distribution of loads, the self-
weight of movable partitions may be taken into account by a uniformly
distributed load, qk which should be added to the imposed loads of
floors. The defined uniformly distributed load is dependent on the self-
weight of the partitions as follows:
<1.0kN/m qk = 0.5kN/m2
<2.0kN/m qk = 0.8kN/m2
<3.0kN/m qk = 1.2kN/m2

24 August 2021 13

Self-weight of structural elements

Traffic and Railway bridges,

The determination of the self-weight of construction elements
including coating, services and other non-structural elements is also

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Imposed loads on buildings

Table 4 of EN 1991-1-1 gives characteristic values of loads for floor

and roofs for the following categories of occupancy and use:
a. residential, social, commercial and administration areas
b. Garage and vehicle traffic
c. Areas for storage and industrial activities including actions induced
by forklifts and other transport vehicles.
d. Roofs
e. Helicopter landing areas.
f. Barriers and walls having function of barrier.
A reduction factor alpha a may be applied to the qk values for imposed
loads given in EN 1991-1-1 for floors, and accessible roofs for
maintenance purposes alpha A is a function of phi nought and the floor
area A.

24 August 2021 15

Imposed loads on buildings

Load reduction
Additionally, provided that the area is classified according to EN 1991-
1-1 6.1 into the categories of residential, social, commercial and
administration areas (Categories A to D) as described in Table 4 of EN
1991-1-1) for columns and walls the total imposed loads from several
storeys may be multiplied by the reduction factor alpha n (where
alpha n is a function of phi nought and the number of stories n)
The UK NA does not allow the use of these reduction factors and
specifies the use of the reduction factors in BS 6399-1.

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Implications for practice in the UK and


The scope of EN 1991-1-1 is greater that for the appropriate UK

national codes (BS 6399-1 and BS 648).
There remain some topic (e.g. vertical loads on parapets and values
for actions for storage and industrial use) which are not covered as
comprehensively in BS EN 1991-1-1 when compared to BS 6399 and
these topics feature in a non-contradictory complementary
information in PD 6688-1-1, which will also provide background
Most of the characteristic values for imposed loads are given in
ranges, with a value recommended within the range, and the UK
national annex generally specifies the values given in BS 6399-1. EN
1991-1-1 used together with the national annex will not alter the
current practice in the UK.

24 August 2021 17

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24 August 2021 19


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-2 Actions on structures exposed to fire

by Muthomi Munyua
University of Nairobi

August 2021 10
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Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-2 covers the actions to be used in the structural design of

buildings and civil engineering works where they are required to give
adequate performance in fire exposure.

It is intended that EN 1991-1-2 is used with EN 1990 and with Parts

on structural fire design in Eurocodes 2 to 6 and 9. For fire design, fire
actions are the dominant action.
EN 1991-1-2 provides general guidance and actions for the structural
design of buildings exposed to fire.

The parts 1-2 of material Eurocodes EN 1992 to EN 1996 and EN 1999

that deal with passive fire protection of construction works made of
different materials represent an extension of the basic document EN

24 August 2021 23

Scope and field of application

Essentially the objective is to limit risk to life from fire by meeting the
following performance requirements of the structure:
a. To maintain load bearing function during the relevant fire exposure
b. To meet deformation criteria where the separating or protecting
function of the construction may be impaired by structural
deformation in the fire.
c. To maintain separating function i.e. no integrity or insulation
failure during the relevant fire exposure where fire
compartmentalisation is required.

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It is expected that the construction works must be built and designed in such a
way that in the event of fire outbreak: -
• The load bearing resistance of the construction can be assumed for a specified
period of time
• The generation and the spread of fire and smoke within the works are limited
• The spread of fire to the neighbouring construction works is limited
• The occupants can leave the works or can be rescued through other means
• The safety of rescue teams is taken into consideration

The structural Eurocodes deal with passive fire protection. This involves
designing structures and parts for adequate load bearing resistance and limiting
fire spread as relevant

National fire guidelines are very important to consider too as they form the basis
of the anticipated fire tolerances considered in the design. The national
regulation would guide on the nominal fire resistance rating or involvement of
fire safety engineering to assess passive and active measures.


Basis of Design – Fire safe buildings

Principle 1 Fire Resistance

The fire resistance of elements of structure (beam, columns, floors, etc) is
traditionally expressed in terms of exposure in a standard fire test.
For example, structural elements within a building are expected to have a fire
resistance of 60 minutes to comply with the building regulations.

Principle 2 Safety
The risk to life safety of occupants, firefighter and others in the vicinity of the
building shall be no greater than that implied by the building regulations.

Principle 3: Limitation of fire spread

On the floor exposed to fire, excessive structural deformation shall not cause
failure of compartmentation.

Principle 4: Limitation of structure damage

In buildings of more than two storeys, damage shall be confined to the
affected floor 13
KEBS 2021‐08‐24

Structural fire design procedure

A structural fire design analysis should take into account the following steps
as relevant:
• Selection of the relevant design fire scenario;
• Determination of the corresponding design fires;
• Calculation of temperature evolution with the structural members;
• Calculation of the mechanical behaviour of the structure exposed to fire.


Parametric and standard temperature time curves

Source: Newman G. M., Robinson J.T., Bailey C.G. SCI Publication P288 Fire Safe Design: A New Approach to Multi‐storey Framed Buildings
(2nd ed.) The Steel Construction Institution. 28 14
KEBS 2021‐08‐24

Thermal actions for temperature analysis

Standard Temperature-Time curve

ϴg= 20 + 345 log10 (8t + 1) (ºC)

ϴg is the gas temperature in the fire compartment (ºC)
t is the time (min).

KS EN 1991‐1‐2 Actions on structures exposed to fire 29

Compartment fire

Gas temperatures should be determined on the basis of physical

parameters at least the fire load density and the ventilation conditions.
Fire load densities can be obtained from Annex E of EN1990.
A parametric fire is defined in EN1991-1-2. The code defines the
compartment temperature in terms of:
• The compartment size  Compartment length, width and height;
• The height and area of windows  Window height, length and
percentage open window;
• The fire load density and combustion factor  The rate of burning

KS EN 1991‐1‐2 Actions on structures exposed to fire 30 15
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Design process


Simplified design rules

The fire load density used in calculations should be a design value based on
measurements or on fire resistance requirements given by national

Efi,d= ƞfiEd

Ed are the effects at ambient temperature

ƞfi is the reduction factor from the fire parts of the material standard
The reduction factor ƞfi for load combination (6.10) in EN 1990 should be
taken as
, ,
Slightly different equations if 6.10a and 6.10b had been used
Ψfi = Ψ1,1 or Ψ2,1 (back in EN 1991-1-2)
UK NA: Ψfi = Ψ1 in Table A1.1

32 16
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Combination rules for actions

For obtaining the relevant effects of actions Efi,d,t during fire

exposure the mechanical actions are combined in accordance to
EN 1990 for accidental design situation where the representative
value of the variable action Q1 may be considered as the quasi-
permanent value Ψ2,1Q1 or as an alternative the frequent value

The use of quasi-permanent value ψ2,1 Q1 or the frequent value

ψ1,1 Q1 may be specified in the national annex. The use of ψ2,1
Q1 is recommended.


National Building Regulations 2015 – Kenya

Requirements for fire resistance, Volume 5: Part S

Stability, minutes
Class of
Occupancy Single storey Double storey 3 -10 storey 11-storey Basement in
building building building Building and any building
Entertainment and A1 30 60 120 120 120
public assembly
Theatrical and indoor A 2, 30 60 120 120 120
Places of instruction A3, 30 30 90 120 120
Worship A4, 30 60 90 120 120
Outdoor sport A5 30 30 60 90
High risk commercial B1 60 60 120 180 120
Moderate risk B2 30 60 120 120 120
commercial service
Low risk commercial B3 30 30 90 120 120
Exhibition hall C1 60 90 120 120 120
Museum C2 30 60 90 120 120
High risk industrial D1 60 90 120 180 240

34 17
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National Building Regulations 2015 – Kenya

Requirements for fire resistance, Volume 5: Part S

Stability, minutes
Class of
Occupancy Single storey Double storey 3 -10 storey 11-storey Basement in
building building building Building and over any building
Moderate risk industrial D2 30 60 90 120 180

Low risk industrial D3 30 30 60 120 120

Plant room D4 30 30 60 90 120

Places of detention E1 60 60 90 120 120

Hospital E2 60 90 120 180 120

Other institutional E3 60 60 120 180 120
large shop F1 60 90 120 180 120

Small shop F2 30 60 120 180 120

Wholesalers’ store F3 30 90 120 120 120

Offices G1 30 30 60 120 120


National Building Regulations 2015 – Kenya

Requirements for fire resistance, Volume 5: Part S

Stability, minutes
Class of
Occupancy Single storey Double storey 3 -10 storey 11-storey Basement in
building building building Building and any building
Hotel Dormitory H1 30 30 90 120 120

Domestic residence H2 & H3 30 30 90 120 120

Detached dwelling H4 30 30 90 N/A 120
High risk storage J1 60 90 120 180 240
Moderate risk J2 30 60 90 120 180
Low risk storage J3 30 30 90 90 120
Parking garage J4 30 30 60 90 120

NOTE: N/A = Not Applicable

36 18
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Steel Beam Example exposed to Fire

by Muthomi Munyua

University of Nairobi

August 2021


Worked Example

38 19
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Worked Example


Worked Example

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Worked Example


Worked Example

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Worked Example



1. KS EN 1991-1-2:2002- General Actions- Actions on structures exposed to Fire, Nairobi: KEBS,


2. Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the design of building structures to Eurocode 1
and basis of Structural Design, London: IstructE, 2010

3. Government of Kenya, National Planning Regulations 2015 – Government Press, Kenya

4. Newman G. M., Robinson J.T., Bailey C.G. SCI Publication P288 Fire Safe Design: A New
Approach to Multi-storey Framed Buildings (2nd ed.) The Steel Construction Institution

5. ISO 1716:2002, Reaction to fire tests for building products – Determination of the heat of

6. EN 1363-2, Fire resistance tests – part 2: Alternative and additional procedures.

44 22
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Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-3 Snow load

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021

Not a normal load in Kenya

24 August 2021 46 23
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Scope and field of application

24 August 2021 47

Case for Snow Loads in Kenya

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Scope and field of application

24 August 2021 49

Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-3 provides guidance for the calculation of:

1. Snow loads on roofs which occur in calm or windy conditions
2. Loads on roofs which occur where there are obstructions, and by
snow sliding down a pitched roof onto snow guards
3. Loads due to overhanging the cantilevered edge of a roof
4. Snow loads on bridges

Consider using this code when covering Hail.

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Case for Snow Loads in Kenya

24 August 2021 51

Counties with significant hail

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Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-4 Wind actions

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021

Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-4 is applicable to:

1. Building and civil engineering works with heights up to 200m
2. Bridges with spans of not more than 200m (subject to certain
limitations based on dynamic response criteria)
3. Land-based structures, their components and appendage

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Specific exclusions

EN 1991-1-4 is not applicable to:

1. Lattice towers with non-parallel chords
2. Guyed masts and guyed chimneys
3. Cable supported bridges
4. Bridge deck vibration from transverse wind turbulence
5. Torsional vibrations of buildings
6. Modes of vibration higher that the fundamental mode

24 August 2021 55

Modelling wind actions

The nature of wind actions is that they fluctuate with time and act
indirectly as pressures on external surfaces of enclosed structures and
because of the porosity of the external surface, also act indirectly on
internal surface of open structures.

A wind action is represented by a simplified set of pressures or forces

whose effects are equivalent to the extreme effects of the turbulent

The wind actions calculated are characteristic values. They are

determined from the basic values of wind velocity or the velocity
pressure. The basic values are characteristic values having annual
probabilities of exceedance of 0.02, which is equivalent to a mean
return period of 50 years

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Modelling wind actions

Effect of wind on the structure depends on the size, shape and

dynamic properties of the structure.

The response of the structures is calculated from the peak velocity

pressure qp at the reference height in the undisturbed wind field, the
force and pressure coefficient and the structural factor

Peak velocity pressure depends on the wind climate, the terrain

roughness , orography and reference height

24 August 2021 57

Terrain Categories

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Terrain Categories

24 August 2021 59

Terrain Categories

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Terrain Categories

24 August 2021 61

Fundamental value of basic wind velocity

The fundamental value of the basic wind velocity Vb,0 is the

characteristic 10 minute wind velocity, irrespective of wind direction
and time of year at 10m above ground level in open country.

UK NA provides a map on this basis. In Kenya, there is a table of wind

speed in use.

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Wind velocity and velocity pressures

The basic wind velocity shall be calculated from the expression below:

24 August 2021 63

Mean wind speed

The mean wind velocity at a height z above the terrain depends on the
terrain roughness and orography and on the basic wind velocity, vb
and is determined from the expression below:

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Ground roughness

The roughness factor accounts for the variability of the mean wind
velocity at the site of the structure due to:
1. Height above ground level
2. The ground roughness of the terrain upwind of the structure in the
wind direction considered.

3. The determination of cr(z) is dependent upon:

The roughness length and the minimum height defined previously for
the particular terrain

There are three terrain categories in the UK NA. This should be

avoided in Kenya, instead use the EC recommendations

24 August 2021 65

Terrain orography

Where orography increases wind velocities by more than 5%, the

effects should be taken into account using the orography factor.

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Wind action on bridges

Clause 8 covers wind actions on bridges and the limitations are:

Field of application – span length<200m, height above ground<200m

Road and rail bridges <40m span

Only applies to single decks (but multiple spans)

Simplified procedure for force in x-direction

24 August 2021 67

Implications for practice in the UK and Kenya

The scope of EN 1991-1-4 is much wider than BS 6399-2 as in includes

wind actions on other structures

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Design Example

Storage silo

24 August 2021 69


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-5 Thermal Actions

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 Eng Kitema

(Bridge Module) 35
KEBS 2021‐08‐24

Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-5 gives principles, rules and methods of calculating thermal

actions on buildings, bridges and other structures including their
structural components

Characteristic values of thermal actions are provided for the design of

structures which are exposed to daily and seasonal climatic changes.

Structures in which thermal actions are mainly a function of their use

(e.g. chimneys, cooling towers, silos, tanks, warm and cold storage

The characteristic values of isotherms of national minimum and

maximum shade air temperatures are provided in the form of maps or
in other forms in the national annexes

24 August 2021 71

Temperature changes in bridges

EN 1991-1-5 treats temperature changes in bridges in very much more

detail than in buildings.

It groups bridge superstructures into three groups:

1. Steel deck on steel box, truss or plate girders
2. Concrete deck on steel box, truss or plate girders
3. Concrete lab or concrete deck on concrete beams or box girders

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Implications for practice in the UK and Kenya

The guidance in this part relating to building structures is not covered

in UK loading standards.
The guidance in EN 1991-1-5 and the UK national annex is similar to
current practice

Very important for bridges and not usually applied in Buildings.

Even in steel, thermal actions are not considered in portal frames

unless the span exceeds 140m.

Expansion joints

24 August 2021 73

UK NA minimum isotherms

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UK NA maximum isotherms

From KMD

24 August 2021 75


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-6 Actions during Execution

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 38
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Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-6 covers assessment of actions, combinations of actions

and environmental influences during execution stage, including those
actions applied to auxiliary construction works e.g. scaffolding,
propping and bracing, for use in structural design of buildings and
The safety of people on construction sites is not within the scope of EN

24 August 2021 77

Design situations during executions

EN 1991-1-6 gives guidance on identification of transient design

EN 1991-1-6 requires that any selected transient design situation be
associated with ‘a nominal duration equal to, or greater than, the
anticipated duration of the stage of execution under consideration.’
Other ultimate limit state design situation e.g accidental and seismic
situations need to be considered.
Serviceability limit states for the selected design situations during
execution need to be verified, as appropriate, in accordance with EN
The need to consider seismic actions is described. Accidental actions
for buildings and bridges which may lead to collapse or damage during
execution are described and need to check the relevant limit state is

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Representation of actions

Actions during execution are classified in accordance with EN 1990

and may include:
Those actions that are not construction loads; and
Construction loads

Approaches for taking construction loads into account:

Site visitors and personnel with hand tools
Non-permanent equipment
Storage movable items
Movable heavy machinery and equipment (e.g. cranes)
Accumulation of waste materials
Loads from parts of a structure in temporary states

24 August 2021 79


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 1-7 Accidental actions due to Impact and


by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 40
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Cooperative Building

24 August 2021 81

Ronan Point UK

24 August 2021 82 41
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Car accident

24 August 2021 83

Accidental actions on the under side of bridge

24 August 2021 84 42
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Debris impacting a bridge

Eng Kitema
(Bridge Module)
24 August 2021 85

Scope and field of application

EN 1991-1-7 describes safety strategies for accidental design

situations. It recommends design values for the most common cases
of accidental actions from impact and explosion

It gives design models and also details provisions which may be used
as alternatives to design verifications. It also provides more advanced
impact and explosion design concepts

External explosion, warfare or malicious damage, or natural

phenomena such as tornadoes, extreme erosion or rock falls, are not
in the scope of EN 1991-7

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Underlying philosophy

The selected accidental design situations should be sufficiently severe

and varied so as to encompass all conditions which can be reasonably

Accidental actions are required to be taken into account, depending

1. Possible consequences of damage;
2. The probability of occurrence of the initiating event
3. The provisions of preventing or reducing the hazard and the
exposure of the structure to the hazard.
4. Acceptable level of risk.

24 August 2021 87

Design situations

EN 1991-1-7 recognises that no structure can be expected to resist all

action arising from an extreme cause and that residual risk will be
present in practice.
It requires than no structure can be expected to resist all actions
arising from an extreme cause and that residual risk will be present in
practice. It requires there to be a reasonable probability that the
structure will not be damaged to an extent of disproportionate to the
original cause. Localized damage due to an accidental action may be

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Design situations

EN 1991-1-7 recommends two strategies to be considered for

accidental design situations:
1. Strategies based on identified accidental action e.g. some
explosions and impact
2. Strategies based on limiting the extent of localized failure

Three categories.
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3

24 August 2021 89

Accidental actions due to impact

Impact actions are defined and collision forces given for:

1. Impact from vehicles on walls of buildings and supporting
2. Impact from vehicles on the underside of buildings.
3. Impact from fork lift trucks
4. Impact from derailed trains
5. Hard landings by helicopters on roofs

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Implications for practice in the UK and Kenya

EN 1991-1-7 covers accidental actions arising from gas explosions in


Accidental actions are covered in BS 6399-1 and BS 5400. EN 1991-1-7

comprehensively covers the topic of accidental actions in one

PD 6688-1-7, which will give background information to the national


24 August 2021 91

Accidental actions due to explosions

EN 1991-1-7 covers accidental actions arising from gas explosions in


Category 1 no specific consideration

Category 2 and 3, requires that the structure is designed to resist the

accidental actions either using simplified analysis for key elements
based upon equivalent static load models.

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24 August 2021 93

Class 1

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Class 1

24 August 2021 95

Class 2a

24 August 2021 96 48
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Class 2b

24 August 2021 97

Class 2b

24 August 2021 98 49
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Class 3

24 August 2021 99

Class 3

24 August 2021 100 50
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Class 1

24 August 2021 101

Class 2a (Lower Risk)

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Class 2a (Higher Risk)

24 August 2021 103

Class 3

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Shear and tying Resistance of Connections

24 August 2021 105


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 2 Traffic loads on bridges

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 53
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Scope and field of application

EN 1991-2 specifies imposed loads (models and representative values)

associated with traffic, pedestrian actions and rail traffic which
include, when relevant, dynamic effects and centrifugal, braking,
acceleration and accidental forces.

24 August 2021 107


Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 3 Actions induced by cranes and machinery

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 54
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Scope and field of application

EN 1991-3 specifies actions, self-weights and imposed loads (models

and representative values) associated with hoists, crabs and cranes on
runway beams and static and dynamic actions induced in supporting
structures by machinery

24 August 2021 109

Actions induced by cranes

Categorised into two categories:

Underslung trolleys on runways
Overhead travelling cranes

Compatible with provisions of EN 13001-1 to facilitate the exchange of

data with crane suppliers.

Guidance for the determination of the following load arrangements is

1. Vertical loads from load of rails
2. Horizontal loads from rails.
3. Vertical loads from overhead travelling cranes
4. Horizontal load from overhead travelling cranes
5. Multiple crane action

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Actions induced by machinery

Actions included by machinery are classified as permanent, variable

and accidental.

Permanent actions during service include the self-weight of all fixed

and movable parts and static actions from service.

Variable actions from machinery during normal service are dynamic

actions caused by accelerating masses

Accidental actions – accidental magnification of the eccentricity of

masses, lack of synchronisation between generators and machines
impact effects from pipes on shutting down.

24 August 2021 112 56
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Design for actions induced by cranes and


by Sedlacek, G., Schneider, R. & Schafer, N.

August 2021


Actions induced by machinery‐
24 August 2021 114 57
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Eurocode 1: Action on Structures

Part 4 Actions in silos and tanks

by Muthomi Munyua

August 2021 58
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Scope and field of application

EN 1991-4 gives general principles and rules for determining actions

arising from the storage of bulk materials and liquids in silos and tank.

Limited to:
1. Silos with limited eccentricity of inlet and outlet, with small impact
effects caused by filling, and with discharge devices which do not
cause shock or eccentricities beyond the given limitation
2. Silos containing particulate materials which are free-flowing and
have a low cohesion
3. Silos containing particulate materials which are free-flowing and
have a low cohesion
4. Tanks with liquids stored at normal atmospheric pressure.

24 August 2021 117


The classical Janssen theory for filling was adopted as a basis.

For discharge and special cases, empirical parameters were used.

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Design situations

The classical Janssen theory for filling was adopted as a basis.

The theory of Janssen was rapidly found to give quite a good

representation of the pressures in a silo after it was filled.

For discharge and special cases, empirical parameters were used.

24 August 2021 119


EN 1991 gives comprehensive information all actions that should

normally be considered in the design of building and civil engineering

It is intended primarily for use with the material Eurocodes and

Geotechnical and Seismic Design for structural design and verification
on the basis of the overall design principles for limit state design given
in EN 1990.

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